What causes arms to fall asleep while pregnant?

I’m almost 35 weeks pregnant and my arms feel like they’re asleep ALOT I told me doctors he says it’s normal I do take prenatal and iron pills. Any advice of how to not make them feel like this especially when I’m trying to sleep


that was the worst part of my whole pregnancy, the feeling in my arms and legs come bed time. It kept me awake far too often! not long to go tho! :heart:

It’s normal. Carpal tunnel.

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Its happened all 3 of my pregnancies. We are all just fine. Its circulation issues with the growing baby.

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Something could be pinched chiropractor can help relieve some of the tingling

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Probably pressure on some nerves.

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Normal, unfortunately. I had the same issue. You can try wrist splints, although it didn’t do much for me. I ended up getting my wrists injected so I could continue working. Resolves after pregnancy.

I had pregnancy carpal tunnel I had to wear wrist braces when I slept cause ei would wake up numerous times a night with no feeling in my hands

It when away after I had my son … so that’s something to look forward to lol

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Could be a lot of things, but you should ask for a hemoglobin if you haven’t already done it recently.

It sucks but it will go away after you deliver. Can take up to 6 weeks to get back to normal.

They sell a sleep brace at Walmart. Makes your arms feel so much better. they Might fall asleep Stoll but not as bad. Its blue. Oadded and cushioned I had to wear it every night my first pregnancy

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ask abiout vitamin d does wonders

Happens with my feet lol

Omg I have this so I’m following my doctor said the baby is on nerves but my legs go numb too and feet he said but my feet up every chance I get! 22 weeks