What can I take for a cold while pregnant?

I am a first time mom. Pregnant with a sweet baby girl, 26 weeks, which I LOVE. I have a cold and terrible cough to go with it. My stomach hurts as well from all the coughing. Last night my cough was so bad, I cried and told my husband this was our first and only child. He was very understanding, but I know he wants more. Mainly to try for a boy. I don’t want to at the moment, not only because I’m sick and feel horrible, but because I can’t do, eat or drink things I want to. Also very uncomfortable with my belly when I sleep. My question is, does this feeling go away? Am I horrible for thinking this way? Has anyone else felt like this?
On a separate note, what are some baby safe meds/teas to cure a cough/cold? I was prescribed Delsym or Robitussin with no luck.