What changes did you go through after your tubal?

I just had a tubal removal and endo ablation done two days ago was wondering if anyone else got both done and how your sex drive periods had changed since and when you had sex after these procedures.


I didn’t get pregnant afterwards. no other side affects

I had my tubal ligation done during my c section & other than the no more babies part of it nothings changed for me. My recovery time was just the 8 weeks for my c section, no extra anything. My periods haven’t changed from what they were pre-baby. Overall I’m happy with it & it’s been just over 2 years now.

had my tubes removed with my c section, periods are heavier.

I had it done and I was afraid of heavier periods than what I already had, I didn’t get any side effects but I also had a iud placed to atop periods and help with hormones I actually have increased drive than what I did

Had a tubal 13 yrs ago and ablation about 7 years ago. Not side affects.

No changes except heavier periods & cramps are more intense.

All my friends say their periods are bad after and my one friend says she bleeds everytime she has sex now. Most of them report female problems they never had before.

Heavier and more irregular periods…just had one almost 6 months ago last month I had 2 and the second one last for almost 2 weeks :flushed:

My periods are crazy bad and irregular now, I also bleed during sex too. It’s been almost a yr since my surgery.

Im now irregular and light :slightly_smiling_face:

I had the same procedure done March 5 this year so far no side effects and no bleeding at all.

Well I didn’t have my tubes removed but did have them tied after my last c-section and I experienced a lot of blood clots after with what I thought was heavy bleeding. I than had a ablation which made everything so much worse where my bleeding was worse than before I went in and instead of my periods being the four to five days they would last 7 days and sometimes come twice a month and my iron started getting low, I ended up having my uterus taking out a year later and the two surgical Drs that I seen said they really don’t recommend ablations because most of the time they don’t work and they cause more problems like they did for me unfortunately. I hope yours is successful for you

I had mine done when I had my c section. I ended up having to be put on a pill to slow the bleeding it got so bad it hurt to walk

Periods from 3 months post c section ans tubal to current 7.5 years later periods are absolutely horrible and in process of getting hysterectomy

didn’t you talk to your doctor

My table crashed my sex drive and it’s not been the same since

I just had my tubes tied with my c- section last week, my tubes weren’t removed tho. So far I don’t have any issues.