What can my daughter do for her acne?

My teenager has pretty bad acne prone skin… bless her heart. Primary pediatrician said try differin gel OTC. We tried, it didn’t touch it. What did you use as a teen or what is your teen using? Hers is pretty bad in the t zone and cheeks. She’s got pretty deep black heads but not as worried over that as she is her t zone.


Go into the Curology website and do the questionnaire and find what best for her. It’s amazing stuff.

My son uses November pads and they work pretty good!

Either proactive or differin gel, they have a face wash and acne control gel. Also they have sunscreen protection.

I’m 27 and mine is mostly due to liver toxicity. Drinking lots of water, reducing my carb/sugar and artifical flavoring has helped a ton!! I’ve also tried to stick to a skin care regimine that involves a pHA gentle exfoliate. I use aveeno because I have such sensitive skin. Also taking Chlorophyll twice a day has given a MAJOR improvement. Gut health is strongly linked to skin health

I’ve heard that using dandruff shampoo helps because of the zinc in it!

Take her to a dermatologist! Let them recommend treatment.

See a good esthetician for routine skin care

Check her gut health, a lot of time acene comes back to food triggering it…not always but ita a major reason behind acne

Dermatologist put my daughter on antibiotics and 2 creams . Good luck hopefully you get it figured it out .

Definitely go to a dermatologist. The Dr my daughter saw put her on a strict regimen and you have to do it faithfully. Her acne has cleared up tremendously. I couldn’t even imagine putting her on birth control to clear her face up! Good lord.

Proactive really works if you stick to the routine…

I read about and have been using head and shoulders shampoo for my face. It works really well. Proactive is really good but if you use it start with every other day because I got a chemical burn starting out using it every day.


Eliminate sugars and dairy for the most part. Arbonne is the ONLY thing that cleared my skin and kept it clear for years after. I swear by their products (no I don’t sell them lol)

Proactive works. I used it as a teen. Get the whole set.

Drinking loads of water is my secret. I also took halibut oil with Vitamin D at that age which is also supposed to help. Also do facial steaming - fill sink with hot or boiling water and put head over it under a towel for ten minutes. Then splash face with cold water. If it’s not on her chin, it’s unlikely to be hormones. It could be that she’s using products that irritate her skin. I also love tea tree face wash and blemish control face scrubs but they can really dry out the skin so be cautious.

I used and continue to use deep and clear triple acne action face wash and it works wonders for me. I had really bad acne just like her and my acne has cleared up since using this product

This stuff worked amazing

I’ve always heard it’s worth it to just go see a dermatologist.
I’m now 25 and still struggle with acne, I’d say reach out an start looking for a dermatologist, acne doesn’t always just go away with age.


Birth control cleared my teens skin up almost immediately

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I would recommended a retinol (vitamin A) and a vitamin c along with a glycolic wash. Maybe thrown in something with salicylic acid. This is my regimen. Recently found out I have cysts on my ovaries and this threw a slight kink in my skin. Going back on birth control to help subside.

We tried everything and what finally worked was zinc for acne.

A fantastic help is hands off face . It’s helped my daughters acne calm down. Teens always touch their faces less things on the pores the better. On really bad spots dry them out with a bit of rubbing alcohol. Small bit on a cotton ball . They will be smaller or gone in a couple days at most

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No dairy I had bad acne for 20 years and soon as I cut dairy it all went away I still can’t believe it. I use Benzoclin or something like that it helped a lot while I had it but dairy is the culprit

Dermatologist recommended birth control actually for me when I was late teen/early 20s. But then you have a bunch of possible side effects. I had the best of luck with pro activ. When I stopped wearing foundation every day (even the supposedly hypoallergenic ones) it helped a lot too. By my early 30s I finally stopped getting any acne. Good luck to her!

As crazy as it sounds - Proactiv worked! And it might just be my case but I never had acne then in my early 20’s it came with a vengeance - I used it for about a year and it worked and the acne has stayed gone.
A consistent good skin care routine is pivotal and drinking LOTS of water is just as important.


Maybe take her to an esthetician and get her a facial.

My cousin had really bad acne growing up, pro active worked really well for her. Not sure how that’s rated these days :woman_shrugging:t2:. I’d personally just ask for a referral( if you need one ) to see a dermatologist.

 I swear by this DIY! Make a facemask, using chickpea flour, turmeric, honey, and almond oil. It should have a more thick than a runny consistency.

She needs to be referred to a dermatologist. We have been down the route of naturpaths, dietary changes, then antibiotics and hormones. But the only thing that has cleared my 13 year olds skin is Isotretinoin. It’s hardcore stuff. But usually 6 months on it is all you need.


eat less sugar/carbs and drink lots of water. Wash pillow cases and sheets regularly. Good skin care routine regardless of product every morning and evening.

My son’s pediatrician gave him some retinol cream I think it was called as well as an antibiotic. She said if that didn’t work, then she’d refer him him out to a dermatologist. He decided he didn’t want to take the medicine anymore so I guess he didn’t care lol.

I use Rodan and fields skin care. More expensive than grocery stores, less expensive than the skincare lines in the mall I’d say. I’ve used the anti aging line since I was 25. They have a acne line as well as other kinds too.


The best and only way is to go to a dermatologist and for them to prescribe the proper antibiotic. Nothing else is going to help. Trust me. I spent so much money on creams and face wash and dieting . The only thing that cure my awful acne was going to a dermatologist and having a prescription of antibiotics for 6 months.

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Your doctor can get you a prescription for oral meds to take


My teenagers have had really good luck using benzoyl peroxide (panoxyl) with differin gel. Starting with 4% face wash and moving up to 10%. Start slow but it improved within 2 months of regular use


I order a Japanese facewash from Amazon…I’ve have acne all my life…this here has cleared it up… only thing is apply dry and massage in with water…it’s so good

Lots of water and less sugar. Sadly sometimes it’s genetic. Take her to a dermatologist.

If its hormonal acne nothing otc is going to touch it. Maybe try seeing a dermatologist before you waste a ton of money on all these products. Ask your doctor for tretinoin.

I would do a stool test and a DUTCH test to see if she has nutrition deficiency and if you can balance hormones. Most teenagers have a deficit in minerals that cause issues. My son showed he was not absorbing fats properly causing issues.

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Plain crest toothpaste dot on at night and peel off in the am

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Wash her face with Head and shoulders. Honestly. And consistency is key. Hope this helps


I’m 29 and still have acne. Mine is hormonal and the only way to treat hormonal is by seeing a dermatologist. I use a special cream for it and while I still have it, it’s a lot better than what it was.

Diet too! If she eats a lot of sugar/dairy that could make it worse. I became lactose intolerant and since I cut out dairy, it’s helped a little.


Dermatologist! Tretinoin.

Also get her hormones checked. I struggled with acne as a teen and wasn’t diagnosed with PCOS until I was 27.

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Dial antibacterial bar soap. Works wonders. The yellow bar.

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Take her to a dermatologist

It’s may be hormonal. Is it cystic acne? If she wears makeup make sure she’s cleaning her brushes and sponges.

My acne is hormonal and didn’t get better until I was on the mini pill. It got better on reg BC but it causes migraines.

Also they make have dry skin and using products to dry up the oil that’s being over produced due to the dryness.

Realistically none of us actually know. She’ll need to see a derm.

dandruff shampoo… use like face wash…

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I would suggest talking to her doctor and possibly getting her on a birth control for hormones (cause acne) & getting a referral to the dermatologist.

In the meantime
~ Increase water intake
~ wash face with Dial soap (yellow bar). while in the shower when the bathroom is all steamy and pores are open to get all the bacteria out of pores.
~ get a pack of baby wipes (are antibacterial) for backpack/car. Needs wipe her face when it’s dirty or she’s sweating.

Obagi Medical CLENZIderm M.D. Pore Therapy Acne Treatment; Pore-Reducing Toner with 2% Salicylic Acid https://a.co/d/gfYbzK2

I bought this stuff a while ago and it really worked great!! It was half the price when I bought it but, I’m guessing a lot of people started buying it because they realized it worked and they raised the price. Well worth it in my opinion and a little goes a long way, so it’ll last her a while.

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Charcoal mask and himalya tumeric soap and lots of water was my kids acne cure

NB: it’s very unlikely to be sugar or dairy unless she’s allergic x

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My son has acne. Our family doctor gave him Benzoyl Peroxide. It’s a medicated facewash. He uses it twice a day and I’ve seen significant improvement in his skin. He still has blemishes, but nothing like he had prior to starting use of the facewash.

My son and daughter stopped doing so much to their skin. They both had acne and were trying product after product which was making it worse. Eventually my son just stopped using soap all together and just let water wash his face and my daughter just uses a very simple wash since she wears makeup. Both of their acne cleared up within weeks. They were destroying their skin barrier with all of the different stuff dermatologists were recommending and drug store products. Accutane was also tried but my son had a bad reaction to it so he quit it. Overall less is more.

Take her to a dermatologist. They can prescribe pills to kill it from the inside, as well as give her a cream. Make sure she is washing her face twice a day. In the meantime get her something with Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid.

OMG order Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, 1 Fl oz https://a.co/d/7tzVx2z … total game changer for my teen son a few years ago! Thank me later :wink:

Took my son to the Dermatologist and got him on Accutane for 6 months… his skin is perfect now!!!

I had very bad acne as a teenager. Very bad. I went to some many dermatologists and nothing was working. Tried it all. Then someone told my mom to try Murad. It worked. I used it daily and withing 90 days my face was clearing up. I deal with a little bit of acne during my periods, but that is it. Also, if she has bangs, I would recommend them to grow out too. Telling my niece the same thing. She is actually using the Murad product and it is working wonders for her too. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!!! I hope she finds the right regiment for her.

My son had bad acne…tried EVERYTHING…Rx and over the counter…what finally worked was rubbing alcohol applied to face …and change pillow case often

Witch Hazel is what my daughter uses.

You can always try going to a dermatologist they helped with my acne when I had it pretty bad in my younger years

I would do as others suggested and drink lots of water and watch her diet with sugars and such healthy probiotic for the gut switching out pillow cases is important … it can be hormonal/ genetic and it doesn’t hurt to see a dermatologist or get a facial time to time…

I’ve dealt with acne as soon as I hit puberty birth control helped me and the system obagi clenziderm… if you get the kit which is pretty strong make sure to also use a non-scented lotion as a barrier in my opinion it’s all a balance and everyone is different depending on what works for them due to the cause/ issue. Hope that helps!

Anything my daughter used that had benzoyl peroxide made her acne worse. So the Dermatologist put her on accutane. It works great. Same for my son. Good luck bc I know how mean kids can be to another kid bc of their acne problem.