I’m getting induced tomorrow morning with baby #3. What should I do today before all the crazy tomorrow? Also I have two boys (4&2.5) but we don’t know the gender with this one, it’s been such a long wait to find out! Lol
Me personally I would spend half the day trying to be prepared (house clean, organise everything for bubs arrival that hasn’t been done). Then other half relax, enjoy a meal an go to bed early.
It took almost two days but I was also induced at 34 weeks. The pain is so much less than spontaneous labor tho!
I’m sure you already had the baby or are in labor. So answering this question is pointless. CONGRATS! I hope all went well.
Take it easy momma. Have someone take your kids for you. My labor did take awhile but I just walked the whole time. I didn’t get my epidural until the last minute so that my labor wouldn’t be ‘too bad’. It worked pretty well. My first was induced and I got the epidural immediately. It was the worst. I was stuck in bed all day. My second I waited and walked all day. The actual pushing part was so much easier. Either way relax today. Take a quiet bath. It might be awhile until you get another one quietly
It took 3 days to go into labor. Eat before going in!!! Bring snack’s , entertainment , a mini fan because you’re probably going to want it.
Spend time with your boys, make sure you have everything packed for the hospital, install car seat, take a nice long shower, eat a ton of food! I was induced with both of mine and it was not a quick process so I was starving.
EAT! It took over 24 hours for my son to make his arrival after being induced and I was starving
Unfortunately these posts are like 2 days delayed on posting so she probably asked to have this posted on Tuesday and may have had the baby yesterday. I’m intrigued to know the gender!