What can I take for a UTI?

What is something over the counter that I can take for a UTI? I’m in pain


Cranberrie juice, and cranberrie pills can get at a Walmart or any drugstore! Always worked for my mom!

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Do not use AZO! it masks the symptoms doesn’t fix them. My mom took AZO for a UTI and ended up in the hospital with septic shock and almost died!

AZO, get all three, they will help. I only use AZO and it cures uti for me, even though doctors and pharmacist says not.

Baking soda and warm water will only reduce acidity but if you have infection which causes pain uoh need dr

UriCalm (Walmart)works wonders. AZO (Target & Walmart) works well to relieve the pain and discomfort until you can get antibiotics. You can find these products in the women’s health section usually with period products. Just because pain is relieved DOES NOT mean infection is gone. Both are readily available even in some grocery stores. Drink cranberry juice (not the mixed juices like cran-grape, just plain cranberry, it makes a difference) lots of water too. The fuller your bladder the more comfortable you will be until you pee it and starts over.:confused: As a former chronic sufferer I feel your pain and i hope you get relief asap. Get antibiotics asap and finish them all. These left untreated or not finishing antibiotics can cause an infection that progresses into a kidney infection, and trust me that is not fun!!
Medications (some forms of birth control such as IUD’s can cause UTI’s. Infrequent or not cleansing before sex (he needs to cleanse not you because he can introduce bacteria to your body). It took some of the spontaneity out it but it’s better than getting UTIs within an hour of sex for me.
FYI: I don’t know your age but later in life I found I had same symptoms but no bacteria present. I had a spasmodic bladder that mocked the symptoms. I was placed on Oxybutin when I experienced symptoms but had no bacteria present in urine test. Feel better soon.

You can search up Uti antibiotics and when GoodRx pops up you can make an act and do a virtual visit with a doctor and get antibiotics sent in to a local pharmacy. I had to do this out of town on Thanksgiving, very thankful it exists!

Azo also makes a cranberry pill if you don’t like the juice.

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Ibuprofen works for me till I can get antibiotics.

Used to have chronic UTIs when on birth control and used these to alleviate the pain while taking cranberry capsules. No sugar added cranberry juice can also help get rid of it but make sure to look at the ingredients so there’s no added sugar! That will only help cultivate the bacteria in your urine. That combo helped me so many times there was only once that it didn’t and had to go to ER for

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If you know forsure that you have a UTI. You are going to have to get a antibiotic.It is serious. You could end up in the hospital.

Apparently you can go to the pharmacist now and tell them you’re symptoms and they will prescribe you something

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AZO standard. Any pharmacy will have it usually.


Don’t forget lots of water and avoid any sugar

Cranberry and AZO,but it doesn’t work for everyone your doctor can call in something that coats your bladder


I use this and drink cranberry juice usually feel better in a day or 2

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Your safest bet is loadsss of water and cranberry juice. More water though to flush you out.

AZO & Cranberry juice (without sugar, not cranberry cocktail) can help to relieve discomfort. But neither will treat the infection. You need prescription antibiotics to clear up a UTI before it gets worse. If your ureters and kidneys get involved you could end up hospitalized or worse. See a doctor ASAP.

Ural sachets and cranberry juice

Yes it works and cranberry juice.


Yes AZO helps until you can see the dr

Your gonna need antibiotics unfortunately. Don’t be like me and try AZO and all that and end up with a kidney infection

Yes but temporary! Not supposed to use long term!!

Azo wont take away the infection, but will help with pain from symptoms of uti. If u don’t get antibiotics, it’ll turn into a kidney infection, which has put me in the hospital twice


This is great for uti’s
You should be able to get it in a chemist or a supermarket
It will clear up quickly

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Lots of cranberry juice until you can see a doctor!


Check for diabetes type two if your peeing a lot

Cranberry will help with the symptoms but you’ll need antibiotics

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Do not take AZO as it will compromise your urine sample!! Just get to a doctor ASAP.

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See a doctor! Antibiotics are needed.
Cranberry juice works as a preventative. It doesn’t not cure a UTI.


A o works, but you may need an antibiotic! See your physician


D-Mannose … And antibiotics

Cranberry juice and water


Only antibiotics will truly get rid of a UTI. Anything else will just mask the symptoms.


Girl go get the antibiotics, I went a week with just trying to treat it with Azo til one morning I was in the worst pain ever. It could have ended bad and you’re putting yourself at a risk for infection.Azo just slaps a bandaid on it unfortunately.


It does help a lot but you probably need antibiotic.

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Drink a bottle of beer. Trust me it works. A nephrologist told me this years ago.

If you let it go to long it becomes a bladder infection, then a kidney infection! Just go get the antibiotics! Kidney infections are nothing to mess around with!


azo doesn’t clear up the UTI, just gets rid of the discomfort. If you have a UTI you need an antibiotic.


You can die if it gets in blood stream , go to doctor

RN here. Go to a provider. You can go septic from a UTI. My mother died from going septic with a UTI.


Shame on all of you telling her such and such will work and blah blah blah. She needs to go to the doctor and get anabiotic. If left untreated, it can lead to sepsis. 


Go to your doctor you’ll need antibiotics. That’s the only thing that will get rid of it.

You can do a quick telehealth call for the antibiotics if you can’t get in to be seen.

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Bicarb soda and lots of water works for me if I catch it early

Be careful with antibiotics!! If taken too long they can make it worse. I had a uti and even with medication from the doc, I had to be on the meds for two months and switching meds constantly bc they were making the UTI worse. Ago gets rid of pain. Doesn’t cure it though. Cranberry juice helps to
Alcohol makes it worse.

Azo helps with pain relief but does not do anything for the actual infection. That you’ll need antibiotics prescribed by your doctor/nurse practitioner. But you need to collect the urinalysis before you start taking the Azo. Once you take the first pill your urine will turn an amazing orange color which will interfere with all urine testing strips making it unreadable and possibly interfere with a culture and sensitivity. I’ve tried all the over the counter meds and suggestions. Increased cranberry supplements, etc don’t work. Antibiotics will handle it, but remote take the full course prescribed. You surely don’t want to develop an antibiotic resistant strain because you don’t take them all. Good luck

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Seaman. Co. For uti. It works. Better than antibiotics

AZO is awesome. Orange juice, tea, and cranberry juice needs to be your buddy for the next few days. Get some probiotics to help get the good bacteria back in your body. Get some abts.

Water!!! And, Cranberry juice! But, you must get in an Antibiotic!! ASAP

I drink cranberry juice dailey and it helps me not get one

The ER doctor told me not to drink cranberry juice just to push lots of water. You can buy and OTC test and make sure it is a UTI before you go to the doctor. If it’s just irritation the Azo should help. I’ve fought with UTI’s my whole life.

Consult a. doctor and drink plenty of water Cranberry juice will help you

I’ve had only one in my life and fixed her up three days worth of apple cider vinegar pills haven’t had one since

Antibiotics are what will cure it. And fast, if you don’t wait too long

Be careful with AZO it masks the symptoms it doesn’t fix the issue. My mom went septic because she took AZO and didn’t go to the Dr.

Pharm tech here, Azo will only treat symptoms, u need antibiotics.

Go to a urgent care - an antibiotic would give you immediate relief but cranberry juice and probiotics in your diet regularly if you dont know the cause it will help you. I haven’t got an UTI in years they say usually you know when your man cheats because you will start getting them.

Azo works for pain but it’s not a cure, tell the dr you want 3 cipro.

Don’t mess with it go in and get an antibiotic. If you don’t get it right away it could turn septic and that is not good if it does you could end up with more serious health conditions plz see your provider.

I use cranberry gummies with ibuprofen and drink tons of water the symptoms resolve themselves. If the symptoms return after homeopathic methods definitely see a Dr.

Stay away from soda. Dr Pepper to be exact

You still need antibiotic. It won’t fully go away!

Better get a doctor’s opinion. My sister just died because of a UTI.

Azo def helps with symptoms but you need some sort of antibiotic asap


Azo can help but antibiotics are highly recommended


Bread soda in tiny bit of hot water with milk added helps

Antibiotics are the only thing that will get rid of it. Drink alot of water


You can buy it over the counter in chemists and supermarkets

Hibiscus water no sugar for a few days

Antibiotics. Take acidophilus pills while & after you are on them. Eat PLAIN yoghurt (you can add fresh fruit and nuts) and drink pure (bitter) cranberry juice—not Ocean Spray cranberry “cocktail”—diluted with water or a little apple juice, or take cranberry capsules. The sugar in most cranberry juice negates the benefits of the cranberry. The sugar in most flavored yogurt negates the benefits of the acidophilus probiotics. Drink lots of water & herbal tea. Limit sugar, caffeine & fermented foods including alcohol.

Do this for several weeks as antibiotics kill your good bacteria as well as the bad, so you have to build your immune system back up so you won’t get recurrences. See what you can change in your habits and diet to avoid them in the future.

Wear loose, breathable clothing, especially underwear, eat a low-yeast diet (go online for details), add acidophilus/probiotic pills to every meal, eat colorful vegetables, cut carbs, caffeine & sugar as much as possible.

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Azo UTI support. It stops the pain

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Go to the chemist, they are able to give antibiotics and have other treatments.

They actually have a test you can buy over the counter to confirm it’s a UTI. Push lots of water. An ER doctor I worked with said skip the cranberry juice and just do the water. But I would always take the AZO tablets because they tend to help with the pain. If for sure a UTI you will need antibiotics and most doctors will do a culture to make sure you are on the correct antibiotic for which ever strain you may have.


water and azo. If that doesn’t help you need to get antibiotics. It can turn into a bladder or kidney infection fast.

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Organic cranberry juice and drink a lot of water


Hiprex to relieve pain, antibiotics to treat infection. See a doctor!

I get the urinary pain relief. Take one of those, drink lots of water, drink cranberry juice and eat lots of yogurt. It numbs your bladder so you don’t have the pain urge to urinate.

Water with a lot of lemon juice

Azo,cranberry juice for symptoms, and seeing a doctor for antibiotics for the infection.

I just got over one. I took 10 day course of Bactrim. I also started d’mannose. Took 3 of them 3x a day. Keep your bladder healthy and flushing. I now eat whole cranberries 1 c. daily.

D Mannose for preventative care everyday. It works


Aso and plenty of cranberry juice and water

Nothing. Everything OTC will only treat symptoms. You need an antibiotic

Gross. Take ur nasty self to a dr

Cranberry juice is a waste. More sugar than cranberries and it won’t help. YOU NEED A DR.

Nothing that’s going to cure it- otc.

Azo masks the symptoms. My mom almost died from septic shock because she took Azo instead of going to get antibiotics.

If you take Azo, please go see a doctor. The Azo will make you feel like it’s gone even if it’s not, and UTIs require antibiotics. They can be dangerous if left untreated.

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You need amoxicillin. It can spread to your kidneys . Go get meds

You need antibiotics. A uti can get worse if not properly treated and harm your kidneys.

You can end up septic if you don’t get antibiotics. D mannose can keep infections away

Vitamin C every few hours

Cranberry juice but need antibiotic

Azo pills n a lot of water

After an antibiotic injury (seriously, don’t take cipro) all antibiotics are only for life and death infections. I take a bladder probiotic every day and that’s gotten me down to one infection a year, which I take oil of oregano to treat. Works like a charm (gives me heartburn and nausea though).