I’m having my first baby soon… And I feel so overwhelmed like there just seems like so much to do and get. So could mommies out there give me a breakdown on how much clothing to get for a newborn (like how many body vests, growers etc) and how much of 0-3 months for now…
Lots of onesies…and t-shits get them in all different sizes…not too many 0-3 months they grow out of those fast
Onesies and sleepers. I also got sleep sacks for my little one. Loved it.
really just a lot of onesies and sleepers in all sizes, and a couple hats
Thrift stores or second hand stores will be your best friend… gowns are amazing especially for at night and onsies can never have too many
I loved anything zip up! Zip up onesies, sleepers ZIP UP EVERYTHING. They grow out of NB pretty quickly so I would get a little bit of everything and 0-3. 10-20 outfits on deck
Equal amounts.
I would also pack equal amounts for the hospital. My oldest fit newborn perfectly. I had my second and he was 10lbs so my husband had to go to target to get 0-3 clothes while we were in the hospital. I had my third, and we thought he was going to be big as well so we packed all 0-3, and ended up having to send my mom to the store for newborn. Lol, so I’ve learned my lesson. There’s really no exact amount. It’ll depend on how much you wash and change. With my oldest, I changed him a few times a day because I wanted him to wear everything. By my third, who is 3 weeks, I put a onesie/outfit on him when we wake up and get ready, and I don’t change him again unless he has a blow out or it’s time for bed and we throw a sleeper on.
Tons of sleepers and onesies in all sizes!
They don’t need anything but gowns, really.
First of all, congratulations!!! Zip up pajamas and onesies! Zippers are soooo much easier than anything with buttons especially in case of a blow out. It all depends on how often you like to do laundry. If you only want to do laundry once a week I’d say have 15-20 of everything. I’d definitely have 0-3 on hand now because they grow so fast let me tell you As soon as they get a size up, that’s when I go shopping for the next size. We thrift most of our stuff so it’s been cheaper to get everything before it’s needed.
Thrift stores cuz they grow out of stuff so fast
Socks, onesies, sleepers, also consider how warm/cool your house is and dress appropriately.
My first 2 were born in July in North Carolina, they did great with onesies and thin receiving blankets. (I kept the house as cool as I could lol)
I always did alot of onsies and sleepers. Socks and mittens for hands so baby doesn’t scratch face. I myself for a few premies my babies was small but only a few premies the rest newborn and 0-3 months
Onsies and sleepers are essential but they grow sooo fast so dont over buy and stuff gets stained very easily
I would suggest a couple cute outfits for special occasions/pictures but not necessary just kinda fun!
Only get 1 or 2 packs of newborn diapers. Get a couple of packs of the 3-6 months as well. Buy wipes and burp cloths to put on your shoulder. Have baby tylenol and baby mylicon on hand before you go to the hospital. You don’t want to have to go out for that. Buy small bottles and several styles of nipples for them. Blessings to you and your baby.
Always go the next size up they grow so fast it is not funny, also buy used clothing unless you plan on keeping it for another child down the road (other than special outfits for birthdays holidays and other special occasions.) Babies don’t need as many clothes as you think, 4-5 each: onesies (you can pull down over their body if they get poopy,) pants, shirts, jammies) you will want lots of socks… they vanish. Use a diaper pin to pin them together when you wash them. Bibs are a must especially when learning to eat solids and teething. Once the baby hits one they slow down a little in growing. Also an idea I saw elsewhere set up an email account email to your baby photos, milestones, cute things that they did, and give them the email log in when they graduate high school. Then they can read through it see photos and see their own personal history.
My first baby was a premie she was so tiny and she only stayed in newborn for like 1 or 2 months if that and then bam you need all new sizes by the fourth baby I was at target in full labor I grabbed a baby blanket four outfits a box of diapers and wipes and and a pack of baby soap lol that’s it well and a diaper bag big company make so much money of advertisement it’s crazy you really don’t need much and I found I liked buying what I needed after baby came because I didn’t spend money on stuff I couldn’t or didn’t need plus it’s nice to get out of the house and shop for a min
Onesies and zip up pajamas not to many newborn and 0-3 they grow so fast! Also dont go over board on newborn diapers!
It’s personal preference but I’d go with 14 Onsies, 14 day outfits, 14 pairs of socks, 14 sleep outfits (gowns, sleep sacks, whatever u prefer), 7 pairs of mittens (prevents scratching). You should only have to do laundry once a week that way. Even if a few days they have blow outs, you still have enough clothes for the week.
It depends. My first baby was 3-6 mo size right away. Never wore 0-3. My second wore 0-3 for a month. My youngest wore nb size for a month, then was in 0-3 until she was like 5 months. Get a few things in the smaller sizes, you can always get more. But definitely have the next sizes too, since they grow fast. Onesies and sleepers were used the most for my babies, so I tended to have a lot of those compared to other clothes.
Do not overbuy, people buy for the baby once it’s here. My oldest son was in newborns for 4 months (premie) youngest was in newborns for 2 months…but i had tiny babies
I didn’t buy any newborn. My recent baby was 9lbs 12 oz. I’d say just get 0-3 maybe a newborn jammie and outfit.
Keep tags on all things until your baby comes and wears them, so if your baby comes out a little bigger you can always exchange. But in terms of how much you need, that really depends on how often you want to do laundry.
Just buy babygrows for first few months you will be changing so much and other clothing is so much bother while they are so young x
Minimum! They never wear all they get! And they grow so fast!
You can never have enough onecies. They burp up, poop on, pee on, ect. Those onecies are indispensable . Get plenty of burp cloths too…to throw on your shoulder when carrying them…to save your clothes. Don’t get a lot of clothes at a time. They outgrow them fast. Check out “Fit For Kids” resale shop to help with clothing cost.
You only need Nb for about the first 3 weeks depending on the size of your baby an then they go into 0-3 pretty fast. They stay in 0-3 for a good 2-3 months also just depends on the size of your baby. You seem to find your favorite new born out fits unconsciously an use the same ones often. Sleepers are the best especially the ones with built in hand protectors so they don’t scratch their face. Bout 8 of those nb an some onsies should get you through the nb stage. 0-3 you’ll need a little bit more outfits.
Zippy suits for day and night haha.
Dont bother with clothes! The worst thing is a baby in shirts and pants because their clothes ride up when you hold them and their little belly gets exposed.
I save clothes for crawling age and just use zippys for newborns
Currently have a new born. Sleepers. Tons and tons of sleepers. The ones with the feet. They even make ones where the zip starts at the feet so you don’t have to completely take it off to change a diaper. And some plain ol onesies. Don’t bother with the cutesy clothes.
Honestly just be prepared with a little bit of each size, even premie cause you never really know, even if your baby isn’t premie it may still be premie weight so nb will be too big for a week or so, I had more 0-3 than nb size cause nb size stuff lasted my daughter 2weeks to a month if that so… they grow fast really, it’s up to you, however you are feeling go with it and buy what you think you’ll need. Never take tags off till you go to put it on your baby cause you can always get some of your money back by reselling them even if they are gently used:grimacing: & if you have any friends & family they will be buying stuff for the baby especially clothes cause who doesn’t love baby clothes shopping? Lol:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so always remember you’ll have a lot more than what you buy due to others loving your little too and wanting to spoil it:smiling_face: completely all how you feel though, I personally like to be over prepared than under prepared
Our now 2 yr old came never wore newborn clothes (she came out chunkier) no ultrasound warned us so we had a dresser full of newborn and had to change it to 0-3 the day she got home. so this time around we have maybe 14 outfits, 14 pj’s ect and then 0-3 everything else. I figured we could roll up the arms/legs and reuse the newborn is this baby is smaller but its such a short period anyways.
Newborn and 3 month sizes will be outgrown quickly.
Every baby is different. My first stayed in newborn and 0-3 for a long time lol my 2nd was bigger and grew faster. I would recommend getting a lot of onesies and zip up sleepers
My son was never in newborn he was in 0-3 and my oldest as well it’s better to grow into then to be too small
In my three kids of experience I didn’t really have to worry about buying clothes for the first year or so unless I wanted to or found an outfit I liked. Between holidays and so many other parents were like “oh you just had a baby? Here take these to get them out of my house” I in turn regifted any my daughters outgrew that were in good shape.
You won’t know for sure what size baby is until it’s born. In my expirence 1 of my babies wore NB. That wasn’t long a couple weeks at most. My advise is to buy a few (5 or so) sleepers in NB, 0-3 & 3-6. Keep tags & receipts for them. Take a size assortment to the hospital. You can take back what you don’t use. Also take advantage of hand-me-downs. Baby clothes are expensive & they don’t wear the smaller sizes long. (my oldest went from NB to 24 mos by his first birthday) 2nd hand is your best way to curve costs.
It’s yo to you how much to get but some need premier out fits , newborn , 0-3 , 3-6 and up youl need pj’s for lil one , onzies outfits
If you buy onesies, get zipper enclosure instead of snaps for sleeping. Wayyyyy easier in the middle of the night while you are half asleep
I had about 12 onsies I used out of 50:joy: and 8 sleepers. 3 swaddles. (I had pants to go with the onsies just in case) I used receiving blankets like crazy. So l had probably 12-15 of those. I tried not to go overboard bc they grow so fast. It was like this till about 6-9 months sizes. I also had a few nice outfits for when we went out places. But I mainly used onesies. I kept tags on everything until we used them. I had alot of stuff that was given to me that she never wore. I either returned or regifted
Don’t over buy clothes…
They grow so fast…and depends on size of baby when born…
Car seat, stroller, crib are biggest items where play pen you can get later…
Same with diapers… depends on if you have big baby or like mine early and tiny…
Few sets of crib sheets…
And don’t forget nursing pads…
I used nighties with a pull close and open on bottom… way easier to change diapers… especially in middle of the night…
Congratulations…you will figure it out…
You can always pick up what you need as time goes on…ohhh and baby bath with I forgot name…baby lays on it while having bath
Sleep sacks saved me
It’s hard to say. I barely got any newborn stuff, because everyone told me my daughter would grow out of it in a week or two. Well, she ended up wearing NB stuff for about 3 months lol. 0-3 & 3 month were the longest. And she was in & out of 6 month clothing super fast. I would say start out with 6 onesies, & 6 Pajamas for each size. And then you can buy more as needed.
I just had my my 1st 4 where in 0000s for about 2 months I had about 10 of everything. U want enough so if they pop threw or vomit u can change. My 5th baby was born big and he was almost 5 kilos and 56cm long was in 0000s for about a week lol. Each baby is different.
All of my girls were in Preemie for a month and then newborn for a month maybe 2 it really does depend on the size of your baby so maybe buy a few newborn onesies and sleepers and 3-4 outfits to start with and leave the tags on until after baby is born .
My son was already too big for the smallest clothes when he was born. Get hand me downs if you can. They outgrow clothes every month when they’re newborn. Onesies and footie pajamas are good. People love to buy baby clothes so if you get a baby shower or if your family will get you presents you’ll get a bunch.
Really a baby needs diapers, a few blankets and footie pajamas to sleep in, bottles, formula (just a little if you’re going to breastfeed) and a cozy place to sleep. Moms in some European countries get a baby box that becomes a bassinet so a cardboard box with a foam pad will do until they grow into a crib. Maybe a baby bath. Aside from that it’s all marketing. Got love? That’s what a baby needs most.
I’d say newborn jsut baby grows really but that’s my opinion, I jsut think that’s re so much comfier in baby grows for the first few weeks as there only so tiny! Haha with my first girl she was never in baby grows only for bed but with my second she was in babygrows for about 2 month then put her in clothes x
really every child is different