What can I put on a bee sting?

Hello ladies, my two year old just got stung by a bee for the first time. Any recommendations on what to put on it for relief?.


Chewing tobacco as my granny did to me


I’ve always done baking soda and water make a thick paste and put it on there.


This is going to sound funny but spit on a penny and put it on the sting!
it brings it down

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Make a paste of baking soda and put on it

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A mudpack or a wet tea bag. The mud will dry and hopefully pull it out, or the tanin in the tea bag will help pull it out. Whatever you use cover it with a large bandaid or gauze. Sleep witth it on and check in the morning.


Meat tenderize. make a paste with water.


As I was growing up it was mud that my father would use

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Mud! Seriously. It helps also pull stinger out


CBD oil takes any swelling and aching out. We got hit hard in the country with bees where everyone was swelling bad, not even allergic and CBD oil on the sting dropped the swelling and ache.

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Vick’s…will take the pain away and will calm the irritation

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tobacco, momma did it for me and I’ve done for mine. it helps


Unflavored meat tenderizer

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Just like others said baking soda and water. It worked on my son when he got stung 20+ times

Venom is a protein. You need to dissolve it. Meat tenderizer.

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Meat tenderizer paste takes the sting away


Wash it first with soap and water. Hydrocortisone cream applied to the sting and Benadryl or another allergy medication, like Claritin, to be taken orally. Please don’t put something like spit on it-that can cause infection. You can use a cold compress and/or a pain reliever, for the pain, if necessary. Pull out the stinger with some tweezers, if it’s above the surface of the sting. If it isn’t, just leave it there. (Wasps won’t leave stingers)