When My son woke up this morning I noticed what I’m assuming are his lymph nodes that look pretty swollen, anyone know why this could be? he hasn’t been sick at all in awhile
Both sides lymph nodes are swollen… call Pediatrician … test for strep.
If Only One side lymph node is swollen please ask Pediatrician for a MRI to rule-out a stuck tonsil stone.
I actually had a tumor sitting on my Parotid gland/facial nerve!
My daughters were swollen when she was younger and her doctor told me it was from one of the vaccines she got (I can’t remember exactly which one but I’m pretty sure it was the TDap) They said just watch it and that it would go away on its own and it did about a month or two later
He was likely exposed to something he is already immune to and his body is responding appropriately. Warm compresses and gentle massages if it is bothersome. If they have it more than a couple months, then take them in
My sons used to swell up for no apparent reason. I had it checked and the dr would just say not to play with it or let him play around with it and it should go away, and it did
Strep. You can actually have strep and not have a sore throat or any symptoms until swollen lymph nodes appear. Happened to me and I even tested negative, had it sent off and tested positive.
Strep, ( it can actually have no symptoms but swollen lymph nodes) cold, allergy, tonsils, honestly it could be anything, but better to get it checked then not.
Happened to My daughter when she took vitamins drs give…
Infection is the most common cause, but always good to get it checked
Prayers for your son Amene
In the throat? My daughter gets it and her Dr says it’s a swollen saliva gland. So she eats something sour and it makes it better