What causes irregular periods?

Me and SO decided for me to stop my birth control in March, not really seriously trying for another one. Now I’m 4 days late and kinda freaking out a bit on the inside. We are moving soon, so money is tight, and have alot of other things going on right now. I haven’t told anyone because I dont know for sure, but I’m secretly hoping my period is just late because of stress. Dont get me wrong, I will be happy either way… just scared!


Not really seriously trying, but stopped BC? :joy::woman_facepalming:


So you stopped birth control but was sexually active and not trying for another baby, but ended up pregnant? As gently as I can, what did you think was going to happen? If you’re not ready then stay protected.


I mean if you didn’t want another one then you should have stayed on your birth control. Coming off bc and having unprotected sex, what did you think was going to happen??


I understand stopping BC and just letting nature take its course. But knowing that you were moving and money would be tight and all, I would have at least waited till a better time to stop


:joy::joy::joy: play with fire, you get BURNED!!!


I mean not trying to sound like an asshole, but why would you stop birth control if you don’t want another baby right now?! :woman_facepalming:t2:

Are you old enough to know better but just didn’t do it …next time use your head for something besides a hat rack !!


What was the point of stopping your birth control then.


Can we just be supportive of each other? Being a mother is worse than going to high school jfc


Why are we sooo rude? We are suppose to be women encouraging other women! Geez! Yes maybe she stopped bc but it doesn’t say she didn’t have protected sex. Maybe she did and she’s nervous it broke or something.


Stopping birth control affects your hormones which could completely explain why you’re late. Ride it out or get an 88 cent pregnancy test. Either way, if you are you can’t act surprised, all things considered.

I’m just super confused as to why you stopped your BC if you guys aren’t ready and can’t afford a baby at the moment. Is it having negative emotional/physical effects on you? Can you not afford it right now?

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Please tell me this is a joke? :joy: What did you think was going to happen when you stopped your birth control ffs?!


This group is the most judgemental one that I have seen y’all should be ashamed of what you have said when she came for our support and y’all bashed her how snobby and rude y’all are so wrong


One word … shhhhiiiiit

Well if ya stopped bc that is usually what happens lol.


I got pregnant in 3 weeks it can happen super quick, but this is what you wanted

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You will be fine! Everything always happens the way it’s supposed to!

Take a test and be sure.It will work out.

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It will be okay. Unless you wait so many years to have this crazy awesome job that you will be set forever. I mean come on people nobody is completely set when they have kids. If you are there’s always something else you have to deal with. I wasn’t financially ready when I had my child and everything turned out fine. Its harder at times but I make sure my son always has what he needs. Its not always the money factor even though.you wish you had more a lot of us are like that but our families are being taken care of at the same time. You’ll be fine and just remember your financial setting right now won’t be permanent it will change. Keep moving forward. Sometimes life has different plans for us and we need to embrace it. :slight_smile:


Whenever you stop birth control and you don’t want to have another or aren’t sure yet, always use back up protection. If you stopped your birth control and are having unprotected sex, that’s what happens. It happens though, and it’s not the end of the world. If you guys decide that it isn’t a good time at all, you have options. If you are pregnant, you will be okay! Just take a few deep breaths and take a test. I’ve been in your shoes so I can tell you that avoiding testing won’t make it go away.

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Some of the most beautiful things in life happen to us unexpectedly. My unexpected blessing happen came along 5yrs ago. She is everything I never knew I needed.:heart:


Sex+NO birth control= BABIES


Is there a question hidden in there?

Well that typically happens when you stop BC :joy:


Fan adds

we were ready when I stopped birth control, and just found out we have to move a week ago. We have been using protection lately, but it might be too late for that :confused:


Why would you stop birth control if you aren’t ready to be pregnant right now? :flushed: I got pregnant the first month after I stopped birth control.

You stopped birth control… what do u think is gonna happen with unprotected sex… babies happen. Shouldn’t have stopped or use a condominium if u don’t want babies rn.


She may have stopped bc because financially she can’t afford it or maybe it’s messing with her mentally. I mean she didn’t state the reason why til just now, but things happen for a reason usually, so I mean to the original poster, whats the worse that could happen, right? I mean, sounds to me, you’re married and life is wonderful, just that you’re financially tight and moving soon, new beginnings, new life, right? Babies are a blessing one way or another, so if you’re pregnant, congratulations! Id you’re not, then start trying when you feel that you’re ready.


Take an at home test. But it take months for you body to reaclimate and regulate periods after stopping birth control. If you’re already late for your period, the test will be accurate. If you are pregnant, you will be just fine. You’ve got about 9 months to get situated in your new home :wink:


If you’re not trying and don’t want another why did you stop birth control? If you’re not using any form of protection it is a possibility that you’re pregnant.


Well if you stop birth control your going to get pregnant. So basically you were trying. Your probably pregnant just like you planned😀


Sorry for all the criticism but you post this on Facebook for support of a not so smart decision, not saying it’s wrong but stoping birth control without back of methods and continuing to sexually active leads to “un” planned pregnancy doesn’t seem smart if you don’t feel ready to handle this


when I stopped my birth control I was ready for a baby but it took a while to get pregnant. and by the time I did get pregnant life got a little crazy. we were trying to get our house and move. I had just switched jobs. money was super tight. if you are pregnant I wish you the best of luck. just hustle a little bit and stay positive. there is no perfect time to have a baby. but you have time to figure stuff out before the little one gets here.


Why stop BC and then act like you weren’t trying to get pregnant? Grow and take responsibility for your choices and dont freak out over something you knew was gonna happen.


Why would you stop your birth control if you weren’t immediately ready for a kid…


also all you ladies saying “well that’s what happens” should be ashamed of yourselves. she is nervous and reaching out for support. and you treat her like she’s an idiot. you guys are bullies.


Lol. What did you expect?


Lmao… there is no reason to be empathetic… if someone concisely makes that decision. She should have made her move ,settle in and rhen remove birth controls…dont be scared niw…


Ignore the rude ones. I got preggy twice while ON birth control. My friend stopped birth control and tried for her second child. 8 years later she finally got preggy, but she needed help doing so. Just cause someone comes off birth control does not mean they will always get preggy right away. You mentioned you were stressed, that can cause your period to be late. The hormones in birth control can also cause you to be late when you stop it. Take a breath and relax.


…Im confused… why would you respond this way when you intentionally stopped birth control? Either way congrats if you are :blush:


Why does everyone think baby is gonna pop out as soon as they find out they’re pregnant… Money is tight now but you still have plenty of time to save n prepare. Just go with the flow


You’re all just perfect aren’t you? I think weather someone is ready or not, finding out you are pregnant is scary. I hope that if any of you find yourself in a stressful situation like this and you look for support, that you aren’t put down like this.


It’s emotional! I tried to get pregnant and even tacked my high ovulating days and when I got the positive test I had a full blown anxiety attach! So scared nervous think wtf did I do (my daughter was only 4 months) but ever it sank in I started to get SO excited!

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Sometimes it can take awhile for your body to balance. It could be late just from you stopping the birth control.

If you were on the pill and stopped in March — your period will skip a month ( hormone change ). More than likely you’ll end up pregnant next month or by July.

Why the hell did you stop your birth control then?? What did you think was going to happen? Lmao


Don’t listen to people who want to attack first and not listen or support. People who do that just want to say something or they have never gone through it so they don’t know what to say so Its something mean and unnecessary. Breathe, wait a little see if your period comes. If it doesn’t just take a test. Either way it will be fine. Mothers manage in every way possible so we know what to do if something goes in a different direction. Its like our intuition inside us that lets us know no matter what we have to do this we got this. We do what we need to do to get it done. You’ll be perfectly okay. If God lets you have another it will be a blessing. Nothing is impossible to get through with him. Just stay strong. :slight_smile:

…why come of birth control if you were not ready to have a baby… seems irresponsible if you ask me. Congrats on your baby. Next time plan better in terms of when to come off birth control my advice.