What can I use besides dermoplast?

Help! Any current mamas who used something other than Dermoplast after birth? I’m allergic to it, severely. It makes what ever I use it on swell immensely. I’m glad that I know prior to labor but does anyone know a good alternative? I’m a FTM and I’m not due for a few more months but I want to start looking into this ASAP! TIA


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can I use besides dermoplast?

I didn’t need anything

Frida foam is great! You can just put in on your pad. Very soothing.


Honestly, a squirt bottle with warm water is all ya need if delivering vaginally. I didn’t even need to use that after having my second. Didn’t even know what dermoplast was until this post.:sweat_smile:


Witch hazel essential oil diluted on a pad

Squirt bottle with warm water :pinched_fingers:t3: and witch hazel/tucks pads work wonders lol…… crushed ice inside of a newborn diaper is also great…… I have 5 kids :laughing:

I used witch Hazel! It was a great cleanser they have foam versions of it too.

Can someone fill me in please
6 babies and have never heard of it being used for childbirth


They gave me a cream and witch hazel pads after I had completely natural child birth. It was awesome. I never used dermaplast

After childbirth at my hospital I spent soo much time sitting on diapers they would cut the lining and pack with ice. (2 episiotomy and once I ripped)

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Dermaplast? On your vag? Never heard of that in my life! Just use the squirt bottle they give you.

Tucks medicated pads…

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