What causes dry skin in kids?

So my daughters hands have been like super dry out of no where, I’ve done lotion but it doesn’t seem to help. Can anyone help me out with what to try?? Is it eczema or just super dry skin? It’s mainly on her knuckles of both hands but started going up her wrist a bit now as well…she says it hurts but itches and she has never had eczema before neither has anyone else in the household, my husband gets dry skin on his knees and elbows all year round but nothing like this.

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If she will sleep with thin gloves you could use a good amount of Vaseline on her knuckles to help lock in the moisture.

If none of these comments help, then you should bring her to a dermatologist. My grandson has eczema

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Vaseline and socks or gloves on her hands overnight or the same but with a very thick heavy moisturiser xoxox

Use Vaseline on her skin . Several times a day and also after a bath

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Put vaseline put gloves over them have her sleep with it

I wouldn’t use Vaseline. It’s made with petroleum. :face_vomiting: What I use is honey skin cream. It’s fragrance free and no harmful ingredients. Honeyskin.com
They have other good products as well.

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Are you sure it’s not hand, foot and mouth disease?! It could also be chillblains as kids get wet hands and then go into superhot classrooms. It could even be a strep infection. Get it looked at by a pharmacist who should be able to tell you whether it needs antibiotics.