What causes breast pain in pregnancy?

Fan Question

Question:: I know it’s already been asked… BUT.
Tomorrow I’ll be 30 weeks, and my boobs HURT. I mean, constantly. To the verge of crying pain.
**I asked my doctor… she pretty well said get over it.
I tried cabbage leaves, cause everyone said that… it made it worse. Like so painful I was crying. I’ve never hurt this badly. It’s multiple times a day. Multiple times a night, the only comfort I get is putting a blanket in between my bra and my chest. (I’ve tried taking my bra off too… didnt help either) the only thing I have left is I bought hot hands to try. Someone please, I need comfort… or for it to at least ease up. && im not really leaky, it’s just a little wetness… and ive noticed my nipple turns a white color when they hurt… and when they stop hurting they go back to a normal color… Any advice?


Is it your first baby? I think my boobs hurt more with my first baby than with my current pregnancy.

Is pumping an option?

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Hot showers and when you notice your nipples are white squeeze them. With my last baby I started getting that around 28 weeks.

Sounds weird.but here we go…Get into the shower get a washcloth a scrub your breasts as hard as you can for as long as you can.Repeat everytime you take a shower…

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Bailey Karoub i was going to suggest the same thing

Cabbage leaves will make them hurt more because youre not.excreting milk. Dont use Cabbage leaves. Take showers or baths, warm ones.

Pumping can cause contractions. I wouldn’t suggest that. Maybe try a heating pad and some tylenol.

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Try hot shower and expressing alittle bit daily. Do you want to breast feed? If so start pumping now. If not Express a little daily and wear tight as you can stand bra all day everyday till it does away. You just may be one of those mamas that have a great milk supply.

I find mine do the same when I wear I tightish bra or under wire bra. Try a cheapish sports bra not to tight for a couple of days. This helped me tremendously

Pumping now can cause contractions!!

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Get in a really hot shower and hand express. I used to walk around with ice packs in my bra just to get some relief :joy:

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Do not pump right now! That can cause contractions. It sounds like your nipples are cramping. Get some heat pads/ ice packs for your boobs.

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Don’t pump it can start labor

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Hot baths. Soak them bad boys

** I dont breastfeed, (& no I dont wanna hear about how I should and yada yada) so even if I did try to pump i wouldnt even know where to start. :frowning: (but thank you for the opinions!) Seriously. This mama just needs somecomfort. .

Ask your doctor if you can pump. I have quite a few friends that got the okay to start pumping early because of this also.

Rotate Hot cold compresses itll ease

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Sounds like it might be thrush. I just had it and it hurts sooo bad

i found that wearing a sports bra and using heat helped mine also I’ve taken a ace bandage and had it wrapped as righy as I could get it around me. mine seamed to hurt worse the more free I let the girls lol

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Mineral ice. Sold at walmart its a cooling pain relief gel. Its like an ice pack but without the mess. Soak in a hot as you can stand shower

Sounds like they’re engorged. Rub them. Try a warm compress. Wear a loose sports bra

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Pump! Those saying it can cause contractions, I am pregnant and also breast feeding my one year old. It can cause contractions but they are very minor contractions and will cause no harm to you or baby! :heartbeat: I’m sorry you’re in so much pain dear, I do hope it gets better!


Take a hot shower and use both hands to press down on your boobs it will release the pressure and the milk glands temporarily. When i was pregnant i did it once in the morning and at night

Cabbage will dry you up have tried sitting in warm bath IAM not pregnant but boobs hurt so bad none stop nothing I know to do then hot compress fr

Anybody got any advice for super sore nipples for a woman not pregnant or nursing?

I used to do warm compresses and warm to hot showers. was my ONLY comfort.

Compression helped me. I wore a smaller bra that was a bit more snug on my breasts.

That’s how it will feel at the beginning of breast feeding too. I dont believe that your doctor told you to “get over it” but unfortunately that is the way it is. Take some tylenol and use hot compresses/hot towels or heating pack and ice pack. About all you can do is grit your teeth through that pain. Sorry


Sounds like a vasospasm. Find a lactation consultant ASAP.

I put hot hands on my boobs it helped sum

Hot shower. Warm wash cloth. Try massaging . Contact a lactation specialist. Don’t pump. You will only start something u won’t be able to stop.

I’m concerned about the color change you describe. That sounds more like a blood flow issue.

If your boobs are super firm and got super big, there may be some compression on your blood vessels; especially if you are still wearing bras. I would stop wearing bras completely. My arms would go numb sometimes because of my bras, so I stoped early on or just wore tank tops.

I’m 25 weeks with my 3rd and my nipples hurt every now and then and forcing colostrum out helps a lot! Have your husband/baby daddy message your breasts (which guys never mind doing) and stop wearing wired bras. Let the ladies flow free!

Witch hazel … pumping can cause preterm labor due to causing your uterus to contract


Girl, I’m 19w 4d and my boobs haven’t stopped hurting since conception. Don’t pump, it causes your uterus to contract. I would say go braless as much as possible. Take a hot shower and let the water run down your boobs. If you have milk, that’ll let it drop out. Other than that, you really do just have to live with it. Good luck to you.

A tight sports bra is amazing

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Maybe try to pump and see if that relieves the pain. Could be engorged .

Surely your doctor can offer something to help she must have experienced in appearing the same problem maybe she wasn’t listening to you or did not understand I would find out again from her tell her everything that’s happening from Carol Ann

Please get a second opinion if you dont feel your obgyn is helpful. I hope you find something that helps. Massaging my breasts helped along with a tight fitting bra. I’m sorry you’re in pain. Have your regular doc examine your breasts for sign of infection or anything like that please.

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I advise a second opinion. Ur not supposed to get all that til after the birth.

Mastitis? Try and get a second opinion x

I dealt with that my entire pregnancy. Mine would start hurting,when I got cold. Lol. So,when I got nippy… I bought a baby blanket for my son and would lay it on my chest. It was the only thing I found that helped early on. Once I was 37 weeks though I started hand expressing and man oh man did that help drastically!!! Best of luck, I know the pain!!