What causes blood in stool?

I am 24 weeks and 4 days I went to the L&D last night because because my poop had blood in it and i havent been able to poop easily lately no matter what I do or whatever I take but they told me the bleeding is coming from a Mild UTI because they couldnt see blood outside of my rectum…But there is blood still there after I wipe after doing number two but theres no blood when I just go pee?? So how can I make my doctor believe me that after I poop theres blood… and What are the outcome of this if it doesnt stop would I need a csection?


Welcome to having hemorrhoids.


Sounds like a slight tear from straining or maybe hemorrhoids .


Hemorrhoids and just straining to poop… Ive had the same issue since i had my son almost 4weeks ago

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Sounds like hemmoroids.


If the blood is bright red, then it’s just from straining. Blood in the stool presents as black and would have shown on a stool sample


You could have internal hemmerhoids. That’s usually what fresh blood would be. Or you could be getting small tears from the size and strain because you’re constipated.

Worrisome blood in your stool isn’t red. It’s usually black


It’s a hemorrhoid. You can buy creams over the counter and put it on there and it will help shrink it so it doesn’t hurt or bleed and also. Don’t strain so hard when going poop that’s what’s causing them, take a mild stool softener and it will help. Also eat more foods high in fiber that will help also.


Stool softeners or Miralax and more water keep it soft and dont try to strain while pooping

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It’s a hemorrhoid. You can buy creams over the counter and put it on there and it will help shrink it so it doesn’t hurt or bleed and also. Don’t strain so hard when going poop that’s what’s causing them, take a mild stool softener and it will help. Also eat more foods high in fiber that will help also.


sounds like hemorrhoids to me. I have external ones and I bleed from time to time but you can also have internal hemorrhoids that you’d need a colonoscopy to see. my bf had internal ones and besides getting them removed there’s no real treatment other than avoiding food that make them bleed , more water ,and more fiber. and hemorrhoids either way are usually nothing to worry about. but pregnancy can aggravate them with all the extra pressure down there.

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You’re having issues going, then you’re probably straining. As long as it’s bright blood you’re fine. Probably a hemorrhoid, or from straining or both.

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Drink lots of water. Sounds like hemorrhoid to me.

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They need to do a rectal exam and smear the contents on a guiac card and test it for blood.

Sounds like internal hemorrhoids. I had to go to the hospital and have mine cut out because they were so bad (they were thrombosed). It’s not a pleasant procedure. You get to be awake and no numbing stuff is even used. Labor and delivery wouldn’t be the ones to do anything for that. I would recommend listening if they said you have a UTI still though too. It’s likely that they tested your pee and found evidence of UTI too. I would suggest going to your regular doctor or urgent care or emergency room. I went to urgent care for mine, and they made me go to the ER to have them removed right then because they were so bad.

Ask a doctor. Facebook is not where you get your answer. Just go to the ER

I had to take colace every day. You prob got hemroids from straining

If they are saying it’s from a UTI and you say you strain when you go, the act of pushing and straining can cause the blood to be pushed out of your urethra, even if you don’t pee. Blood in your stool is black and tar like. If it’s a red color it’s either from hemorrhoids or you’re pushing it out from your urethra when you strain to poop.

When I was pregnant I had such a hard time going number two, it was so painful I’d sit there for 2 hours or more. It’s more than likely a hemorrhoid which is very common. But go to the hospital to get all checked out to be sure.

Hemorrhoids. I had 6 kids and sounds like problems I had. With my Last one I had 4 inside. That came out during labor and my ob pushed 2 back in and my God the pain…I couldn’t even sit down for 2 weeks… Had to lay on side. They can cause problems but usually don’t cause to much. Preparation h will help some…

Drinking more fluids and eating more fiber can help with your problem. Good luck.

Internal hemmorhoids most likely if its digestive blood black dark and tary loose stools. A uti will not cause to to bleed in your poop . especially if you strain or poop is hard it will irritated u on the inside especially if there is hemmorhoids also collect a sample to show them

Hemmorhoids. Eat McDonalds or Taco Bell if you are constipated. You won’t be anymore.

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Sounds like you have a hemorrhoid

Sounds like a hemmroid