What cause nose bleeds in toddlers?

Please no bashing I have 3 boys one of them my stepson and pregnant on my 3 rd baby my 4 year old has had 3 nose bleeds his week and a few in the past I think he has week blood vessels he gets a bang and it just pops is his normal or should I take him to get it seen to ? The other boys don’t get his it dosent bother him he’s quite happy because red is is favourite colour he likes to see the blood on a tissue after he’s quite ruff and tumble little boy.


If the air is dry people are more prone to nose bleeds.

Weather can do this. Happens to my man a lot

My daughter had bad nose bleeds and we had to take her to the ENT and have the blood vessel cauterized in her nose. She hasn’t had a problem since.

My son when he was approx 4yrs (he now 10) had horrendous nose bleeds. We were told if it lasted longer than 15 mins then he should be seen. He still suffers now but not as bad. Hayfever irritates it and if he gets too hot also. Cooler baths and showers help. I always make sure he Carrie’s tissues with him as you never know when it will happen.

Needs to be seen. Could be nothing except dry weather, could be something that has a simple fix but could also be a more complex problem. Have them check lab specifically for platelet count.

My husband had this happen all the time growing up. He had to have his nose cauterized. Our 7 yr old gets them too. But not as bad as dad. I take. Q-tip with a little bit of vaseline about 2 times a week and rub it along the inside of her nostrils.

Could just be the air (to dry)

Neosporin on a qtip rub it in his nostrils 2x a day (morning and night) then switch to once a day. It will thicken the wall up.

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Weather can contribute alot to my oldest gets nose bleeds like real bad gusher nose bleeds but only when it’s super dry or humid

My little sis was like this Just random nose bleeds i get like this when im pregnant even just blowing my nose or being to hot causes a nose bleed some just get them its not a big deal unless it’s just pouring out

Low iron maybe? Nose bleeds could be from dry air too.

My daughter gets them several times a year usually during the winter months.

Its caused by exposed capillaries in the nose. Two of my boys have this problem. One has gotten the inside of his nose cauterized with silver nitrate to stop them. That worked for a couple years but hes do for another treatment and my toddler too. Its not dangerous to his health or anything, just inconvenient.

The vessels in my nose had to be cauterized when I was a child to stop the nose bleeds. One I go so bad the vessel was actually dangling out of my nose and I had to go to the er

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Humidifier forsure I use to get nose bleeds all the time as I child even had to get it packed multiple times because it would not stop.

Does it stop?? Cause if it stops then it could just be due to environmental. Try to mark on a calendar over the course of one month how often it happens. I would do this before spending the money going to the doctor. However if it bleeds a lot and long, then I would consult a physician!

My daughter has nose bleeds pretty often it’s due to dry weather or too much air circulation like fans on. I put a humidifier in her room and it’s helped a lot

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Why do you need to announce your pregnacy? Lol


For the love of God do not google it. Probably just the weather. Get a humidifier for his room.

I had constant nose bleeds when I was young.

I just don’t get it. Have him checked out.


My youngest used to get them. Took her to the ped and they rubbed some… silver nitrate(?) On it and she hasnt had any since.

Seriously? Just go to the doctor. If there ever is a thought “should I go to the doctor or ask Facebook instead?”, GO TO THE DOCTOR.


Some kids their blood vessels are closer to the surface in their nostril. Its not abnormal .I would wake up with nose bleeds in the middle of the night. The doctors back then corterized the inside of my nose twice , been fine ever since. Sure the procedure is a lot better today. Tell your doctor about the bleeding.


I agree to stop facebookin stuff!!! Get the kid checked out with a paediatrician instead of listening to garbage!!!

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Not sure where you live but my son gets nose bleeds pretty easy especially when the air is very dry…try using a humidifier

It could be allergies as well. My sons had them and it’s bc of allergies and dryness.

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What the hell :woman_facepalming:t2::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

my son was having lot of nose bleeds he would just be sitting playing and it would start to bleed so i took him to an ear nose and throat specialist come to find out he had a vein inside his nostril that would erupt and bleed this happened many times and at times would bleed a lot before it stopped so the dr. had to cordarise it he was fine after that

maybe you should have it checked out

You should just take him to the doctor just to be safe my brother had constant nose bleeds everyday and night when he was little he grew out of them but congratulations on your pregnancy too I hope everything’s okay with you little boy

I’d try a humidifier.