I’m having my first baby soon… And I feel so overwhelmed like there just seems like so much to do and get. So could mommies out there give me a breakdown on how much clothing to get for a newborn (like how many body vests, growers etc) and how much of 0-3 months for now…
First of all, congratulations!!! Zip up pajamas and onesies! Zippers are soooo much easier than anything with buttons especially in case of a blow out. It all depends on how often you like to do laundry. If you only want to do laundry once a week I’d say have 15-20 of everything. I’d definitely have 0-3 on hand now because they grow so fast let me tell you As soon as they get a size up, that’s when I go shopping for the next size. We thrift most of our stuff so it’s been cheaper to get everything before it’s needed.