What can I take for heartburn while pregnant?

Sip of acv…works instantly!

I tried everything when I was pregnant and had heartburn so bad I ended up in the ER thinking something was seriously wrong. I had to be put on prescription heartburn meds

Anything with sugar gave me heartburn, so I had to cut out as much sugar as possible. Also anything with spaghetti/marinara sauce. Try to figure out what it is that makes it flair up and avoid it.

My Dr pit me on Zantag and Pepcid together. I had indigestion so bad. IT would bubble up when I was sleeping and I’d choke.

Dr told me to take pepsid and that did the trick for me.

Not a home remedy but prevacid is all that worked for me!

Try eating a tsp. Of yellow mustard

Mine just started a few weeks ago and it started out awful to the point I couldn’t sleep at night. I called the nurse and she told me to take a zantac75 after dinner

Dill pickle juice worked for mine don’t ask why or how it would but it did lol!

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Weirdly apple cider vinegar lol

Ginger is great for this… also eat some crackers in the morning before getting out of bed… or dry toast

Pickle juice, lemonade or lemon water, apple cider vinegar, pineapples or pineapple juice. I kept oyster crackers or goldfish crackers near my bed. I tried not to eat 4/5 hrs before bed and slept kind of upright.

Chewing gum always helps me. Sounds weird but works. Fruit flavor not mint.

My Gyn told me to take Mylanta , you might check with your doctor :wink: good luck !

Bicarbonate of soda in warm water.

I use omeprazol on dr orders.

Teaspoon of baking soda on the roof of your month than drink.water thru your teeth slow.old trick old lady told me. It works hard to keep.baking soda on the roof of month but cots heartburn.

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Peppermints helped me

Tums were my best friend throughout my pregnancy! Midwife said they’re safe and I could essentially have as many as I wanted…I think I went through 3 Costco sized containers lol. I’ve also heard an apple or a little apple cider vinegar works

A shot of apple cider vinegar!!! It worked wonders for me. It tastes gross but you can chase it with something. The acid from the vinegar neutralizes the acid in ypur stomach and works almost instantly

Try talking to your ob. Mine told me I could take zantac.

Black liquorice! There’s even a heartburn tea if you’d rather drink something warm?

Drank a bottle of gavison most days :see_no_evil::worried:

Tums. I had it with me and took it EVERY time I felt the burn coming. Also not laying down immediately after eating, sleeping on my left side stopped a lot of it

Vanilla Coke over a lot of ice