My 3 year old has peeling skin on her fingers and toes. Any idea as to why? She has “chicken skin” always has but this just started recently.
Could be hand foot and mouth.
My son had a fever a few years back that made his hands and feet peel. It was super weird, but his doc wasn’t too concerned
Happened to my daughter after testing positive for Covid so took her to GP who said it was actually scarlet fever
There are a lot of possibilities with the peeling fingers and toes, 5ths disease, eczema, hand foot and mouth, virus, growth spurt and more. The chicken skin could also be a sign for insulin or gluten issues leading to possible future concerns (especially if it is on the back of the arms and what not) or just simple eczema as well. Honestly, with the limited knowledge we have the best bet is to just talk with her PCM and let them do a good work up so ease your mind so people online don’t worry you if there isn’t need for it.
I’d check with their pediatrician. Could be normal (like mine is) or could be something more. Mine is seasonal and just started about a year ago. Goes away after a bit but typically starts in spring and fall. Then again my son also had hand foot and mouth and his did this as well
My son had that as a young child the doctor said it was allergies that it came out both on his palms and on his feet… He had only wear 100% cotton white socks and use aqua pure as a soak on his feet and lotion for his hands
My baby had hand foot and mouth disease recently and it ate her skin up in the same way. You might want to take her to the doctor ASAP
Best to see the doctor,our daughter had it after hand foot and mouth,lasted for months the ended up thinking it was Kawasaki disease,get it checked!!!
Did she have hand foot & mouth recently?
When my daughter was young they thought athletes foot but it was eczema and a tar jelly cleared it up.
It’s from dry skin. Mine has always done this and my son’s does it as well. You need to be moisturizing with either aveeno, curel, or utterly smooth every day, preferably 2x/day
Did your child recently have hand, foot, mouth? If so this is normal after.
I have eczema outbreak on hands and feet during excessive heat and it peels
My kids get that way when they have a rapid growth spurt. It sounds crazy haha. It used to freak me out when my oldest was a toddler
I had excema and this happened. But you should see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.
Peeling skin on toes could mean athletes foot… if it’s the hand too could be a fungus, or yeast from too much “moisture” an allergy, or not being dried well, before putting on socks. Definitely consult Dr. Try to be sure skin Is clean & thoroughly dry before putting on lotions or socks too
Could be foot mouth disease also called 5th disease
Has she been checked for strep?
What does the pediatrician say?
My son had the exact same experience took him to his pediatrician and he prescribed a cream and the cream worked first one didn’t work as well as the second
Skin peels after scarlet fever
Happens to me if I use nail polish