What causes a miscarriage?

Fan Question

So I had a miscarriageā€¦the doc said it was because of a herpes infection that got out of hand. . . I actually found out I got fluke liver parasites from eating sushi, undercooked cattle or contaminated waterā€¦I got rid of them but then I found out I had a yeast, bacterial and UTI infection. My question is, has anyone else miscarried just because of the herpes virus? They say over 95% of the population has it.


Thereā€™s 2 types of herpes. Most of the population definitely does not have genital herpes


This whole thing made me cringe slightly only bc of the worms


Jesus you had all of that at the same time??


If they are saying 95% they are prolly talking all types of herpesā€¦cold sores are herpesā€¦I get them every spring and fall and after Iā€™ve been really sick for awhile

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There are 2 types of herpes but it really doesnā€™t matter which one you have ā€¦ Herpes is a virus so that means itā€™s in your body PERIODā€¦ just shows an outbreak differently depending on which one you have (cold sores or genital sores)ā€¦thatā€™s not a big deal though while carrying a baby but only after the first trimesterā€¦and during delivery that herpes is dangerous. And most people donā€™t even know they have herpes ā€¦most people are asymptomaticā€¦ I hope you feel better soon girl! That sucks so bad that happened to u :frowning:


Most of the population doesnā€™t have genital herpes. And the ones that do either tame medication, or keep it under control some how so it doesnā€™t get out of hand.
If you had all of those problems at the same time I would say the miscarriage could be due to not taking care of yourself. If you have UTI (It can be very dangerous in pregnancy ) symptoms you should see a OB right away. Same with yeast and if you have a herpes break out.


What exactly were you doing to get all of this? Because every person knows not to eat sushi or under cooked meat when pregnant. And that 95% isnā€™t accurate. Thereā€™s no way


calls dr to get checked Iā€™ve never had herpesā€¦


I donā€™t think the hepes simplex virus (cold sores) would cause you to have a miscarriage. But how did you not know about the UTI, yeast infection, and bacterial infection?


A lot of you are dumb :joy: The strain almost EVERYONE has is the one that produces cold sores. And yes, you can still get it in your genital area and have it not be the other strand. A lot of people are also just carriers and have never had any kind of outbreak


Herpes? No. 95% of the population has HPV maybe, not herpesā€¦


Iā€™ve never had a cold sore or any type of Sti/herpes but Iā€™ve had a UTI. I wouldnā€™t know about herpes and miscarriages. So sorry for your loss! :cry:

There is no evidence that herpes (type 1 or type 2) causes miscarriages.


It could have been the uti or the fluke parasites

ā€œUndercooked cattleā€ lost my attention. Its beef.


I wanna know who ā€œtheyā€ isā€¦ Herpes simplex and herpes complex are 2 totally different viruses.

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A lot of the population has herepes. Back when I was in school it was HPV that 95% of the population had. Now it is herpes. I know this because I spoke to my OBGYN about it due to an ex having it.


Oh man, I canā€™t give you any insight, but Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve had to go through all that.

You cannot transmit genital herpes to an unborn baby until birth. Infections such as UTIs and yeast can irritate the cervix and cause miscarriage. The risk of transmission during birth is why they will do a c-section if you have an outbreak during labor.


Your percentages is wrong


I think you need to take care of yourself better before having a kiddo.


Even if theyā€™re talking about both types of herpes itā€™s definitely not 95%.

Google is ya friend.

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The chicken pox is a form of herpes virus so probably accurate


Your other issues could have caused a miscarriage.

I have a close friend who has herpes and her entire pregnancy was normal :woman_shrugging: the only thing she worried about was for delivery and chance of cesarean (only with an outbreak if I remember correctly). But no, 95% of the population does not have herpesā€¦ that is the most ridiculous thing Iā€™ve heard all dayā€‹:rofl::woman_facepalming:


Of the more than 100 known herpesviruses, 8 routinely infect only humans: herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, varicella-zoster virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, human herpesvirus 6 (variants A and B), human herpesvirus 7, and Kaposiā€™s sarcoma virus or human herpesvirus 8. A simian virus, called B virus, occasionally infects humans. All herpesviruses can establish latent infection within specific tissues, which are characteristic for each virus.

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I promise you 95% of the population does not have herpes. I am very sorry for your loss. But food borne illness can definitely cause miscarriage from the stress of it. Which is why they say to not eat undercooked meats or sushi.


Itā€™s not the common type you have the sexually transmitted disease


Iā€™m sorry but 95 percent does NOT have herpes . Warts maybe but not herpes . Iā€™m sorry for your loss . I myself have had 3 miscarriages , but strong family issue with having kids .


67% of the world have one of the forms of herpes virus. Either sexual, cold sores or both.

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Fact-checking is your friend


Yuck!!! 95% is that really correct? I dont know anyone (personally) with uncurable stdā€™s but that number seems awful high.


People need to be supportive rather judge shit does happen people learn from there mistakes we are all humans

I found out i had hsv the same day i found out i had my first miscarriage at 6 weeks. They told me it was completely unrelated. I would get a different dr. Itā€™s a completely manageable condition. I went on to have a healthy full term pregnancy a year later.


You cant transmit herpes and dr will give meds if they think itā€™s a problem at time of birth to prevent this. Sometimes thereā€™s no explanation for miscarriage but from the sushi and uti it could have been complications from that


Meagan Dagg I figured youā€™d be able to give proper information given where you work.

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Uti possibly. I had bleeding at 9 weeks and it was a mix of physical labour and Bv, bv can cause a miscarriage.

I find 95% to be over exaggerated. That much of the population is definitely not affected. But it could have been everything combined that caused it.


The one that causes cold sores is different than the STD right?


Iā€™ve never had a cold sore so I have no idea.

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95% of the population def doesnā€™t have herpes lmfao


I have herpes and had a healthy baby girl


The doc is an idiot. You had a miscarriage because miscarriages are ridiculously common. Nothing more. Now if itā€™s a recurring thing then youā€™ll need to be tested for genetic conditions and such, but your pregnancy wasnā€™t lost due to herpes.


I think you need a new dr.

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I would find a new dr. Herpes is not a cause of miscarriage


95% of the population carry staph in their nasal cavities, but herpes isnt that common. Different strands of the herpes virus is more common than others, but not herpes itself.


Miscarriages are more common than many think and most of the time they stre caused by genetic malformations very early on. Other than that it is very hard to pinpoint what caused a miscarriage

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95% of the population does not have fucking herpes.

This question is too vague and Iā€™m not sure what relevance all the lead up has to the actual question :thinking:


Sorry for your lost check into changing Drsā€¦

Life on lifes termsā€¦sending love ur way sorry for ur loss

Miscarriages are very common. Almost all women have had them. You need a new doc. Not trying to be mean but make sure your body is healed and doesnā€™t have ANY infections before you start trying to conceive :wink:


Yes, a lot of people carry the virus. Geeze. 90% of the worldwide population does have one or both viruses. HSV-1 being the most prevalent, about 65% of persons in the US having the antibodies to HSV-1.

But thatā€™s not what she was asking.

Yā€™all being ugly and hateful when a mom loses a child. Wow. Hopefully yā€™all never have a serious issue or tragedy, just to get crapped on. A kinds of things can happen.

Utiā€™s and yeast infections are fairly common during pregnancy. Herpes during pregnancy is usually not a risk due to having to have a c-section. As far as the liver fluke, that medicine is strong.

How far along were you? Did you have herpes before pregnancy or get it farther along in the pregnancy? All that makes a difference. But most babies can be born healthy. It just depends on the situation.


Iā€™m not sure but I did go into labor with the baby right before my two year old I was almost 5 months I had a severe kidney infection and UTI that i had to be admitted for a week after I got out I went into full blown labor and had the baby and he died I do know kidney infections and utis can cause it

I am so sorry about your miscarriage. :sob: I havenā€™t any knowledge about your conditions, so it is best to listen to your Doctor and get treated accordingly. Once you have everything under control he will be able to tell you how long to wait to try and conceive again. I am so sorry that you have had to deal with so many rude remarks on this post, after suffering a loss as you have and going through medical issues. I donā€™t understand how people can be so mean. I could never treat another human being like so many do. :sob: Prayers to you, and your spouse. :heart:


A few things.

Iā€™m very sorry for your loss. I wish miscarriages were never a thing.

You need a new doctor. Herpes will not cause a miscarriage.

Herpes is spread by skin to skin contact. There are two common strains HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both can be either oral or genital. Closer to 80% of the population has it and doesnā€™t know it or ever had any symptoms. Even if people think they donā€™t have it, the only way to be absolutely sure is to have a blood test. Herpes is not in the standard STD tests.

Again, Iā€™m very sorry this all happened to you.


Iā€™m more curious about the parasites :microbe:?

I dont have herpes glad im not , but yeah u can miscarry

I am so sorry for your loss. No person should ever feel the loss of pregnancy or child.
To answer your question - yes an active infection of any kind including herpes CAN cause loss of pregnancy. Parasites, herpes, yeast infections, etc all can cause early loss of pregnancy or later in pregnancy can cause preterm labor and delivery.
Hopefully you are able to get the infections under control and if you chose to conceive hopefully it will be viable and stick full term :heart: best wishes


I know someone who has herpes and has had two healthy children and no miscarriages. She had to have a c-sec both times, and I dont know if she wasnt allowed to breast feed or just fidnt want to, but apparently you can have healthy pregnancies and herpesā€¦
Miscarriages happen, honey. 1/4 pregnancies if I remember correctly. Ive had one and have never had an STD, was perfectly healthy, and doing everything right from the moment I peed on the stick until I lost the pregnancy at 11 weeks. I tried to find something I mustā€™ve done wrong, but these things just happen.
Iā€™m sorry for your loss, I know how heartbreaking it can be.

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95% of the population definitely does not have herpes.


Your doctor sounds retarded as fuck. I am sorry for your lossā€‹:broken_heart::sob:

It depends on when you are infected. A primary HSV infection can wreak havoc on a baby. Miscarriage is definitely possible in that instance. If they make it to delivery they can die very soon afterwards, even after being born seemingly healthy. If the infection was present prior to the pregnancy there arenā€™t the same complications and your concern goes more toward preventing contact with active lesions for delivery.

Yes genital herpes can cause a miscarriage if it is active and not aggressively treated. I have the herpes simplex virus (oral, not genital) and had a couple flare ups during pregnancy but nothing severe, I treated it as normal.

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Iā€™m so very sorry about the negative feedback youā€™re getting. Iā€™m pretty sure that if any of the negative or sarcastic commenters were in your shoes, they definetly wouldnt take kind to the rude comments.

Shes simply needing reassurance and closure for her loss guys. Yes, we want to give her ā€œreal worldā€ input and she is a grown woman so things dont need to be sugar coated, but take it a bit easierā€¦so unless yā€™all have your PHD, Iā€™d keep the bashing down to a minimim.

Despite HSV being a very common infection, doctors donā€™t believe that the virus causes miscarriages in most cases. Some research shows that women with unexplained recurrent miscarriages are more likely to have an undetected HSV infection than women with no history of miscarriage.

99% of the time, a misscarriage is caused by chromosomal defect, genetic abnormality and are very COMMON!

I had suffered from one myself, I was too busy over analyzing what it was that ā€œI did wrongā€. Donā€™t torture yourself mamaā€¦ I can almost promise it wasnt your fault. But as I saw in a previous post, just go through the motions of prepping your health before conceiving!!


I donā€™t have an exact answer to your post but I do want to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. Thereā€™s moms that are 120% healthy and do everything right and miss carry. Keep your head up mama :kissing_heart:


You need to take better care of yourself if you had all that going on girl.


I dont think anyone with herpes will openly come out and say they have herpes on here lol but this info is new to me!


Oh man with the types of posts that get through hereā€¦


Most people have some form of herpes whether oral or genitalā€¦ its technically the same the only difference is location.

Iā€™m so very sorry for your loss. Donā€™t blame yourself

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I am seriously in shock by some of the ignorance brought out by this post. Donā€™t speak on things you have no knowledge about simply due to being internet warriorā€¦
With that said, HSV is actually common throughout the world. If itā€™s a new infection, meaning caught at time of pregnancy than your body is fighting itself trying to get the antibodies so it could affect a pregnancy. If itā€™s not a new case of HSV, then no; you just get monitored throughout the pregnancy. Again REALLY shocked by the ignorance of disrespect of this post! Nobody knows the situation so stfu making comments like they werenā€™t taking care of themselves.


I think you need a full STD panel. Get checked out for everything and start using CONDOMS or have your partners checked before having sex with them. Iā€™m sorry you lost a baby. You have a lot going on health wise that needs healed that, just as MD said, contributed to the miscarriage. Contrary to popular belief, STDā€™S can cause miscarriage (but itā€™s not the only reason they happen) and I believe you should check in with you health department to see if you can get some of these tests free of charge. If children are your goal- getting healed and healthy is your #1 and getting the herpes under control by taking your meds faithfully, Evey day. Get better soon.

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No the only time Herpes would effect a pregnancy is if it was the very first exposure to HSV2 (genital herpes) women have vaginal births even w HSV2 they have you start suppression treatment in the 3rd trimester similar to the HIV virus and prenatal suppression treatment. BUT the only surefire way to prevent transfer to NB is a C-sectionā€¦ I have never heard of a situation like what you posted UNLESS itā€™s a 1st time exposure and outbreak.

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Do you mean hpv? I would hope 95% of people have herpes

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Only 67% of people carry the herpes virus, Iā€™m not sure who told you it was 95% but thatā€™s simply not true. And out of the 67% not everyone gets flair ups a lot of peoples herpes lay dormant. That being said yes, genital herpes can cause a miscarriage, Iā€™m not sure why your dr didnt think to talk with you about this before hand. Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through this.

Everyone here is so high and mighty. The woman had a MISCARRIAGE, and everyone is still bashing her. Educate her, donā€™t belittle her! But I suppose youā€™re all Saints :roll_eyes:

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I am so shaken by some of the comments people have made, accusing me of not taking care of myself. Iā€™ve been crying off and on all day because of some of these heartless judgemental comments. I shower daily. I am the most health conscious person. I have severe food allergies so I can only eat organic food. I avoid fast food, I dont drink soda. I have three kids and I am the type of person that gives the shirt off my back to people in need. I spend most of my days researching health and healing because I am really passionate about it. Yeah I got exposed to some parasites from eating a medium rare burger, or going out to a nice sushi restaurant as a treat probably years before I was pregnant, apparently its quite common because they can be found in dirt, water, undercooked meats, you can get them from touching a surface. I have candida overgrowth, which actually is pretty common with the amount of starches people eat these days and mucus causing foodsā€¦so me and my kids are more prone to yeast overgrowth. If you struggle with being slightly overweight you too may have candida overgrowth and not even be aware. As far as the virus goes, there are 8 different strains, not to mention their relatives like chickenpox and shingles, doctors donā€™t seem to really understand how they mutate. Iā€™m sorry the statistics werenā€™t portrayed perfectly but honestly doctors donā€™t know whatā€™s going on as far as the whole picture goes, Iā€™ve heard 1 in 4 people, 70%-90% and likely rising due to the mutation. You can get it from a towel or washrag, or coming in contact with the excretion of the open sore. You can also contract it in the womb and not even know because some people never show any symptoms. As far as the bacterial infection goes, my immune system is severely compromised from having these issues going on for years without any alarming symptoms. The doctors couldnā€™t figure it out, I had to go to an alternative practitioner to figure out everything that was going on. I also went to my primary. I take organic food based multivitamin and DHA everyday. I still have a hormonal and vitamin deficiency from having parasites. Thankfully they are gone now, through a herbal remedy. Which my naturopath suggested everyone do atleast once or twice a year. You can literally get parasites from touching a surface and bringing your fingers to your mouth. :disappointed: My baby died at 8 weeks old, I carried my baby inside my body for 3 weeks afterwards. It was already decomposing in my body and I had to take a drug to make it come out. :sob: Please be kind because you never know what someone is doing through.

Also, to all those lovely souls who are genuinely concerned. I have been tested for absolutely everything. Full panel STD, No new partners, always use organic condoms.

Bv can be caused by washing too much, disrupting the natural ph. It is also common after miscarriage.


It sounds a lot like youā€™re using Doctor Google to get all this info. And diagnosisā€¦ I would suggest you visit an actual doctor.
And maybe work on your personal hygieneā€¦