What can my daughter use for her acne?

Hey momma’s. My 12 year old daughter is dealing with some bad acne on her forehead and I was hoping y’all had any products you swear by that won’t cost an arm and a leg. She uses clean and clear but it doesn’t seem to work on her.


I used to wash my face then use rubbing alcohol.to dry up acne . But it’s been lots of years.

Orange bars of dial soap…witch hazel


Witch hazel every night on the whole face

You may need to have a dermatologist look to see what type she has that matters too sometimes that’s why the over the counter doesn’t help

My daughter at that age had huge issue too and she does intermittent antibiotics to help keep it cleared up form her doc

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This face wash for my 12 year old has been life saving.

My son had the worst acne his doctor had ever seen. We got him Proactive, which worked well for him.


The dermatologist prescribed me differin at that age, but it’s over the counter now.

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Cerave cleansers and Moisturizer. Also a retinol serum.

U have to figure out the cause and type to treat properly. At that age hormones are a bitch which would require a doctor to treat but it might be as simple as dry skin causing excess oil causing acne

Go to the garden center and buy an aloe vera plant cut part of the leaf off and split it and it’s slimy inside put that on her face and it’ll dry clear and it’ll dry up all the acne anywhere on her body.


Honey masks great for everything.

I love Cetaphil! It’s great! I’ve used it for years. It’s lightweight and good for sensitive skin. Other wise I also like anything by clean and clear.

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Proactiv is available at some CVS and Target stores.
Also, Differin is available at various places.
I buy whichever is in stock and they help my daughter.


Cetaphil. Clears acne and scars

It will take trial and error…some products work for some and not others. Start with a cleanser…Cerave, Panoxyl, Proactive, Ordinary, La Roche Posay…

Witch hazel with tea tree oil. Make sure the tea tree oil is quality, like Doterra brand. Also caster oil on the face can be good for acne. But I’d go in the direction of witch hazel and tea tree oil first.


I really like all the suggestions from other people but I would look into her diet as well. Washing your face with clean water several times a day helps, water is healing. And cutting out lots of sugar helps as well. Some people’s triggers are other things like rice for bread, things with yeast in them. You might just have to find what works for her. This is a tough age so I hope you really find something that works for her. Being a teenager is hard enough lol. I remember it well and I still have some acne at 40 years old. But it is definitely made better by a lot of these suggestions.


Try Panoxyl !! It saved my skin! Just don’t keep the bottle in the shower. It can’t be kept in warm areas.

Clinique is the only thing that helps my really oily skin. Since I’m on a tight budget, I buy travel sizes of the wash, toner, and moisturizer for $20 at ulta and it lasts me about a month.

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Benzaclin is the best but I think it still needs a prescription.

If her acne is really bad you should take her to a dermatologist, maybe she needs antibiotics or stronger medication than the OTC ones to kill and get rid of the bacteria that causes the acne .
I used to get very bad acne not a lot but the few I got were huge like craters and very very deep , nothing from a normal pharmacy helped the only thing that helped me was Accutane

My son ordered “The Ordinary” from tik tok a set very reasonably priced and it cleared his acne all up

Curology was a life saver for me. proactive, zit dots, rx from dermotologist all failed. curology has took me from mutliple cystic acne area to completely clear. i think it is $40/month

Mary Kay face wash works great for my son!

kmart had these skin routine packs, cleanser, mask, moisteriser and toner my 14 yr old uses it she has sensitive skin and I swear by it not only does she not have a reaction but it actually cleans her skin, free of acne and the best part it cost me like $12. comes in a cute bag too and the bottles read step by step what to do :slightly_smiling_face:

Hair products or wearing a hat/beanie/head band can cause forehead acne. Otherwise, my acne went away when I cut out dairy and went on birth control

Wash face with an antibacterial soap, rinse well. Clean with Sea Breeze sensitive skin on a cotton round. After this dries apply 10% benzoyl peroxide gel such as Persa-gel 10. Leave this on until the next time you wash your face and start the whole process over. Hope this helps.

Dr can prescribe something

Proactiv! I had bad acne as a teenager and adult and that is the ONLY thing that completely cleared up my face. Walmart makes a generic proactiv for under $20. It said give it 2 months but it took 4 months for me.

i suffered from severe acne as a teenager. i have scars from same to this date. my mom got me soap, cleanser, etc-- what finally started helping was i would take was wash my face in hot water only, no soaps, creams, etc-- just hot water as i could stand on my face, then followed it up with splashing with cold water. my face then started clearing up. go figure.

Honestly I’ve used just gold dial soap. Acne is caused by bacteria and dead skin. So using an antibacterial soap and acne lotion has worked best for me

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Differin or Cetaphil were recommended by my pharmacist for myself

Ask her dermatologist about prescribing Accutane.


I use this for my daughter and it has worked wonders! A little goes a long way.

Avon Teen Essential vitamins

I got a prescription from my doctor for my son as the stuff from the stores weren’t working

Ball boyz… cant be just for dudes?.. my boys use the face bar after having their football helmets on. They love it.

My son cut out soda. Just washing with wash cloth/water . And light lotion. And drinking lots of water.

Ivory soap with hot water then a cool rinse and then witch hazel. Works wonders.


My grandson went to a dermatologist and had great results

Buy a bottle of Lysine in the vitamin section take them every day and use a bar of antibacterial soap on the face first with as hot as you can stand it water then with cold water right after…I used safeguard soap on my daughter. Her skin cleared right up in 2 weeks and she never ever ever broke back out on her face chest or back ever again. It has been over a year now and she still takes the vitamin daily and uses safeguard soap to shower and wash her face with. We tried all brands of acne medicine and finally we went to a dermatologist and he actually recommended the Lysine and the safeguard soap and we have never had another breakout not even a sweat pimple and she plays all sports!

Lavender water … give that a try xx

Panoxyl wash and Differin gel both OTC

Cerave or African black soap

Rosehip oil or jojoba oil worked a treat for my daughter and I have started to use it to for my aging skin
Working a treat

Head and shoulders may work. But fair warning, it dries the skin so a moisturizer will be needed after.

CeraVe! I had acne growing up and I used everything including proactive and it never worked. CeraVe is the only thing that’s cleared my skin up. I use the daily cleanser and the moisturizer every night.


I used to use Proactive but I was getting chemical burns if I used it as much as directed. And the one for sensitive skin didn’t work for me. Then I heard on a YouTube video that using head and shoulders works. So I figured why not give it a try and it really does work. It can be store brand and whatever scent. Definitely less expensive and my skin feels a lot better.

Plain old water is best for the face.
What works for some people may not work for her. If her skin is really bad you can get a script from the Dr for something

My teen boys use this. It’s all natural and works from the inside out. They had really red swollen bumps and now their skin is clear. I’ll look and see if I have before and after photos somewhere. They make it for females too.

Differin made a huge difference in my skin. It dries it out but it does work!!

Try a gentle salicylic cleanser, followed by adapalene cream. Allow that to absorb before finishing off with a moisturizer with SPF to protect her face from sunburn and prevent her skin from drying out. Start out with 2-3x per week until her skin adjusts and then she can work her way up to daily use.

So. I , myself suffer with acne.

Over the counter for about 17$
it’s a CeraVE brand. tube of face wash. Contains 10% benzoyl peroxide.

I goto a derm & they prescribe me face wash benzoyl peroxide 10% ( it’s the highest content you can get & cerave has it over counter )

I also get doxycycline antibiotic pills :pill: & clindamycin 1% face wipes.

Noxema worked best for me

Bubble is one that I’ve heard great things about lately

Clinique makes an acne/skin care set that changed my skin as a teenager. Mainly the soap bar and toner. They make different kits for different skin types.

Indian healing clay is amazing pan oxyl pimple patches tell her not to pick or pop them just put the pimple dots
On over night best thing to do is go to the dermatologist get a
Chemical peel and possibly an antibiotic to calm it down

Dermatologist gave my son this. I use it now also and it helps big time with my monthly breakouts