What can I take for migraines during pregnancy?

My ob put me on codeine for mine while I was pregnant.

Acupuncture, or Advil with a can of coke

Tylenol and magnesium

I was given fioricet as well

I was given fioricet for when I got a migraine. And this was prescribed as soon as I went off my Topamax-which was right away…

I had a mid wife and I use to get bad migraines when I was pregnant and still do what she recommended to do was put a cold compress on your neck and place your feet in warm water . Cold compress restricts the blood vessels going to the head and feet in warm water open the blood flow reducing the blood flow (in a healthy way) to the head … but of course talk to a doctor about it incase their could be an under lying issue that could be cause if it

Cut down on caffeine.

Not sure if you can get it where you are but my daughter uses something called Forehead. It’s a stick you rub on your head. https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000KU51SQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_Q584J8Y36KTG2F45DVK3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Fioricet from OB… only took like 1 or 2

Take aspirin, that is the best thing to take for migraines

36 weeks here, I have been taking Tylenol for extreme migraines a few times during this pregnancy, my doctor approved, said it was fine as long as it is not taken too often.
Have you tried the extra strength Tylenol?
I hope you find relief, I know how painful and uncomfortable migraines are especially during pregnancy

Google *daith piercing * I have a few friends who swear the earring slowed and stopped their migraines… also acupuncture I’ve heard good things about, they needle the same areas as the piercing…

2 Tylenol + some protein (I’d eat a boiled egg)+ 30 min of a TENS machine on my neck. Did the trick every time. I’ve had migraines since puberty. :face_with_head_bandage:

My sister was getting some type of injections in her neck for her headaches while pregnant

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Call your Dr and ask!!

I was having bad migraines and started taking 600mg of magnesium 300 in am 300 in pm and it helped tremendously. My ob recommended it. I had an mri done to make sure it wasn’t anything serious.

Kathryn Bax any advice??

My ob said it was okay to take an Advil every once in awhile for a migraine. I had them like every weekend during 2nd trimester. I’d lock myself in my room with it as dork as possible with an ice pack on my head and fans blowing on me. Very important to stay hydrated as much as possible. Hang tight momma!

You’d have to ask your doctor, but I took Pamprin (Midol) for migraines while I was pregnant.

It’s acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. Only thing that works for me, and so long as you have a healthy pregnancy with no complications, it should be fine for you to take.

Can you take Rizatriptain while pregnant? Just one of those knock mine right out.

I have been to the ER once for a migraine. The neurologist gave me fioricet.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding was the only time mine stopped! But I don’t remember what week they eased up. I was told if I absolutely had to take my medicine I could. But I was too afraid so I just suffered in the beginning.

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My headaches were extremely bad when i was carrying my daughter so my doctor suggested drinking coffee WITH caffeine. Hot coffee, iced coffees, Starbucks java chips! … it was a medical excuse to splurge on coffee drinks and believe it or not it actually provided me some relief! Of course ask your doctor first!

Put your feet in hot water or a heating pad and at the same time an ice pack at the base of your skull. Bend your head over. It been my go to for migraines for years and it works. The heating pad is easier.

I am sorry for your pain. I know they are awful. I can only offer encouragement. I suffered terribly from migranes. After the birth of my first child, I never had another. Hang in.

Try lavender oil at your temples. Otherwise, Tylenol & sleep.

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Cream of tarter under your tongue

Hot baths and showers

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Lavender and peppermint on the temples and base of your skull, and lay with a heating pad under your neck :heart: good luck

The er was able to give me prescription

I use doterra breath stick on my forehead, temples behind ears and on wrist. One of the only things that lets me lift my head off pillow

I take Tylenol and lay down do not take a hot bath or you shower it can really mess up your baby trust me I love my hot baths

Doterra lavender on head and neck.

I take magnesium for migraines. Check with you doctor first. They should be able to answer questions over the phone.

Before I got pregnant I was on imitrex then my doctor ( obgyn) said I couldn’t take them told me to take Tylenol yeah right anyone with real migraines knows Tylenol is a joke!! Also the caffeine trick doesn’t work for me either. So I talked to him again and changed me to fioricet.

I too suffer from migraines and had migraines throughout each of my pregnancies and the only thing my doctor did for me was prescribe me was a muscle relaxer. It helped a bunch especially at night. Tylenol did not work for me as well but she told me to take two chase it with a Coke. Unfortunately being pregnant there’s not much you can take

Make sure anything they prescribe you is safe through pregnancy. I was on propranolol for migraine prevention and it caused low amniotic fluid in my first pregnancy

First, be certain they are migraines. I had horrible headache and sinus issues when I was pregnant. My doctor prescribed medication and I got total relief.

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Check with the neurologist about magnesium supplements or in extreme need a magnesium drip… which would need to be done at his office if they do that or at a hospital.

I recently read put some kind of clip on the skin between your thumb and first finger. Like a clip for chips or something although I also read they actually make a device for exactly this reason. But, yes, ask your doctor.

Don’t know if you can take Advil while expecting but that and a COLD pac on the back of your neck plus dark room worked great for me! Doctor once told me that migraines are a swelling up the back of neck. Hence cold instead of hot.

I have suffered from migraines for close to 40 years, I’m familiar with the components of a migraine cocktail administered at the ER. A couple years ago, I was having a migraine and I was out of Imitrex and I didn’t want to go to the ER just for a shot so I took some Benadryl, 800mg of Advil and I had a prescription for Zofran. It was enough for me to fall asleep and I saw my dr the next day. She said what I did was good. I think all of those meds are safe to take while pregnant but I’m not a Dr. I wish you luck.

So, I recently learned some migraines are triggered by food, there’s a book called Heal your headache. It’s written by a Hopkins Dr

I got an ice beanie. It works wonders and can be used for fevers.

I mix anti nausea medicine, aleve, and benedryl…dark room and silence…but I’m not pregnant so make sure these are safe to take🙏

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Your OBGYN should be able to help with this or work with a neurologist. Mine did. They did not like me in extreme pain because it raised my blood pressure. Call your OBGYN, they will advise you whether or not to go to the ER.

My heart goes out to you and I really wish I could offer some helpful advice but I really cannot other then maybe see a chiropractor. I really cannot relate to this because for both of my pregnancy’s I never felt better. Never suffered from morning sickness or anything of the like. I hope you find some type of relief soon.

Check with the ob and see if you can get a toradol shot. You can actually give yourself the shot and it helps. It is a muscle relaxant, I usually get it when I have kidney stones but a neurologist gave me prescription for migraines. I also take lamotrigine daily as a preventive medicine. It is prescribed “off label” for them too but again might not be applicable when pregnant. I recommend doing some research.

Try a green tea Frappuccino from Starbucks. Yes, there is caffeine in it however it’s not nearly as much as coffee. The Japanese use ceremonial matcha tea for medicine to treat headaches. It really works. I haven’t had migraine medicine in 6 years.

Take a cup of caffeine with 2 ES Tylenol. If not helpful,check with your OB they may be able to prescribe some short term Fioricet

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Would acupuncture help?

Icy hot on your temples and neck, and along your occipital bone if you don’t mind your hair getting gucky

CHIROPRACTOR that is certified in Webster technique (which is for expectant mothers). I had the most debilitating migraines until I started getting adjusted on a weekly basis throughout my pregnancy

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Amitriptyline. That’s what my neurologist gave me , but that was 32 years ago

Get a room humidifier! Really helps!

Ginger helps!!! Eat ginger snaps

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If you CAN lay down in a silent, dark room. Tie a soft cloth(T-shirt works) over your eyes around your head. It helped for mine while I was preggo. Good luck hope yo I feel better soon

Try an ice pack on the area that hurts the most

Chiropractor. Had migraines for 20 years. Now been free for almost 6 years

Call your ob/gyn that you see for the pregnancy

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Chiropractor definitely!

Try magnesium supplements.

Hershey bar and a can of real coke

Drink lots of water…a ice pack on top of your head …also ice cream …yep ice cream …

Ok I found at least some relief using a heating pad on my head n neck…it might sound crazy but it honestly gives some comfort…and also they sell excedrin migraine it has caffeine…you could ask the pharmacist if it’s safe…

Peppermint oil on your temples and base of your skull

I had trouble and they suggested I take a daily magnesium supplement which helped. Just check with your doc how much is safe for you

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My Daughter takes B-12 daily for her Migrains all the time especially when she is pregnant. she has Epilepsy, and her Neurologist suggested this, along with Tylenol, and it works for her

Chiropractor helped my hemiplegic migraines a lot during my pregnancies

Ask your ob for fioricet. It helped me so much!

I never got migraines until I was pregnant with my 2nd. I went to the ER 1st because I didn’t know what was wrong and I was scared for me and her. They told me pregnancy related migraine and sent me on my way. I called my OB and she said it was safe to take the anti nausea med Zofran for them (but I can make you very tired). This was 12 years ago though so I don’t know if that has changed… I would definitely call a different OB since yours can not help you with it. I really hope that you are able to find relief from them. They are definitely no fun.

My doctor prescribed me muscle relaxers for my headaches they work but make me really sleepy

My doctor allows me to take my immitrex. She is amazing.

I go to the er sometimes for my migraines, they will give you a migraine cocktail is what they call it. They usually give me 4 shots & I get relief instantly. They prescribed me imitrex to take at home, every since they’ve gave me that I haven’t been back to the er for it.

When I got migraines during my last pregnancy I was given caffeine pills. It was a safe dose and helped. Maybe try that. Bananas can help too. Sometimes potassium can get low. Also raise your intake of water

Your OB won’t prescribe anything? Mine prescribed me one that had caffeine and some sort of head/neck muscle relaxer. It didn’t make it go away completely but it made life bearable.

If you go to the er they can give you meds safely I had to go multiple times and usually received reglan benedryl and a muscle relaxer and iv fluids

Excedrin Migraine, or the Walmart version of it, is just Tylenol+Ibuprofen+Caffeine. My migraines are gone in 20 minutes. Works amazing on PMS cramps too.

I’m sorry I don’t recall, are you aloud to take benadryl? That and tylenol will call ur headache but will make u drowsy.

Have you looked into piercing your tragus? I have both mine pierced and have not had even so much as a headache, let alone a migraine

Go to a chiropractor

A good friend of mine suffered so badly with migraines that on some episodes she was hospitalised, she suffered so much… Even the strongest medication didn’t control it.
Somebody suggested trying a vegan diet for a while to see if that helped.
She was so desperate by that time that she would give anything a try…
That was about 5 or 6 years ago, - she hasn’t had a single migraine since!!
It’s like a miracle…
It might not work the same for everyone, but it is well worth switching to a vegan diet for a couple of weeks and see if it gets rid of them…
Best of luck

I’ve suffered from migraines for 30 years I’ve like many of you tried everything. A friend told me about getting my ear pierced. I thought she was joking. But I looked it up and sure enough I read about how well it works. It’s the top ridge in your ear called the depth. When I feel s migraine starting I just move it around and it’s gone. It sounds crazy but it works 6 years migraine free.

I have always suffered from horrible migraines and tylenol will never do the trick. Mentioned to my on at one of my first appointments and she prescribed fioricet. Which is basically tylenol with caffeine . I was skeptical that it wouldn’t work either but honestly it worked better than anything I’ve ever taken before

Have someone massage the fat pad under your big toe my child had migraines and this helped so we didn’t have to medicate

I Use a plastic thing that goes between thumb and finger usually works try e Bay x

How about your usual tequila?

Try going to the chiropractor. It literally saved me!

Mine told me a small cup of coffee.

See ob to get that checked

Just Tylenol unfortunately. But there are lots of ways to help a headache. Cold compress on the back of the neck and feet in warm water will help blood flow away from the head.

PEPPERMINT OIL and go see a chiropractor your neck may be out. I’m currently pregnant and had the same issue, 3 months straight of headaches and Tylenol didn’t really do anything…

It sounds weird, but a Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich would often help mine. I figured it must be one or a combination of the spices in it. Anyway, it won’t hurt to try it.

The only thing that really has helped me is a heating pad on my feet and a cold rag on my neck.

Do not use lavender during first trimester, it can cause miscarriage!!! Some say it can do that anytime during pregnancy.

Some of these comments are crazy. :sweat_smile: I had migraines throughout both of my pregnancies and I still get them. The only thing you can really take is Tylenol please stay away from advil, ibuprofen things like that, not recommended for pregnant women. Also any decent shop won’t pierce a pregnant woman no matter the reason…yes a daith piercing is an ear but its a risk for infection so why put you or the baby at risk? My second pregnancy they prescribed me fiorcet as well it made them tolerable, humidifier worked as well. I hope you feel better and get relief