What causes a late period but negative tests?

Has anyone been 7 days late on missed period and not been pregnant? I’ve almost never been late, NOT breastfeeding. Tests say negative.

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I’m 25 days late I’m on the Nuva ring took two test both said negative so on to the next ring

Stress can cause it. Along with birth control

Yes, I had a very regular period and then for a couple years I would randomly be 1-2 weeks late and not pregnant. Could be stress related.

With my second it took over 10 days until it showed up positive. I must have ovulated late or the egg was slow at implantation

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Yea the month before I actually got pregnant

Can happen u could be stressed and some birth controls can cause it.

Yep. Missed a whole month a few times before in high school (wasn’t sexually active until I was with my now husband in my early 20’s)

I have been up to 14 days late it was weird

I had this happen in June. I was 6 days late then had a super light 4 day deal with negative tests. I’m currently 7 weeks pregnant but I wasn’t when that happened and never in my life have I been late besides when I’ve been pregnant. Idk what caused it then. Maybe stress? Although I’m always stressed so idk?

Yep. Been 9 days late. Also once I skipped an entire month.
Wasn’t pregnant or any birth control or anything.

I went a whole month never had a period and wasnt pregnant

I have irregular periods all the time…

I just had this happen and I even went in for a blood test. My periods have been spot on since about 6 weeks postpartum. I think it just happens sometimes honestly. Depending on what you have going on, stress, diet, or our bodies get a little thrown off just because.

Yep I am usually regular but have had a few times where it’s just been late. It can be caused by stress, birth control or just your body being weird.

Me. Sometimes I completely miss it all together, then the next month comes…and it comes with power lol

Yes few times. Stress. Or meds. Can cause period to be late.

I have. It can be stress or being around a different set of women