What causes kidney infecitons?

I had my son in March of last year and he just turned a year old on the 14th. I’ve never had really any health issues and when I got pregnant with him, I got quite a few UTIs. After I had him everything seemed to be fine for awhile up until the end of last year and the beginning of this year. I have had multiple kidney infections at least two or three and they just keep coming back. I’ve been on some medications prescribed by doctors, I’ve drank gallons of cranberry juice and taken cranberry pills. I’m at a loss of what to do and I’ve seen tons of drs and trying to get into a urologist now. I was just seeing if you guys had any other advice or anything that I haven’t tried yet that might work. I’m desperate and just need some help…


Has anyone told you to pee before sex and After??? I had a girlfriend who had the same issue… I hope this may help you…


I’ve suffered from chronic utis my whole life. I’ve always taken a combination of Echinacea and goldenseal. You can find a combo capsule in the supplement isle at walmart. Drinking plenty of water and using unscented soap down there will help too. You can also thread a string through a peeled clove of garlic, score some holes on it, and insert it like a tampon overnight. I know it sounds really weird, but it’s always worked for me and garlic is a natural antibiotic.

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I cut out soda and switched to propel water or water with sugar free flavored packets. It flushes your kidneys and you pee ALOT. Haven’t had a uti since


Hi! I am a wellness coach and I have natural non-toxic solutions to a lot of health related issues. Please pm me if you would like more information about it. :seedling:

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Please do not put garlic in your vagina the fact that even needs to be said is insane. Remember that you don’t need to even use soap down there as your vagina is literally a self cleaning organ so water only in the area. I would definitely see what the Urologist says because what your experiencing definitely could be a complication from pregnancy and then birth. Making sure your emptying your bladder fully and staying hydrated will definitely help.

Have you been checked for diabetes? Frequent UTI’s are a symptom.

Water. Lots and lots of water. IF you need flavor, use fresh squeezed lemon or lime or infuse with fresh fruit/veggies. Stay away from drinks with artificial sweeteners and sugars.

I used to get them a lot with one partner and now I don’t get them anymore. Maybe it’s your partner too you both need to take something.

Some women are more prone to them, unfortunately. No baths, sleep without undies, consider using wet wipes, avoid sugars, dairy, and alcohol as best you can, make sure you’re wiping the correct way (front to back), drink water, make sure your cranberry juice is actually juice and not cocktail, and pee after sex.

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I started using wet wipes since September when I got one. Haven’t had once dince

You may need a little help with your pelvic floor. Pt may help strengthen the muscles and help with this.