You only got married 2 months ago. Personally with your load, I would not try for another baby yet. Give you both time to settle in, and use to life as a married couple and family. Your daughter will begin school next year. Is kinder full day or half day? I don’t know, but at least I would wait a yr. before talking baby. Maybe you will be to a point of feeling less overwhelmed, more use to the new changes.
Maybe on the nights your husband works late take her someplace that she can go play be it a McDonald’s or another play place relax get a coffee or a Hot Chocolate while she plays take some time for yourself
You describe me to a T!!
Except I have 3 kiddies
Prozac. Talk to your doctor
Seek professional help
I think you need to takk to you doctor about clinical depression.
Anxiety medications and some sleeping meds
Take time for your self even if its 1 day a month do a day with the girls lunch and a movie or coffee and a pedicure. That does wonders for me, and of course sex is a great stress relief. Being a parent is important but you have to keep that connection as a couple too. It’s a hard balancing act but family time couple time and you time are all important.
First take a preg test…my friend had these symptoms and found out she had an ectopic pregnancy!! then get more sleep of you can, and look into the mental health advice others gave, therapy, or talking to your Dr about medicine. Best medicine is natural. See if hubby can help more to relieve some of your strain. Sounds like you might just need a vacation!
We have all been there
You need to talk to your Dr about this. It could be a lot of things from a hormone imbalance to depression. Or it could be you need a break so go get an opinion from someone with experience in this.
Sounds like maybe you’re suffering with depression hun. Everyone, especially is mummas, have down days but seems to me yours is a bit worse than normal. See your gp hun. Being a mum, wife, homemaker and working full time is hard work, you need time for yourself, for your mental health sake!! xx
Take some time for your self. In the evenings I take a shower/bath and lock the door and say dont bug me. It’s my time. Also, I try to not take my kids with me to the store because I find it draining. And when I go, I take as long as I can. Lol also, I take zoloft for anxiety. A low dose but it helps.
Patience is key ! Sometimes you can let things go by too long and harbor resentment, that’s not good either ’ and that will only make u talk sh** picking your battles in a fair way where you know your dealing with family and that where the love is keep that in mind !
Definitely talk to your doctor and LISTEN when they suggest things. They may ask you to see a therapist to determine whether or not you may need medication. I feel you though. I have a 10 year old, 6 year old and 6 month old. Some days are overwhelming and anxiety gets the best of me.
I’ve been where you are… As a mother to 3 young boys, I suggest definitely putting aside time for yourself. Even if that’s waking up an hour early before everyone else wakes up… also sometimes you have to learn what you can and can’t handle. Learn to let things go and Realize that all that stress and anxiety is in your head, and put yourself back in control. Easier said than done tho. Takes time. take care mama!
CBD worked really great for me when I was suffering from ppd with a sick baby and toddler.
As I hit 30’s I had to get a low dose of Lexapro for anxiety. Juggling it all can get heavy. I feel so much better, I have more energy and I’m happier. Also walks help me a lot! Just a simple walk around the block and music gives me a boost between work and mom duty.
Trust me i feel your pain… i homeschool 3 pre teens. One of them has dyslexia. It is an everyday battle some days. Some days i have to repeat myself 4 times before anyone hears me, but even though we as parents cant see the progress its there. Just taking care of your child and providing for your child doesnt go unnoticed. Write it down. Release it . Pray about it. Try to find the joy again. When you are feeling overwhelmed or angry… as hard as it is… count your blessing and praise god for the life you do have. In my experience with depression … medication made things worse. Granted i took it for less than 2 months but the side affects were horrible and made the situation worse. Headaches everyday, irritability, nausea. Not worth it imo. We can find inner peace . Like i said , just take a breather and lock yourself in your room. Write it down. Cry . And release it. Often times the problem is we hold on to the anger for too long and it builds to the point everything is annoying. Its ok to get upset but we have to let it go.
I would try different things before turning to medications becauee in my opinion meds are whne u have an imbalance chemical in your brain. it seems like you’re a normal person stressed with life in general because being a full time employee with children St home is stressful. Your job never ends. U go to work and switch shifts to mom and wife work lol . I work 40 hours a week as well. I’ve done things to make it easier on myself such as meal prep. It makes a huge difference not needing to decide on dinner everyday. Lunch prep too. Try to stick to a routine for your child too like homework 6, dinner 620, bath 645, TV 7 etc. Routine relieves so much stress. When a thought pops up, put it in your reminders on your phone or i like to physically write it down i feel better lol
Maybe Talk to your doctor about a medication? I was the same way as you except I had a few more problems that I don’t wanna mention but she put me on a medicine they call Effexor and it works WONDERS! It may not be the medication YOU need, but definitely talk to your doctor and see if there is anything they can do for stress and/or anxiety(if you have anxiety) I take one a day and it makes me less snappy/ harder to irritate/ very rarely mad.
I also ask my bf to take my son for just an hour Sundays morning so I can sleep in. That’s my relaxing lol then if he needs the dsme thing we do vice versa
Do you do anything for yourself? Self care is ESSENTIAL for moms! Take time once a week just for you. Get a massage, take a bath, do a yoga class, whatever hobby you like to do make time for you. It does wonders for us when we make time for ourselves. Often times we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of taking care of everything, we start trying to pour from an empty cup. Make sure you refill it once a week!! It’s not selfish, it’s healthy!!!
After you put the little one to bed, put on PJs, make some hot tea and go out on the porch and toke a doobie
Can try yoga or maybe meditation after your long days. Heard great things about both with helping relieve stress
Yes do something for yourself!! By yourself, all for u, regularly. I have been there. I struggle with anxiety and have found that regular stuff just for myself helps so much. I go buy myself something, or go out with friend/s for an lunch or dinner. It helps. Good luck and god bless.
Sounds like your the problem, not everyone else and thing you named