What can I use on my childs eczema?

Anyone have something they love that they use on their kids eczema?

Oatmeal bath :slight_smile: works greattt!

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Goats milk soap and aquaphor

Aside from the prescription cream the only thing that worked for my son was aquaphor

Aveno Eczena Cream works really good on my kids.


My son tried alot of stuff and he says everything burns. Did bleach baths and that burned.

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Porridge oats in a sock and leave in the water while little one is in the bath…aveeno oat cream…my little boys eczema got infected and was in hospital for 5 days on antibiotics…that was before I knew about the oats…he’s 14 now and he’s eczema only flares up when I put the central heating on…so I got one of the things you hook on the radiator with water in it…sudocream is good for most skin conditions too…good luck :blush::england:

Tubby Todd all over ointment

Sea salt bath and using vanicream lotion. Best things besides steroid creams.

Try a hydrating mint soap… My son says he likes the cooling feeling. It sooths while keeping the area hydrated. Contrary to popular belief, it will heal faster if it doesn’t get dry and flaky. That will make it itch and be more susceptible to wanting to scratch. Sometimes the prescription ointments either do not work or are too potent.

This helped my son and also has a lot of good reviews! :slightly_smiling_face: