What causes yellow discharge while pregnant?

I’m eight months pregnant, and every time in the morning, I get a watery discharge (light yellow). If I’m not wearing any panty or pantyliner, it drips to my legs. I have reported it to my health care and was given an injection, but it’s not stopping…what could be the problem?


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What injection did they give you? They didn’t check your fluid level?

Sounds like it could be urine leakage. I had issues with urine leakage when I was heavily pregnant with my now almost 13 year old. She was on my bladder constantly. Any time she moved, I leaked. Leakage also happened when getting to a standing position after sitting or laying down.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes yellow discharge while pregnant?

To me it sounds like pee with me once I get so far along nothing stops the bladder leaks

Have they checked to make sure your not leaking amniotic fluid? You could have a small hole or tear in the amniotic sack and that could be it. It could also be maybe your baby is just pressing on your bladder. I would definitely go back to the hospital and make your obgyn check every possible thing it could be. Sometimes you have to fight the system mama. If you feel something is wrong then something is wrong until they can prove to you something isn’t. You know your body better than any doctor. Don’t give up til you find an answer


I had this bad at the end of my second pregnancy and was told it was normal and an early sign of labour x

Could be your mucus plug


I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid with my last pregnancy turns out it was pee… Lol. It only leaked if I stood in a certain position. Like bending down to the sink to brush my teeth.

I was loosing my amniotic fluid for a few wks before we realised what it was. I thought it was just bladder weakness but after having a growth scan at 8months they realised i had nearly lost all the fluid to the point where i needed to be induced 2 days later. Baby is all fine but best to check just incase.

Have you recently been tested for STI’s? Highly recommend with yellow discharge.

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When in doubt go get checked and get a second opinion when u feel the 1st is wrong. Always go with gut instincts. I didnt have this problem so I dont have any specific advice but goodluck I hope it’s nothing serious. If it’s any consolation I had my twins a month premature and they are happy and healthy. They managed 2 escape a NICU stay by some miracle.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes yellow discharge while pregnant?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes yellow discharge while pregnant?

Your dr didn’t explain what the injection was for? Call your Dr and ask them to explain your diagnosis, also let them know that your not seeing an improvement. Keep in mind later in pregnancy our bladders are being squished by baby lol I’m 31 weeks myself. Kegals can only take us so far lol

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This can happen for weeks before u have your baby and it’s normal. Everything is ok😁

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Discharge is normal and the vaginas way of cleaning itself out. Yellow tinge discharge is no reason to be concerned. During pregnancy most women report increase in discharge bec the body is experiencing different hormones and a greater need for fluid. I would not get any injection for something natural, just wear a panty liner.


I’d re-visit the doctor. There are a lot of things it could be. You need to let them know the injection did nothing and they should be able to help from there.

Is it urine? I know my bladder after each pregnancy got weaker and weaker. I def leaked urine occasionally

Def contact the doctor again.

Normally discoloration in discharge is associated with infection (green and yellow) I’d ask to be looked at again for discomfort