What causes sharp stomach pain?

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but every 10-14 days my stomach decides that it’s going to have these sharp AWFUL pains that last up to 5 hours at a time for 3-4 days before I get a break. Last night was the worst night I’ve had by far. Most of the time I throw up as well, but last night it felt like I was being stabbed with a knife. By the time I get to the doctor the pain has stopped. Last night my pain level was probably at a 9/10. Anyone have any direction to point me in so I can ask my doctor to start ruling things out


I have had the same symptoms and it was my gallbladder.

If you live in the USA have them check you for alpha gal. It is caused by a tick bite or chiggers and makes you allergic to all mammal products. You can get sick about 3 plus hours after you eat mammal so it is a delayed reaction so alot of times is not connected to anything that people think recent.

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Try checking ur gallbladder mine was only working at 20% by the time they decided to check it cause I didn’t have stones

Gallbladder and I had mine removed.

Gallbladder. Mine had to come out, symptoms very similar.


Ulcers? I used to get them and they definitely caused super sharp stomach pain, but it could be a variety of things. Without an endoscopy and CT scan it’s kinda hard to say bc there’s a variety of things that may feel like stomach pain but that are not in fact originating from the stomach. For instance my husband had really bad gallbladder stones and it presented as sharp stomach pain and vomiting. He ended up needing his gallbladder removed.

Gallbladder. 100%. I haven’t had mine checked out yet but when I get the pain, it starts by my diaphragm and moves to the right side of my body where my gallbladder is. I notice the pain is worse when I eat frozen pizza. But I don’t have time to go get it looked at so whenever I eat frozen pizza, I take the max amount of Advil a few hours after eating the pizza and the pain doesn’t show up.


Definitely check gallbladder, I’m going through it currently aswell and it is not fun. They don’t want to remove it as I have other illnesses right now but am insisting that they do.

I get that same thing . It’s like a contraction I can see my muscles / intestines cramping . I had a large bout last year and ended up in the hospital. I have a lot of scar tissue from previous surgeries and it’s wrapped around my lower intestine causing a blockage . I have to stick to a low residue diet . No fiber . It can’t get thru . Meat and bread and everything else is all pretty much chewed up from the work of your small intestines and can go on thru to the Colon . Not fiber . Hope this helps . It’s very hard to eat healthy . No veggies . I juice now .

Is it on one side or the other? Does it matter what you eat? Do you have any nausea otherwise?
It could be anything so if it happens, don’t wait. Go to the ER. Sadly, you’ll need to be in pain for tests to show anything.
My gallbladder never caused sharp pains. I had shoulder blade pain. It wasn’t until I was so nauseous I threw up curled milk within 15mins that I went to the ER. The shoulder blade pain was from my gallbladder. Once it cane out, I’ve never had that pain again.

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Gallbladder attacks or pancreatitis

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Could be anything. I had to go to the ER for severe stomach pains couple years ago. I was in the waiting room pacing the halls, crying. They had to give me morphine and do a CT scan. Turns out it was gastritis. Never knew that could be that painful. I would definitely get a CT scan. Whether it’s some kind of gastrointestinal issue or something more serious, you should have answers so you can get proper treatment.

Please get checked out. You could have the beginning signs of pancreatitis. And yes, you might need an ERCP and Coley cystectomy. Good luck. 

my daughter is a nurse. She’s been having pain like that for a few weeks and the doctor said she had. a mass on her cervix. Surgery soon. See a doctor

Sounds like your gallbladder. I had pain so bad in my shoulders ,chest and upper back, heartburn so bad and nauseous all the time, nit really abdominal pain…it literally felt like I was having a heart attack and was dying. Go to the e.r. that is where I went and they diagnosed me and mine had to come out a few days later.

Pretty sure it’s ur gallbladder

Sounds like gall stones. Easy to diagnose with a cat scan.

Go to the Dr. for tests. Don’t wait it could be very serious!!!

Gallbladder that’s how I did it was the worst

G.E.R.D. can cause symptoms simar to Gallbladder issues.

Gall bladder same issues I also decided to do a hysterectomy as well and found out my uterus was attaching to my muscles 75% muscle stomach came out :frowning:

I get pain under my ribs , one side worse sometimes. I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia

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I’ve had that too and was hospitalized a couple weeks ago because it was so bad. I’d go through labor 3 more times then go through this pain. I’m getting my gallbladder out next week. I also tested positive for giardia which is what landed me in the hospital. I had to get that infection cleared up first before they will remove gallbladder. CT scan/ultrasound should help figure things out.

you need to go get your Gallbladder checked out after i had my daughter 9 years ago i started having the same problems and it hurt so much i threw up and I went to bed. And at 4:00 in the morning i woke my husband up and i was curled up in a ball and couldn’t barely get up My husband knew automatically that there was something wrong with me and he took me into the emergency room and i had a cat scan and it came back saying that it was my gallbladder and i had to have it surgically removed

This happened to my husband and it was gall stones.

Where is the pain located?

Ask your doctor to find out. He is the professional. Then listen to him or her.

That happened to me and it ended up being my appendix!

Don’t ever wait to go into the emergency room if your pain level was at a 9 or 10 you should have went right to the emergency room.

Gallbladder I had mine taken out 6 months ago I never felt so good in my life for the last year I be on so much pain I couldn’t move walk I would throw up yellow they would give a shot it go away I be good until I eat anything spicy or fried I be like I am dying until 6 months ago I had to be flying to a hospital because one stone left the gallbladder n got stuck man it suck but I feel so much better no more pain

I had similar symptoms it got to the point where it was crippling sometimes couldn’t stand and do dishes it would come out of nowhere sometimes a sudden sharp stabbing pain and then going to a panic because I feel like it’s almost a heart attack like almost like a zapping that shoots up back down comes and goes after multiple tests and everything ruling out some big things turns out I have gastritis. And amdomyoais… instead of endometriosis the muscle is on the inside of the uterus rather than the outside so with multiple things going on the pain has been explained however was told without acid reflux treatment and cutting back a lot of things in my diet acidity alcohol anything that can trigger it. My heated water bottle is my best friend. Also try Epsom salt soak baths I find that help. Completely avoid Advil. Tylenol only until they figure this all out and you get a final answer. Best of luck

Where at on your stomach?
What kinds of foods are you eating prior to the pain?

gallbladder, IBS, diverticulitis, ulcers

Hernia, ulcer, gallbladder

Im no Dr but could be gall bladder

I developed food allergies and had similar symptoms.