Hi, I’m a new first time mom. My son is 4 weeks old and for the past few days I have noticed a strong smelling odor with his urine. I’m not sure how to describe it. It’s not sweet at all. He is acting,eatting and sleeping pretty much as normal. He is not running fever. I’m not sure if I should call and take him to the pediatrician or if this is something normal. He has his one month check up on Wednesday morning
Could be a UTI. When both of my kids were babies, they got a couple of UTIs and they always had a very strong odor.
Strong smell for me was a sickness was coming on! Weird I know but I was never wrong.
I would take him in. Could be an issue with the kidney or bladder.
Could be the brand of diapers
Are you breast feeding or formula feeding? If formula perhaps a change of formula is needed. Bubs should be feeding every 4 hrs still at the point so make sure he is getting all his feeds in. Perhaps a visit to the mom and baby clinic to put your mind at ease.
So my son suffers from epilepsy. After he has a seizure, his urine will smell different and has a distinct smell for at least 24 hours.
Ask your Dr. Could be serious, could be minor.
Strong smelling or sweet smelling? How is he eating? Color of urine? There are a lot of things. At one month old this is a doctor visit. If you’re breastfeeding it could be as simple as what you are eating. Don’t take chances and ask FB doctors. See the pediatrician for your concerns
Some pediatricians have a nurse line for questions. I’d go there first. Talk to your doctor’s office to see if it’s a simple situation or something to get checked.
Why would you ask people on this thread? You need to take him into his pediatrician
Yall are rude as fuck to anybody that asks any questions.
Candida overgrowth can give off an ammonia odor…
UTI’s are also a symptom of bad bacteria overgrowth. Lowering the amount of sugar and carbs would be a treatment option you might try.