What can I expect being induced?

Hey mamas. I’m looking for some insight on what to expect come Monday. So Monday is my induction date as I’m overdue with my second baby, and I’ve read lots of horror stories about how induction makes things so much worse. Is this true?? I’m terrified


I’ve been induced 5 times. All of mine were due to pre-eclampsia and done between 37 and 38 weeks. Absolutely wonderful experiences for me. My longest labor being induced was 13 and a half hours. My shortest was 7 hours.

Avoid it if you can, like do everything to get things going before you get there! It’s not going to harm anyone or anything, but it may slow things down for you. Everyone is different! Just do what feels right to you, only you will know of course! Best wishes for a smooth delivery!!:pray:t3::heart:

I’ve been induced twice & would definitely opt to do it again this pregnancy if I had the chance. I LOVED being induced. Both my labors AND delivers were MUCH easier than my natural birth.

I’ve had three. Honestly in my experience, it does. It’s usually a long labor process after. But I’d say nothing pain wise changed between being induced and going naturally. Being induced just takes a long time, and you really can’t eat or drink or move around much once it’s started. You’ll do fine though.

I was induced with all three of mine. I feel like it’s a little more intense because it’s speeding the process up. But it’s really not that bad.

I was induced with my first and only baby and I was only in labor for 5.5 hours and pushed for 1.5 hours. I also heard horror stories but my induction wasn’t bad.

I’ve been induced two out of 5. The first time was with my first born and sucked. The second was my fifth, and that wasn’t too bad. I was more annoyed that he didn’t come faster. But I was there for about 12 hours and he was born. It’s different for everyone so everything you read here, take with a grain of salt. Don’t freak yourself out, your experience could be great. Good luck momma, you got this! :purple_heart:

I was induced and had my baby in my hands two hours later! I can honestly say I feared giving birth so much before hand and was so shocked on how much it really did’t hurt how I thought it would. Docs said I did really well for my first child. Not sure if it was my pain tolerance or just how it really is but I hope that this second birth is just as easy. No epidural.

I was for my first one (9 days overdue). I wasn’t for my second (14 days overdue). Both sucked, and I don’t really think there was a difference. The positive side of it is that you’re where you need to be and being monitored as things progress.

2 of 4 of mine were induced and.went completely fine.
Good luck :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

I was induced twice. The contractions are more intense, but it goes so much faster. I preferred my inductions over the one time I went into labor naturally.

They broke my water and 4 hours later my handsome boy was here. My first three were induced. But my babies came very fast

Everyone is different, but my induction failed—I wouldn’t progress. It was painful (but the meds helped). It ended in an emergency c-section.

I was induced with my last baby and they gave me Cytotec and my contractions started shortly after but they weren’t horrible, then after 12 hours I wasn’t progressing as fast so they started me on pitocin and they got worse and by noon I had my baby. I was in labor for 17 hours

Out of my 3, I was induced with 3rd. It’s rough because the meds make it faster…so worse but normally quicker. Also depends on you and how ready baby is. Just remember, when it’s over you will be holding your bundle of joy and will barely remember the pain. Good luck

They had me walk what seemed like hours then broke my water and had me on my feet walking around my room . Gravity works . I was put on low dose pitocin then when I hitv5 cm I demanded my epidural . They then cranked up the pitocin and a few hours later my daughter was born . Easy peasy …

I was induced with my first (due with my second any day and it’s looking like another induction) so I don’t have any comparison, but mine went great.

I was induced with my 1st pregnancy because my daughter was 2 weeks late. I ended up having to have an emergency c-section, she was coming down side ways and hitting her head on my cervix. Being induced just made me potty and laugh more honestly. You got this.

Every Mama is different. I didn’t like being induced because the pain was way more intense much earlier than progressing on your own. As long as you and baby are healthy is all that matters. The pain will be there regardless.

I was induced with my 3 week old. Wasn’t scary at all. I didn’t even need the pitocin. They broke my water and I got the cervadill. It was like a normal birth experience for me. I got induced around 3pm and had him at 2pm the next day. I was terrified too but it was fine! No horrible experience for me.

I was overdue and induced with all my boys. Times are changed since then .1.broke my waters for me. 2. By then they have you an enema and castor oil to drink. 3. ( Eleven years later) much more sophisti cated , put me on adrip to start me off . Because I was so late(2.5weeks) had my babies really quick. That won’t be the same for everyone , of course. Good luck. :+1::+1::+1:

Honestly I was induced twice and I would pick it again without a doubt. You are going to do great!


Everyone experiences things differently. I had to be induced with both my kids and I was only in labor 5 hours for my first and 3 for my second with absolutely no complications

I was induced once. Delivered baby within 2 hours.

It’s different for every pregnancy not even just for every person.
I was induced for both of mine, the first time it made everything super slow and took forever, terrible labor with epidural and took over 24 hours to actually have the baby. With my second, they induced me the same way and a week earlier than the first time, I was in full labor within a few hours and had the baby in half the time without epidural.
#1 was induced at 10:30 pm and had the baby just before midnight the following night
#2 I was induced around 8pm and had her before 11am the next day

I was induced. It wasn’t terrible. You will be fine. May God bless you mama. :pray:

First of all, don’t listen to all the horror stories. That is no way to go in to having a baby. Every experience is different for each person. Best of luck. All will be ok

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I was induced on the 12th june as my little ladys heartbeat was going up & down and i had gestational diabetes, they broke my waters at 6:00pm and at 10:51pm my little lady was born im not going to lie the contractions were horrible and hurt like hell, but she was born safe and well beauty xxx

I was induced with my 3rd baby due to hypertension. Start to finish it was 11 hours and I didn’t need pitocin. My body progressed well with just the induction meds. Went from 6-10cm with one contraction and one push, all natural. The contractions were a bit more intense for sure. He was 8lbs even and would do it again if necessary. With that being said, every woman’s body is different and if I was not suffering from high bp, I would’ve preferred going into labor naturally.

It is different for everyone and each time can be different. I was induced 3 times. The first was great the second was horrible and the 3rd was even worse. The third one ended up going into and emergency c-section because he decided to flip.

Stay away from Google.
I got induced with my 2nd.
I would whole heartily do it again.
I got very lucky and my body took to it very well.
I actually didn’t mind the contractions.
Everything went smoothly. And my baby was earth side in 12 hours. :slight_smile:
Every BODY is different.
But our bodies are made to do this. :heart::hugs:
You got this.

When in Dec. 31st chilled for days my baby was born January 2nd. It wasn’t terrible for me. I got the epidural and didn’t really have a plan. I was nervous bout giving birth the first day but the doctors really waited for my body to be ready

I was induced with my first. They used the gel on my cervix… 16hrs later my water broke and labour started. My labour felt pretty normal to me

It sucks. It speeds up your body to go ahead and push the baby out and if your water doesn’t break they will break it. My first pregnancy they induced me because my baby’s heart rate dropped. With my second one I barely made it to the hospital to give birth. Its not scary or anything it just hurts going into labor like that.

I was put on pitosin, the nurse literally said “I am sorry for what I’m about to do to you baby” and… then I understood. 27 hours later I had my boy.

I was induced with two of my three kids and it wasn’t bad start to finish. It took eight hours.

I was induced cause water broke and no contractions and 23 hours later had my daughter. Labor wasn’t bad at all until about an 8 and then I got the epidural cause the pain came in fast. But then my little girl was here and looking back I’d do it again. My son’s were c-section and that was traumatizing

I had an induction with my first everything went good went in at 8pm had her the next day at 1pm now pregnant with my 2nd they did a membrane sweep Friday still nothing I also go in Monday night for induction hoping everything goes good for you

Being induced does make it alot harder. The pain is horrible.

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I was induced with my 1st at 8.20 in the morning and had her that afternoon at 4.20, my 2nd was my longest my waters broke at 7.25 the Saturday morning and I had her at 3.05 the Sunday morning. My 3rd I was induced at 3.15 in the afternoon, my waters broke at 1am and had her an hour later

I was induced with my first and I had my second on my own and the induction definitely sucked worse. The pain was much much worse.

My induction was fine. I was started on pitocin at like 8am. I only really had back labor for a couple hours and they heated me up a blanket to put on my lower back to help with discomfort. Then the contractions came on full force after they broke my water, but I was given an epidural and was fine after that. I had my daughter just before 2 pm. So just 6 hours. Whereas with my son, I wasn’t induced. Was at the hospital for a couple more hours and in a lot more pain after already having been in labor at home for several hours. I ended up hyperventilating and having trouble breathing. I was a lot more calm with the induction.

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Was induced with my 4th baby wasn’t a magerly bad experience but everyone whom gets induced is different.

My first was an induction. Labored 48 hours, 36 with my water broken and I would never do it again. It ended in a c section because I wouldn’t progress. Pitocin was the worst. It made everything feel like one giant contraction. My second was the easiest labor ever. That happened on its own and the contractions were like period cramps. He wanted to come out in 4 hours.

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I did 2/2, it is different for everyone but you it’s is pretty much from 0 to 100 right away, normal contractions start slow or less painful, induction means it will give strong “fake” contractions to your body so it will think it is in labour and start contracting on its own, both times I was 12h and than 30h in pain and I was exhausted by the end, but don’t regret either as I was 10+ overdue with both, if you early I d avoid unless necessary… good luck

I’ve been induced 2 out of 5 times and both times were horrible! Just had my last one one July 1st. Pain is more intense which it’s suppose to be because your body is being forced to do something it should do on its own. I’d never recommend anybody doing it voluntarily, only if medically needed like your case. It didn’t make my labors longer or pushing longer and I was able to eat until I got the epidural. However, the epidural never worked both times and idk if it’s bc the pain is so much worse or what.


My first two we’re induced.hang in there

Been induced twice with the balloon catheter an had no issues

I was induced with my 1st, I had no issues. Honestly my contractions weren’t bad until AFTER the gave me the epidural [close to 12 hours into it]. Took an additional 2 hours of labor after that, recovery was mostly easy.

Pain is much worse than normal labor pains. I would get the epidural as soon as you can.

The induced contractions SUCK. They hurt so much worse. I couldn’t even be paid to be induced again over taking a naturally occurring labor.

I was fine with my 1st went into labor naturally. Was 5cm dilated, in full blown labor and sitting in Wendy’s parking lot eating before I went into the hospital.

My 2nd I was induced and in tears by 5cm begging for the epidural. :upside_down_face:

Ur okay. Was induced both my pregnancies. Now got a healthy 8 year old and a healthy 5 year old.

No that is not true. You are put into labor. Then you will have your baby. End of beautiful story

My 1st was natural very painful contractions 8 am delivered 3:45 pm and my 2nd I was induced at 9pm slept all night contractions were mild and delivered at 11:59am. My 1st I was scared to death of all the horror stories about birth and my 2nd I was more relaxed knowing what to expect so in my case I think it had more to do with mindset. Don’t let anyone else’s experiences affect your mindfulness everyone is different and if you go into it expecting the worst it may intensify your experience just relax let everything happen and enjoy the excitement of welcoming your new baby.

Induction is more painful than natural, I’ve heard it’s because your body doesn’t produce adrenaline when you’re induced. As long as the nurses and doctor stay on top of your pain meds you’ll be fine.

I was induced twice it sucks making your body do something it was made to do . I found the pain more intense. Good luck everybody’s body is different

I wasn’t induced in any of my pregnancies because they all came early, but with my youngest and my oldest my water was broken and I was given pitocin and it definitely sped up the process but it hurt. My oldest I got pain meds in my Iv, with my last 2 they were natural ones and I was screaming that I couldn’t do it, and asked for meds but they said I was too far into labor to get anything. I almost delivered my youngest on the floor after getting out of a bathtub in the hospital because of the potocin. A pain hit right after I got out and my first instinct was to crouch and I could feel him coming out so I had to waddle to the bed and pushed twice I think and he was here. The doctor didn’t even get there in time lol

Inductions are way less painful. I was induced at 34 weeks & it was the easiest labor of my 3. My spontaneous labors at 35 & 36 weeks were hell.

I only have one and was induced. I didn’t think it was horrible considering all of the birth stories I’ve heard from different people but also ended with a c section so didn’t do the full labor either

My first was an induction at 41 weeks. My body was NOT ready and it was a long and painful process. My third was an induction at 40 weeks, went in at 5cm (had prodromal labor was that dilated for 2 weeks :upside_down_face:) and it was a BREEZE! Although my first labor was bad- id still opt for induction over going on my own like with my second :sweat_smile:

Overdue is typically a bs reason to induce. Babies come when they’re ready

My induction was horrible I was induced for 33 hrs no luck and had to have a c section. I don’t mean to scare u but the induction foley bulb they use is painful. If your water breaks and u still don’t dilate with induction u will end up with a c section. It may be different tho since this is not your 1 st pregnancy every body is different.

It can definitely make labor more intense, but I wouldn’t exactly say worse in most cases. It can increase your chances of a c-section though. Labor sucks whether you’re induced or not. lol I was induced 13 years ago with my oldest; they tried starting me on Pitocin before anything and it didn’t progress anything other than giving me chart topping contractions, so they tried cervidil (little piece of like…cardboard with whatever meds on it, on a string like a tampon, gets inserted into vag and stays put for 12 hours, there’s also a pill version called Cytotec or something similar) to soften my cervix and then we repeated the Pitocin process after they broke my water until he was born. Now; being induced with him dragged my labor close to 60 hours start to birth, but he was born healthy and that’s all I cared about. My 2nd came on his own, but I still ended up on Pitocin towards the end because of how he had lodged into the canal, it had slowed my labor a lot, but start to finish that labor was only 14 hours. So, my induction was much much longer than my natural.

I was induced with my first child I was given pitocin I sat at the hospital all day nothing happened so they ended up sending me home at like 8:00 at night and then at like 2:00 in the morning my water broke at home and I went to the hospital and had the baby I slept through most of my labor they had to wake me up and told me to push when it’s time to push had labor for less than 12 hours and it was great no drugs nothing with my second child I was not induced I went into labor on my own and it was back pain epidural and it was the worst delivery I ever had that was so much more pain when I was not induced

I’ve been induced with 2 my kids and about to have a third induced……all was fine .

I know horror stories with natural … can’t believe or fear everything you hear.

Everyone’s birthing story is different .

I was induced with my first. I went in at 5:30am and had him at 5:25pm. I got an epidural around 11am-noon. But I wouldn’t listen to much to others stories as each experience is soo different. Your body isn’t gonna react the same to being induced as for example mine did.

My one and only was induced, doc had to break my water also. Everything was fine, sped the contractions up and delivered after a very short active labor. I think it’s different for everyone, but mine was fine.

Everyone is different. My first was an induction. Not even a little bit dilated, gave me pitocin and the epidural. It was 2 days. But I didn’t feel a thing. Woke up at 6am feeling pressure, turned out I was at 10cm. Pushed her out in 25 minutes. My second came naturally, not enough epidural given and I felt everything!!

I was induced with #2 & #3 with no problems… started pitocin @ 9am with both, they broke my water a few hours later and had a baby a few hours later. 6 hours w/#2, 4 1/2 hrs w/#3. I did get an epidural with both and honestly can’t complain about any of my labors. Worst part for me was an IV in my hand. I think it’s different for everyone and how your body reacts to the drugs. Hoping you have a comfortable, safe delivery mama!

I was induced. Baby 5 hours later. No pain meds. Easy

Make sure you have a favorable bishops score and that your cervix is ready for an induction if not the chances of a failed induction are higher which leads to a c section however always weigh any associated risk against the fact that you are overdue! If the risk to your child is high by continuing the pregnancy at the detriment to your baby then you may have to just do what you have to do mama for the benefit of your baby but it’s important for you both to be safe always keep that in mind and let your doctors know you want to know all risks involved you can make informed decisions as a patient

Induced for 2 out of my 3 kiddos. Not bad at all! For real. The only part that sucked was on my 3rd child (2nd inculcation) I told them I was DONE and to hurry it up… since it wasn’t my first rodeo they did NOT play around. The pressure was instant and unreal.

With both inductions I didn’t have to push for long. Labored about 6-8 hours with each kiddo. 4 pushes for the first induction (second kiddo) and literally one giant ass push for the second induction (third kiddo). The Pitocin does NOT play :joy:

I was induced at 39 weeks and it went so smoothly. I would do it again for sure. Went in at 8:30pm, took my first cyotec pill around 11pm. I was contracting but didn’t feel anything. Took second pill around 2am, then started to feel some contractions. My water broke on its own at 6am. Decided to get my epidural at 11am and then they gave me pitocin. So I didn’t feel the effects of the pitocin which was my biggest fear. Slept until 3pm, had her at 3:40pm.