What can I do when someone is posting pictures of my child when I have told them repeatedly not to take pictures or post pictures of my child?! No these pictures weren’t posted on social media! It’s my boyfriend’s ex! They share a child together and he has another with someone else and she thinks because their child is in the photo she can post pictures! My boyfriend has told her multiple times not to be posting pictures rather it has their child in it or not! But she just keeps doing it! What can we do to stop this? He asked me to make this post
Nothing. When you allow someone to take a photo of the child it’s your consent. My grandma was posting pics of my son during my divorce and saying we were at this place or that place and I asked her to stop, she wouldn’t. I called police and they said because I knew she took the pic it was my consent. Because we were in public there was nothing that could be done. Because blah blah blah… really nothing u can do
How is this individual even getting access to pictures of YOUR child? It’s your current boyfriends ex… who doesn’t need any access, at all, to your child, and therefore would have no opportunity to take pictures of your child.
The only thing you can do to ensure it doesn’t happen again is restricting access to the child. Which isn’t the best scenario every time. Pick and choose your battles, will it hurt the child to restrict access? Which is the more important of the 2
Yall must have a weird dynamic bc I can’t think of one reason why my boyfriend’s ex would have pictures of my kid to begin with
I feel like more information is needed here. Are these pictures with the siblings together at a family event or? Is this a safety issue? Do you post pictures of your child online? Or are you being petty & trying to control a situation? I mean it would be different if they were singling out your child…
I would report the photo(s) and if pictures are being sent to ex with her child in it, I would put a smiley face over my child’s face
If the ex is taking the photos with their personal camera then the photo is their personal property to do with it what they want.
Either there’s missing information or you’re being petty and controlling.
You can get those scarves that celebrities get that scramble the wearer’s image in a photo.
U can get over yourself and grow up. U can’t control everything and there’s nothing u can do.