My baby boy is due in the winter and I’m really nervous about it. I have a toddler that’s always picking up bugs and getting us all sick. How do you protect your newborn during their most vulnerable phase?
Breast feed, (your immunities pass to baby)wash hands, keep visitors & outings to a minimum, during early months. Don’t stress too much as this is the way life goes!
It’s really hard, unfortunately not much you can do besides isolate the family. Limit visitors and lots of hand sanitizer. I had my son in last november and somehow he didn’t get sick even when his siblings did. My dr said it was due to me breastfeeding but I also made my older kids wash their hands consistently after school before playing with him.
Make sure to wash hands n toddlers hands frequently. Keep from going out a lot in public. Don’t stress to much life happens.
Getting mildly sick will help build up their immune system
Unfortunately, other than breastfeeding, and cleaning touched surfaces and all there isn’t anything you can do.
I have an 8 year old, 3 year old and 10 month old, this past winter with my toddler in preschool for her first year, we were all sick constantly
Praying for your sanity, and hoping you all don’t get sick this flu season.
For my infant what I did/do is no one is allowed in her face or to touch her hands, face or feet, not even her siblings (they are in school and are always getting strep and all kinds of other nasty bugs.) keeping everything clean, absolutely no one kisses her besides myself and her father, I do breastfeed and that will help some too. But personal space is super important. Keep people out of your babies face.
You can’t prevent it. And you want them mildly ill to build up their system
Probiotics when old enough helps boost immune system and helps with allergies in some cases
Don’t stress about it too much! I had a baby in October and I worried so much about him getting sick especially as he was pre term and was in hospital for a week after his delivery, I nearly put myself mad worrying about this. Just do all you can such as clean surfaces, don’t let people kiss baby and stuff like that, but don’t let it consume you! It ruined the first few months of my baby’s life as I worried way to much about this!
There is no full proof way to avoid a bug . The child has to build its immune system . If you shield them with disinfectants and such it will only weaken the immune system!
Leave their immune system intact and don’t destroy it with big pharma products. Natural remedies and not living in a bubble. I’ve done all of the above and my daughter hasn’t been sick ever in 5 years.
I had 2 born in winter months. I just kept them inside as much as possible and only allowed certain people around
Kids can get anytime of year.
Theres buggar all you can do, and they need illnesses and bugs to build an immune system
You really can’t prevent it. Just have everyone do good hand washing and if you know someone is sick try and stay away but otherwise illness is going to happen. Especially if you have a toddler that goes out and catches things.
Eith infants, my pediatrician told me to expect 1 cold a month for the 1st 15 months. This is how they build their immune system. So I just went about life as needed and dealt with what they needed at the time.
Don’t stress on this. Ur baby will have a stronger system being exposed to all the germs. Just let ur toddler be a kid and wash wash wash hands and keep ur surfaces and door nobs disinfected
Have no family and friends around at all
Keep the baby in the house all times
Don’t let anyone touch the baby that’s sick or kiss them make sure they wash their hands and you too and your child also. Any adult needs to wash theirs hand before holding baby. And be stern on it. People will say you over react bit they won’t have a sick baby to care of and you do. If they love your baby they will WANT too and feel totally fine with it.
Sadly, you can’t avoid it all the time. Esp the first couple years of life.
While you should avoid ppl with fevers or the siblings wiping snotty hands on their sibling (),
I would Lysol toys at night. I jeot bedding clean. Car seat was cleaned weekly or more if needed. If toys got food or ick on them, I rinsed them in hot water sooner than later. Gunk breeds bacteria.
My son would get the fall stomach bug but never needed an antibiotic for anything.
I let everybody hold them. Unless they had a fever or had had a fever within 24hrs. He got pneumonia at Basic and that was his first dealing with antibiotics. My 14yr old doesn’t get sick either. Nobody in the house has ever had the flu. Covid lasted less than 3 days.
Eating as healthy as possible, lots of water at their young ages, good sleep all helps. Pedialyte is good if they don’t feel good but aren’t sick. Foods with good probiotics helps their system clean itself.
All you can do is try and avoid making yourself neurotic.
All that said, advocate for your child if you need to.