What causes ovulation pain?

Fan Question

I have a question about ovulation pain. I’m 5 months postpartum and every time I ovulate I feel an intense, debilitating pain in my lower abdomen for approximately 20-30 minutes. The first time I thought something was seriously wrong and almost went to the E.R. I’ve already talked to my OB, she said it should get less painful over time. Curious how many other mom’s noticed this type of ovulation pain after birth. And if, or when it got better.


I’m 16 mo post partum and still get it. My doctor just told me its ovulation pains and that’s about it. I had an ultrasound to check for cysts but came back good.

I haven’t shook back since tied my tubes in 2015. Ovulation especially is very painful

After I had my son who is 6 1/2 this happened to me twice…once I was at work in a factory and second time it happened at home…I could only lay in a fetal position…after the second time I went and got it checked out and this is what I was told…when I ovulated and the egg dropped it wouldn’t seal off properly and it would actually cause blood to get into my stomach and blood in your stomach is a toxin…I’m not sure how the doctor knew it would fix itself but it hasn’t happened in 3-4 years thankfully

I’m 5 months pp and I get this. It’s painful.

I’ve found since having my first 11 years ago I now get this. It took awhile for me to work it out and many trips to hospital or docs. But I now find it useful when trying to conceive

My daughter will be 3 in September and I still get them pretty much every single month or very painful every other x

Mine was bad. Especially with having a csection.

It’s better now almost a year later.