What causes stretch marks?

Fan Question


Hey mommas quick question does sugar scrub cause stretch marks? I know they said not to scratch your skin or anything I was thinking maybe this is why I’m getting them because I’m using everything to prevent them


I think it’s just your skin type is why you get stretch marks you can’t prevent them. I got stretch marks near the end of my pregnancy.

Nope its predisposed way before you ever get pregnant. Age also plays a huge part.

Is this a real question or a joke? Wow


Love your marks momma, I barley got any and hate that, due to the fact that “you’re not a real women if you don’t” etc everyone judges people on stupid shit, be proud of what you have, I love the small ones I have because my babies made them

You either get them or you don’t. It’s not sugar or oil or scratching or stress. It’s just you.


I would say its skin type. I used everything to prevent it and i still got it. I never scratched my tummy. I rubbed it. And i still got stripes. But i am very proud of them. Its my baby’s first drawings :heart:

You’re probably just getting them because…wait for it…you’re pregnant and your skin is stretching


No some of us a predisposed to them and just need to realize you are still beautiful!

They’re genetic. There is no preventing them. Scratching makes them worse, and you can buy creams to lighten them, but there is no way to prevent them or get rid of them completely

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Id say so… Any scratch at your skin right now will loosen n break into where it’s stretched and rip a bit.


Its genetics you either get them or don’t there are things to help with them but nothing to make sure they don’t come

There’s things you can use that’ll help the appearance of them that’ll lighten them up some but while pregnant your stomach stretches which causes it. It just depends on the person some women don’t get any and some get a lot no matter what you use. But them are your tiger stripes mama wear them proudly!

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Girl, I lathered myself in every single recommended lotion, oil and cream… I look like I fought a tiger hahaa. There’s no avoiding them if you’re gonna get em and no causing them if it’s not in your makeup to have them. My battle scars. Though I like what was said above even better. My kids first drawing!

Stretch marks are hereditary.

You either get them or don’t . My mom and sister have stretch marks. I am small and had 3 babies and don’t have any. Didn’t do anything to prevent them either…

It’s just genetic unfortunately. I scratched myself like crazy and didn’t apply anything to my tummy and ended up with none same as my mother… She was 37 and I was 16. Age played no role, we both never got stretch marks. Do whatever you want!

your getting them cause your skin is stretching and things might help but stretch marks done just disappear. :joy: sorry hun they are for life.

No😂 strech marks happen when you’re gaining weight faster than your skin can keep up with. Scrubs don’t cause them, otherwise they’d be called scrub marks.

There is nothing u can do to prevent them. They are a genetic trait. Please try to educate yourself outside of Facebook