What can I give my kids who is constipated?

Hi mommies! What can help my constipated 4 year old??


My daughter had this issue. 1/2 dose of Mira-lax every other day to start, every day if it doesn’t get better.

They make miralax for kids as well. Also pineapple juice is good and so is apple juice.

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My daughter had really bad issues and she was only 2 months went on until she was 3/4 months -has a little bit of issues going but not as bad as it was! But we did it old school since the doctors can’t give infants enemas- clear corn syrup mixed with water- try prune juice as well. Or squirt warm water up there. Works like a charm. Since he is four I would ask the Dr because I’m sure you can give him suppositories now. I know it’s not fun- definitely wasn’t for us either.

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Pistachios help constipation

MiraLAX for kids. But if it doesn’t get better, I call the doctor. 

My daughter had this issue warm bath and kero syrup or warm apple juice

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Juice, tomatoes, lettuce, mommy bliss makes a constipation relief as well. Depending on how long it’s been you may want to consult your pediatrician!

Stay away from suppositories as they cause dependency. Stool softeners is an option or these cookies work great as well as the digestive cookies that have the chocolate on one side. Picture added

Pear juice. Doesn’t take much

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Green vegetables mixed with apples and bananas

Prune juice. Apple juice. Cherry juice. Any of those works great. Just don’t give suppositories or enemas The way relax the anal spincture which is going to be a problem later in life. That’s why hospitals quit taking rectal Temps on baby

My daughter used Miralax at that age. Now as a teen, it’s coffee :+1:

Apple juice. grapes. Raisins. Prune juice. Pear juice. Lots of oranges. You can give small dose of magnesium. Or dose to bowel tolerance with vitamin c.

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Chocolate paraffin bought from chemist helps softens the stools in the bowel and makes them go

Miralax is extremely dangerous. Do not give it to kids.

Black jelly bean up the bum. Invasive I know but the sugar breaks the poop down :face_holding_back_tears::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Miralax, apple juice, warm prune juice, prunes, apples

Plenty water, high fiber foods.

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Pure orange is good for constipation

If you don’t want to use medication I would suggest pears and pear juice, prune juice, oatmeal (and oatmeal cookies!), peaches, apples and warm baths. This is what I used for my very constipated daughter.

Apple juice is the safest thing to give a child under 6