What can my mom do for relief from neuropathy from chemo?

My mom has breast cancer. So far, she has had chemo, surgery and has started what will be several months of radiation. Any suggestions for relief of neuropathy in toes and fingers from chemo? She says gabapentin helps but is not enough. She also takes 250mg of magnesium daily.


Have You Tried marijuana. My Grandmother Had it about 15 years ago it Worked for pain

Try CBD my friend has cancer and it helps her a lot she is on her 6th cancer

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I have neuropathy from the knee down in both legs. Not from chemo though. Gabapentin didn’t do anything for me except cause brain fog and slurred my speech. I use CBD oil topically and orally. There is also an oil I get from Amazon made with frankincense and myrrh that helps like a topical anesthetic. Turmeric helped me with inflammation. Cannabis helps me to use at night to relax the “shocks” and spasms so I can get to sleep, if that is an option for her.


I know this is an “unorthodox” idea…but maybe marijuana. I mean I don’t personally smoke but I do believe in the benefits


I take cq10 and b 12 complex vitamin it helps with mine


CBD and THC are amazing for it


All the medications are great for that that were mentioned. Also cannabis and cod does wonders. I’ve had neuropathy and fibromyalgia since I was 17 truthfully I found cannabis and Cbd works way better than synthetic medications if your ok with that route also if medication your choice ask for a muscle relaxer that normally isn’t prescribed for that you must ask


I am a two time breast cancer survivor. I did 7 months of chemo this 2nd time. What helped me was God and lotsssss of water. I leaned on God like never before. Had extreme faith that he had me. Next came water. I only drank water. No coffee,soda, juice, nothing but water. Around 7-8 bottles a day. If I got up at night, I would drink some water. Find a brand u like and the temperature u like. It helps distribute the chemicals so they move through ur system faster. I had zero side effects from my treatment. Sending prayers for your momma. :heart::pray:


Tumeric and cbd oil (Lazarus Naturals is awesome)

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If your in a medical marijuana state the THC lotion helps a lot or smoking it also. Soak them in Epson salt. Freeze a water bottle and roll it under your foot. Copper T socks help also

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My dear Joe drank a 15 of beer everyday,he had very minimal side effects,he servived it

Massage and essential oils has been effective in some of my clients. Interview several massage therapists (over phone) explain situation and find one comfortable and confident helping oncology patients and familiar with the situation.
Mint oils, clove oil, cinnamon (can burn - always dilute) oil, and others can be helpful depending on application and circumstance. Ensure they are real and from a reputable source.

Switch the gabapentin to Lyrica and add some edibles in there.


Hey! I work at a compounding pharmacy that makes topical pain creams that works WONDERS for neuropathy! If you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to answer them for you!

Lots of water,THC, CBD . Buy a baby bath temperature duckie . I had problems with making bath water/ dish water too hot. Neuropathy in hands and feet. Healing prayers for your momma :heartbeat:

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Cbd oil or medical marijuana.


400mg. Magnesium 2x a day helps but it doesn’t completely go away and have her magnesium level checked by her DR.

Cbd oil, good luck to your Mom, hope she feels better soon

Water!! Lots of water. It helps to flush through the treatment quicker and really helps with pesky side effects.

High CBD low THC oil if it is hormone positive breast cancer. If it is hormone lead then the thc can cause it to spread more.

My mom went through the same thing!! She takes lyrica and it helps a lot

CBD oil helped alot. Also med mari jane

Alpha lipoic acid is what my grandmothers oncologist told her to take for the neuropathy. I can’t remember the dosage though. You can buy it over the counter.

What’s her dosage of gabapentin she can probably have her Dr up the dosage

No, but I suggest looking into essiac tea (they have pills that come in a white and green bottle if she doesnt like the tea) to help her along with the chemo

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Neuropathy after chemo sucks! All I have is gabapentin and starting magnesium.

This is a otc ointment we recommended for our patients for neuropathy. Of course you should ask her doctor before using but it seems to help from what I’ve heard, good luck hope she’s gets some sort of relief

Ask the dr if they can refer her to occupational therapy

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They’re a pain in the butt, but compression stockings may help.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. https://answers.mamasuncut.com/t/what-can-my-mom-do-for-relief-from-neuropathy-from-chemo/9028

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When the breves are damaged there’s not much you can do as they don’t get better. There are painkillers that can help as well as the Gabapentin. Tell her to ask her GP for some help with the pain

My aunt has had a lot of brain surgeries and suffers from this too. Weirdly enough different sized vibrating massagers seem to help her, she has one for her back and a smaller one for her joints and bottoms of her feet.

I smoked lots of weed and ate lots of veggies

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Medicinal marijuana.


I take Norco for my feet and legs. Couldn’t make it without it!

I put rubber around the silver wear so it was easier for her to hold

Pain medicine… Heating pads and ice, soaking in the bath… Unfortunately thats all thats really ever helped me, and most days it didn’t help that much…

The ice definitely helpsduring her treatments!! And no it doesn’t defeat purpose; treatment builds up in extremities causes her condition.

Prescribed codeine taken throughout the day seems to help me.

Talk with your Mother’s doctors. They know what is best for her.

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Celexa helped me. Its actually an anti depressant but worked for my neuropathy.

My mom takes Lyrica 2x a day for her phantom pains( seems to work better than the Norco she was addicted to)

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Lyrics works better than Gabapentin also has less side effects. Memory loss is a major one with Gabapentin.

Lubiderm cream or patches helps with the neorpathy in my feet. A doctor can prescribe it.

Patches on for 12 hours off for 12. Cream can be used up to X amount of times a day.

If she is okay with CBD try that route will help her feel better. I can’t makes me jittery as all get. THC I am allergic to. Gives me massive heafaches

Coconut oil supplement. I’ve heard from someone with neuropathy that coconut oil helps.

Ask a Nurse. They know.

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I use toeless socks with strips that go inbetween my toes. Such a difference. Easily got on ebay or Amazon. I can try to look at the ones l bought and see if they have as pacific name or not.

Why didnt she ask the doc or the doc should have ideas for thier patient for this.

Nerve Support Formula (Extra Strength) by RHP Health Products. They are B & D3 Vitamins specially formulated to soak in 10 times better that will work on that. I also recommend Airbourne Vitamins (fizzy tablet you drop into water) 2 times per day to build her immune system, and Japanese Mushroom Immunity Complex. My husband recovered from stage 3 colon cancer and his blood cell counts were almost normal because of these things he took. The nurses and doctors were amazed and kept asking us what we were doing. The battle can be won.:slightly_smiling_face:

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I am a surviving breast cancer patient myself. If your Mom is having these problems she should talk to her Oncologist before taking any medicines including over the counter meds or even herbal medicines as they could have an adverse reaction. They may need to adjust her gabapentin. Good luck. I know cancer sucks. Be positive and keep her positive.

Cbd oil is a game changer x

B 12 and b group vitamins