My daughter just came back from her “dads” and her eyes are puffy and she has a stuffy nose he said he doesn’t know if she’s sick or allergies. She 2 almost 3 what can I give her for allergies? Because that what it looks like to me because I can tell when she actually sick.
My 4 and 2 1/2 year old have been taking Children’s Claritin since they were babies. (Doc prescribed)
Best take to doctor or stop by pharmacy and see what they recommend
Do they have pets? Happened to my youngest once at a birthday party. The kids were running around playing and when I looked at my daughter’s face her eyes were almost swollen shut-- found out she’s allergic to cat dander
My two year old takes Zyrtec he turns 3 in July
I’d speak to her doctor first, but my 3 yr old has been taking Zyrtec and Singulair since she was 1 1/2
Vicks vapo rub on the chest, for immediate temporary relief. Until you can take her in tosee dr
I would suggest talking to her Dr, they can tell you what’s best to use and even prescribe something so your not playing the guessing game. I have a kid with allergies and he takes Zyrtec and Singulair daily (Dr prescribed) cause they work for different things.
Childrens Claritin, but ask your doctor always.
I like BioAllers Pollinosan homeopathic drops for pollen allergies. It’s worked better than pills or allergy shots for me because it actually boosts your immunities vs. just combating symptoms. You have to start taking it in advance of being exposed and take it every day, but no side effects or other harm is possible.
Call her pediatrician. There’s Allegra benadryl zyrtec Claritin off the top of my head
My daughter is the same age and her doctor said I could give her this
Over the counter children’s Zyrtec!! Or ask your Dr and they will be able to prescribe baby exactly what they need , different allergy meds only work for specific allergens
So I am in no way telling you if this is safe or not but I always give my 1 year old the nasal medicine sprays like flo nase and the liquid children Claritin.
This used to happen to me. A cold cloth on the eyes felt good but I ended up having to go to the doctor and get allergy shots once a month. I’m 30 now and my allergies aren’t as bad as they were when I was a kid and I stopped getting the shots like 20 years ago
Raw local honey, the darker the better. Teaspoon every day to build immunities to the pollens. Better than what Big Pharma creates.
Take her to the pediatrician.
Take her to the doctor so you can verify it is an allergy & try to figure out what it’s an allergy to. If this is something that happens often when she goes to her father’s then the 2 of you need to work together. The most obvious is pets but it could also be something like mold, foods, cleaning products etc.
You can give her Benadryl.
This is doctors advice question, not a mom advice question
Take her to a doctor or at least talk to your nearest pharmacist
“Mom” should take kid to the doctor.
“Dad”…. Ohhh you’re that type of woman/mom. Gross
Call your doctor but Zyrtec and Benadryl are both considered safe. Xo
Call the Dr’s office that’s ur best bet!
go to dr. first to find out and find meds age approperate
Raw local honey daily!
Why is dad’s in quotations? Is he not her dad and he doesn’t know?
Claritin chewable for kids
Zyrtec is usually what they give kids. Generic is Cetrizine.
Call the ped. Most children’s allergy meds say to start at 4 so doctor can tell you which is best and the proper dosage for your child.
You need to get her into the doctors to find out what allergies she has so you can avoid this happening!!!
Why did you put “dad” ???
Ifshe didnt have it before then prob pollen or pet allergies, but if dr prescribed med doesnt help you’ll need an allergist to test for the “culprits”
Did you cheat on the man and you forgot to tell him hes not the dad ??? I mean “dad” ???
Call her doctor. There OTC allergy medications for children.
Go to the doctors. We can’t really advise you on something like this. Think about it lady. Are you seriously going to take advice from people that don’t even know your precious child