What causes toe peeling in kids?

My child’s toes are peeling. She wears crocs a lot. Is it from shoes or athletes foot?


That definitely sounds fungal.

Hand foot and mouth virus sometimes

My kids feet peeled once I still have no idea why. It didn’t hurt or itch or anything just peeled for a week or so till it was nothing but new skin. :woman_shrugging:I would just say keep em clean, do soaks to help it along if there is no pain or itchiness. Otherwise go see the doc.

My kiddos did this and it was a fungal infection from I’m assuming wearing crocs alot

Could be hand foot and mouth when my son had it his toes peeled

This happened to my son and it was the crocs. Even when he wore socks. They hold moisture. Within days of him wearing regular shoes, his feet stopped peeling.

Athletes foot. Get some cream and maybe start putting baby powder in their crocs.