What chores does your 6-year-old do?

What are things you start teaching at age 6 in your household. Pets . Room . Toys . Hygiene. Chores .\


-Room & toy clean up
-Replacing trash bags after brothers take them out
-Rotating giving our dog food & water
-dirty laundry in basket>>starting a load>>moving it over (I put it away)
-she helps me put away dishes while I’m washing
-sits and folds towels with me
-can spot vacuum and uses broom/dust pan with her brothers if needed
-does her teeth brushing, hair brushing/morning and bedtime routine stuff

When my kids were 6 they helped with a bit if everything. By then she should alreadybe picking up everything she uses and at least rinsing her plate/dish as well as putting away utensils. She can help put the clothes in the washer and you can hand her them to put in dryer, put away her clothes. She can put the bag in the trash can. At 6 she can dust/wipe the walls.

my 7 year old is responsible to clean up after her dog in the yard, clean her room, clean up all her toys she pulls out & also fold and put away her clothes. once she turns 8, i will then start showing her how to use the washer machine . she does help me now but its not a requirement .

My 5 year old is responsible for picking up trash and helping when taking it out. He also makes sure to go through the house and pick up dishes when they are being done. Whenever he is finished eating he is responsible for picking up his plate cleaning off what’s left and rinsing it off in the sink. When the floors are being done it’s his job to make sure they are picked up (no shoes laying around, no trash or toys everywhere)

Makes her lunch for school, takes her dirty laundry to the washer, then puts away her clean laundry, makes her bed and makes sure her room is somewhat tidy. Generally cleans up after herself but she’s super artsy and man does that bring mess :rofl:

My kids were only ever responsible for their room. They made their beds and kept their rooms clean

My 6 yr old will switch the laundry over to the dryer and turn it on. Make his own bed. Put his dishes in the sink after eating . He’s been known to take out the garbage a few times when I ask and he says yes lol .

Mine cleans her mess and feeds the cats

My 6 year old makes her bed and picks up her toys. She likes taking out small bags of trash when I take out the big ones

My 6yr old likes doing the recycling (he’s garbage truck mad)
Cleans his room, helps big brother put the dishes away out of dish washer

My 7 year old has to clean her room and pick up after the animals