I’m about 20 weeks pregnant and experiencing my second UTI. I change my soap recently, could it maybe be that?? With the 1st UTI I was on an antibiotic and also heard it’s very dangerous experiencing this during pregnancy. It’s only day 1 now but I’m experiencing alot of back pains…could the pain be coming from the UTI? Later today I’ll be going to the doc for antibiotics…but I just want to know how I can avoid getting another UTI. It’s horrible
Go see your doctor just to be safe mom❤
Definitely see your doctor to know for sure what’s going on. Also make sure you’re drinking lots of water to stay hydrated. Cranberry juice is also good to drink when you have a uti but it’s not a cure.
Go pee after you have sex.
I got UTI’s so many times and I didn’t change anything or do anything different but I’d get checked out Bc they suck
I kept a uti my entire pregnancy. I had a bad gallbladder so I couldn’t keep much down. My uti was from being dehydrated. I couldn’t keep my kidneys and everything flushed out.
Never use soap. Always use hypoallergenic washes, baby washes are good too
I get UTIS, bladder infections, the whole works ALL the time and I’m 26 weeks.
I would get checked make sure it’s not a kidney stone causing the issue
Drink lots of water and cranberry juice , it helped me alot and I am also pregnant. My uti went away , the antibiotic keflex I was on made it worse so I quit taking them and drank water and cranberry juice. You can also use dial antibacterial soap too
If u can . . . eat yogurt everyday . . . it helps your body create the good bacteria n our lady bits. I had horrid UTI’s when preggers . . . my BFF gave me this little gem and issue over
With my third pregnancy I had utis regularly and nothing I did prevented them. I had flu symptoms and was shocked when they told me what it was. After I had my daughter they stopped
Yes drink plenty of water and maybe the doc can give you something safe to take for it
Always pee before and after sex (especially after), don’t use soaps with fragrances, always make sure to wipe from front to back, drink less soda and cut out as much sugar as possible, drink pure cranberry juice not the cocktail juice and drink drink tons and tons of water and just keep clean and dry and wear cotton undies. I have chronic UTI’s (I had so many my first pregnancy I lost count) but thus pregnancy I only had 2 and I’m off to be induced in about an hour haha! Anyways that’s what I have always been told and for most that works, but I’m just unlucky I guess idk. Just try those things and see if it works.
I went through that three times I went to a woman’s hospital and they said I didn’t even have a UTI my kidneys were severely swollen. ER doctors were putting me on antibiotics for nothing. So I’d go get a second or even third opinion
With my oldest i had 10 UTIs while i was pregnant. I basically just stayed on antibiotics.
They said it was from the hormone changes
See your dr, UTIs are common in pregnancy, with my 1st i had a UTI almost every month so my dr suggested AZO cranberries, they are pills bought over the counter to prevent UTIs , safe during pregnancy
May be kidney… glad you’re going to the doctors❤
Ummm I wouldn’t use Johnson and Johnson (I won’t even use that on my kids- there are active law suits saying it caused ovarian cancer) drink LOADS and LOADS of water (try and flush your system. There are slot of all natural soaps that are super gentle and won’t change your PH. But an altered PH can usually cause BV not always UTI. Def pee after sex. Sometimes when your pregnant you just get UTIs def go to dr and get another antibiotic you could’ve had a antibiotic resistant strand of the UTI And it just never went away. But seriously water should be your best friend!!! It does wonders!!!
I had constant UTIs while pregnant, I was on an antibiotic half my pregnancy to help prevent them.
Cranberry juice and probiotics, Don’t try to hold urine in, use bathroom frequently
I had the same my last pregnancy… Back pain too. I think they’re more common during pregnancy because I typically don’t get em. I switched to a colloidal oatmeal body soap… no sulfates or parabens. Made my husband do the same because I firmly believe his axe body wash on his you know what was the cause. Only clean the outside of your vagina with soap and also pee after sex.
You’re not suppose to wash down there with soap. I use hot water and wash cloth. I was experiencing stuff down there and I did lots of research and within a couple days of not using any type of soap down there, I had no issues.
Always wipe front to back
Go pee after sex
Avoid soaps with tons of chemicals or anything that would change your PH
Take cranberry every day. Cranberry doesn’t do much for a current UTI, it helps prevent any more from popping up.
I got 9 UTIs during my 3rd pregnancy and 4 during my 4th. Unfortunately UTIs are really common during pregnancy.
Don’t use soap at all, use water and maybe a splash of baby soap.
Antibiotics don’t work very well and cause other infections, drink a teaspoon of baking soda and water twice a day, it’s nasty but it takes the uti away within a couple days! (Works way better than any antibiotic I’ve ever tried) also make sure it’s safe to do while pregnant.
Go get some cranberry pills from Walmart vitamin section and take every day. Drink a lot of water!!
Also back pain is probably from uti, if you let it go to far it could turn into a kidney infection
Pregnancy throws off your Ph balance it can be common…see your doctor. Increase your water intake and add cranberry juice if you can🤞
When I had A UTI with my twins, my MFM doctor told me to use dove body washes and prescribed Macrobid
I had the same problem just make sure you drink a lot of water and after you have sex make sure you wash really good and P
I took cranberry pills to help avoid getting a UTI and it worked wonders!
With my son I had allot of utis and some kidney issues drink lots of water
Not sure who told you its “very dangerous” to have a UTI during pregnancy. It’s actually quite common.
Have them check u for a yeast infection trust me I’ve seen this before I was in medical
I use feminine wash ever since no more uti but stuff works good for some and some dont
Go pee immediately after sex.
I had them constant with both of mine. Was even on antibiotics to prevent them and that didn’t work. What you might think is back pain could be kidney pain. You may have a kidney infection. I had been hospitalized at least twice with each pregnancy for those.
-If you shave your pubic hair, stop!
-NO SOAP near your labia. Just rinse with water!
-Water, water, water! A glass of cranberry juice helps, too.
Pee right away after sex don’t hold your bladder cranberry juice
Have them check your kidneys. Very often UTI can lead to a kidney infection.
Probiotics, cranberry juice, and lots of water. Tylenol for pain. Plus washing down there isn’t not recommended but don’t go too deep if you get me. Soaps can throw off your pH balance which already gets a bit off while pregnant. That little lady is made to regulate on it’s own.
It could be. Don’t wash your cooter with anything other than water. It’s self cleaning. Anything can throw it off. Including sex lol. But also, some woman are very prone to getting them while pregnant
Back pains is normal in pregnancy
I’ve been using Dove bar soap as a full body wash for a while now and love it. Drink lots of water and cranberry juice as an avoidant for UTIs. Empty your bladder and clean following intercourse (I use a sensitive skin baby wipe or a feminine wipe) and wear white cotton undies basically all of the time. Until antibiotics clear it up avoid caffeine, carbonation and citrus (this is a good rule of thumb for avoiding as well).
Wash your hair outside the shower and switch to a sensitive skin soap for your body. And make sure you are getting the appropriate amount of water and avoid dark fluids
The only thing my dr approved use of was vagisil ph balance feminine wash. It has no scent and if I don’t use it then I always had problems.
Cut down or cut out caffeine for a bit … tea, sodas, coffee… drink more water or juice … cranberry juice is the best for kidneys and such …
Drink lots of water your urinary tract will thank you
I had bladder infections constantly while pregnant with my son. They stopped after I gave birth.
Cranberry juice. 6oz a day as a preventative. Not cocktail. That’s mostly sugar.
Don’t put any antibacterial soap anywhere near your vagina!
My mom had constant bladder infections while pregnant with me. I had chronic infections growing up and now have a bladder disease and ulcer in my bladder. I’m not saying that’ll happen in your case. But if they hurt, get some Azo. It’s safe for you and the baby. Lots of water. Don’t be alarmed if your pee turns super orange from the Azo, that is normal.
Drink cranberry juice and eat alot of yogurt. Please don’t just wash your vagina with only water, that’s gross. It needs cleaned.
Water and cranberry juice. Don’t put soap in your hoohah, just cleanse the outside. Also avoid baths with lots of bombs, bubbles & other shit. Wear cotton panties and if you have to wear panty liners and change them often. Try sleeping naked at night or in shorts without underwear to give the girl some air. Yes the back pain is probably uti related.
I had kidney stones and was hospitalized with both of my boys. I didn’t have any issues with my daughter at all.
Only use dove body wash unscented
Wipe front to back, wear cotton underwear, refrain from wearing tight clothing, no thongs, keep hydrated, no scented soaps, take probiotics, if taking antibiotics take full dose as prescribed
I used to get them a lot too. I switched to Vagasil sensitive wash & its helped so much. Also drink more water.
Drink a shit ton of water and bathe with unscented soap or the soap for a girls coot. I think it’s summers eve
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I’m having a high risk pregnancy aswell. I’ve had a miscarriage before this baby and I’m abit freaked out…I just need SOOOMEONE to calm my nerves before I see doc, as hubby is at work too so I’m going alone.
I lived my 2 pregnancies wit uti’s and yeast infections…they stayed after i had my babies. Now i have to be careful what kind of soaps i buy and even toilet paper.
I had 3 UTI’s during my pregnancy. I have a healthy 6 week old baby boy. Follow your doctors instruction and these tips : Wipe front to back, wear cotton underwear, refrain from wearing tight clothing, no thongs, keep hydrated, no scented soaps, take probiotics, if taking antibiotics take full dose as prescribed. Do not read stuff on the internet it does not replace a medical professional it will just freak you out, I’m a nurse and I even freak myself out when I go reading stuff on the internet.
You could be GBS+…? That can cause UTI’s.
Stay clean , wipe front to back , don’t use PH soaps or vaginal cleaners
You can take these steps to reduce your risk of urinary tract infections:
Drink plenty of liquids, especially water.Drinking water helps dilute your urine and ensures that you’ll urinate more frequently — allowing bacteria to be flushed from your urinary tract before an infection can begin.
Drink cranberry juice. Although studies are not conclusive that cranberry juice prevents UTIs, it is likely not harmful.
Wipe from front to back. Doing so after urinating and after a bowel movement helps prevent bacteria in the anal region from spreading to the vagina and urethra.
Empty your bladder soon after intercourse. Also, drink a full glass of water to help flush bacteria.
Avoid potentially irritating feminine products. Using deodorant sprays or other feminine products, such as douches and powders, in the genital area can irritate the urethra.
Change your birth control method.Diaphragms, or unlubricated or spermicide-treated condoms, can all contribute to bacterial growth.
Careful with antibiotics too because using them too much can give you a yeast infection