What causes sore wrists?

Did anyone experience swollen/sore wrists? I’m just about 39 weeks.


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Me I’m 24 and my left one hurts so bad

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Yes!!! I developed knots and horrible carpal tunnel in my third trimester


Could be carpal tunnel. Could also just be fluid in your joints from pregnancy. I’d definitely talk to your doctor tho.

I got carpal tunnel when I was pregnant

I was a hairdresser while 9 months pregnant and pregnancy carpal tunnel is very common. It hurts so bad to the point of tears. It goes away though, get a wrist brace

Quite common to get Carpel Tunnel when pregnant, due to fluid

I got really bad Carpal tunnel towards the end of my pregnancy and it went away immediately after I gave birth

Carpal tunnel. Arthritis…

I had carpal tunnel towards the end of my pregnancy and first 5 months pp. It sucked. I wore a carpel tunnel brace every night on both wrist. And one throughout the day on my right one. They helped alot. And ibuprofen helped on the bad days.

I had it as well, went away for a while,few years later I had to have op on both wrists but fine now

You can get carpal tunnel I’m 33 weeks almost 34 and mine has acted up make sure give writes a break and take some tylonal

Yep, I had pregnancy carpal tunnel. I could barely open my hands. I constantly wore a brace, that helped a little but it got to the point I was very limited on doing things with my hands

Carpel tunnel had it the last two months it was awful

I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome during my last pregnancy. It was awful. It did go away right after I had my baby.

I developed tendonitis while pregnant. Talk to your dr, they may be able to prescribe something safe for the pain. Mine did.

Mine started in my 2nd trimester, i had my daughter 6/1 and it got worse. I just got diagnosed with carpal tunnel. I also have a knot on my wrist and went today for an xray, now waiting the test results.

I had carpal tunnel so bad during pregnancy…went away afterwards

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Yeah carpal tunnel I had it where my hands and fingers felt numb all the time and sore

Yup I had it the 2nd and 3rd trimester it’s from an excessive amount of a hormone that lubricates your joints and ligaments. Your body is getting ready for birth🙂 Its a really sucky feeling. Mine went away around 3 months postpartum. But everyone is different.

Carpal tunnel from extra fluid. Should subside after birth

Yes I did. Idk why tho lol I just knew it was normal. Maybe look on Google?

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It could be water retention, I would seek advise from your midwife xx

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome? (Think that’s how you spell it) I suffered terrible towards the end of my pregnancy