What causes dizzyness while pregnant?

Hi Momma’s! I’m 27 weeks pregnant (4th pregnancy). I started feeling extremely tired/dizzy Tue and Wed afternoon, then Thurs till today Ive had the same symptoms all day. (I’ve never had this with my 3 other pregnancies) I called my OBGYN and spoke to the nurse. I asked if I could come in and have my iron tested, she said my iron was fine (checked on March 11 during 3 hour glucose test). But suggested that I can take over the counter iron pills to see if it makes me feel any better. My mom and the Walmart pharmacist said I should not take iron pills if my iron is fine. I’m at a loss of what to do. I have no energy and get dizzy and extremely tired while attempting to do anything. Suggestions/ideas of what it could be?


I got dizzy alot due to my blood pressure(not saying that happens with everyone but it did me).

I was doing that also and they told me to drink more water and try to take a 15 min break everyday just to prop my feet up!

I would actually go get your blood pressure checked! Mine and had been totally fine at my appointment and then one day it got bad and I developed Gestational Hypertension.

I had this with my first , I’d get extremely hot & so dizzy I’d almost faint. They didn’t find out till the day I birthed him that my blood pressure was really low & my pulse was sky high . They didn’t know at all during my pregnancy & mine started around my 20th week . Just sit down if you feel dizzy , not much you can do except make sure you sit & catch yourself before the dizzy ness get worse .

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28 weeks here. Last week felt the same got checked out BP was a little low but that was it. This week I have a horrible upper respiratory infection that has spiked my asthma back up (been 2 years) and horrible cough. Worst I’ve felt in a while

You don’t want too much iron if you are pregnant. Could be other things leading to it

Preeclampsia is common and has those symptoms. I’d go to the er or make an appointment to see your doctor

Go to labor and delivery and get checked could be a number of things

I’m not pregnant nor ever had a pregnancy as of yet but doctors say that my iron and blood pressure is fine but I suffer from dizziness and lethargic energy and off moods. This could also be due to my implanon but my Mum bought me iron tablet despite that and theyve helped a TON.

R u feeling sick otherwise , dizziness could mean dehydration

chocolate bar, piece of fruit (sugar?)

The nurse should have had you to come it better safe than sorry

if you decide to take iron drink orange juice for better absorption

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I had those same issues, and I had preeclampsia, and no iron issues

Blood pressure tends to dip around the end of second trimester. You might get it checked at the pharmacy. I had the same issues and my blood pressure was 96/58.

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Have you had your blood sugar checked ?

it could be iron, vit b, vit d, among other things i including dehydration. i know with my 2nd i had to drink more water than i did with my first…try gatorade or pedilite see if it makes u feel better…could also be low blood sugar which would cause dizziness and lethargic. which would be a candy bar or orange juice or gatorade would help as well.

I’m 27 weeks pregnant and i was feeling extremely exhausted and tired and knew something wasn’t right. I was in bed all day sleeping and then they call saying my iron levels come back low during my glucose testing and the recommended me to take iron pills. But your levels can definitely change so I would definitely get it checked again!? Your iron is probably low.

How has your blood pressure been? Also do you have swelling? Maybe toxema?

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i had these symptoms and ended up having preeclampsia !

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Ummm it could be Preeclampsia I cannot believe they did not have you go in and get checked and they just assume it is your iron that they said was fine!!

Me also
And I have no answers at all.
I feel shaky and drained . My hubby thinks Im milking this pregnancy since I did fine with the last two and I was sick as a dog those pregnancy’s . This one I’m in so much pain always, can breath, feel weak, dizzy, tired even if I get sleep, like the life is totally being sucked out of me. I went from keeping up with the kids, house and cooking to nothing . Not really nothing but the house and cooking have almost stopped lol. I just can’t even when I try

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Increase fluids, cat naps x20 min.
Slow fe (iron tabs) take 30days to increase the level and cause constipation. Black strap molasis (unsulfured)is real food (baking isle of grocery) is in the blood sysyem in 15 min and no bowel trouble. Make oatmeal molasis cookies

Maybe you have a cold make sure you drink plenty of fluids try to rest in between activities that you’re doing

Sounds like your blood pressure to me. I had the same issues.

Check blood pressure. I had issues with mine going low with all my children…at it’s worst, my BP was 65/45…and I felt exactly as you are describing

It could be vertigo. Best thing to do is lay down and push fluids

With my 4th I noticed I was out of energy, they said I had gestational diabetes and I just ate smaller meals more often and it helped a lot…

I remember this a lot when I was pregnant. Often when I took a shower or just stood up would feel flushed and dizzy. If you think your drinking enough water try to drink some more that could help. Plenty of small meals through out the day. I would carry cheese it’s in my car and other snacks. Ice cold watermelon.

I would go to the walk in or the ER…or email/leave my OB a voicemail

Me to but I’m sure my systems have something to do with my blood pressure being up I’m also high risk for preeclampsia

Get checked for toxicity

It’s either high blood pressure or your cholesterol

Listen to your mom. Too much iron is a problem. Did they check your urine for protein?

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I had pre-eclampsia with my daughter and gestational hypertension with my son.

look up pre-eclampsia & HELLP Syndrome. Both very serious, & can be tested for.

Definitely check your bp. Every single pregnancy is different, no matter how many you have had before. Also, an iron overload can be dangerous. I wouldn’t take it just because - there should already be enough in the antenatal multivitamins to maintain your iron levels. Hope all goes well for you and baby!

Had those symptoms with my first had preeclampsia

Check your blood pressure. I had high BP during my pregnancy.and what you’re describing is familiar to me.

Check your BP.
Drink a lots of water.

Get checked for preeclampsia

Yes, you need to be checked by a Doctor, leave the obgyn out of it. ANYTIME, you feel symptoms that are different and you don’t understand them or know what to do, go to the E.R., they will find out what’s going on, and work with your obgyn if they need to involve them. PLEASE, GO GET CHECKED, it maybe something serious, never wait. Go get checked immediately, please.

Check your vitamin D.

You need to get your bp tested and urine for protein. It sounds similar to pre eclampsia and I had it at the end of my pregnancy xx

Sounds like your blood pressure get a home blood pressure machine and keep an eye on it… I had the same issue towards the end of my pregnancy and I ended up being induced

I actually passed out and it was caused by a UTI I didn’t know I had

I’m currently 28 weeks pregnant and I was advised to take pregnancy vitamins all way through I get the pregnacare ones x

I was like that till I started taking vitamin B12

It’s prolly your blood pressure I had the same issue with my 1st

insist on an appt with your doctor or go to Emergency are you drinking enough fluids

Try B12 shots &lemon water

Go in to check your blood pressure i felt like that at the end of my pregnancy and i ended having preeclampsia