What could a hard nipple mean in baby?

My daughter is 5 months old and my husband noticed a few days ago that one of her nipples is very hard. We just moved so I don’t have a doctor established for her yet but obviously I’m going to take her. But I’m freaking out a little because I have zero idea what it could be. Anyone experience this with their baby?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could a hard nipple mean in baby?

Milk deposits. It goes away!


My daughter had what seemed like knots or hard bumps under her nipples and the doctor told me it was hormones from nursing and that it would go away eventually, which it did.


Pretty sure it’s normal for babies

My daughter had both nipples swollen and firm to the touch. Her pediatrician said it was exposure to my hormones and the swelling did go away.


My daughter had the same thing and doctor said it was very normal and it eventually went away :smiling_face:

Get her checked out.

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Very common and normal with babies especially breastfed babies!

Babies get their mother’s hormones, which is why babies tend to get “baby acne” when they’re about a month old too.

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There are still hormones from the pregnancy in their systems after birth and breastfeeding passes more on sometimes.

It’s normal
Could most likely be cuz the baby is cold

You’re freaking out about a hard nipple?

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Very common. It is hormones. Also in little baby girls and even baby boys you may sometimes notice milk from their nipples. It goes away but again is caused by hormones.

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Hormones usually perfectly normal even in boys and usually goes away.

My son had this. Doctor said it’s prolactin hormones causing baby to make breast milk. It’s normal. Every human is born with a milk line. Do not mess with it. Do not squeeze it out or you can cause mastitis in baby. It will go away. This is more common with a breastfeeding baby but it can happen with a formula fed baby too.


Iys normal. Just slightly massage her everyday

Hormones from breastfeeding they are milk deposits no worries (would prolly still let a doctor see just incase but sounds like a normal thing)

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Find a doctor and let him check it out.

I would just work on getting a pediatrician so that you can have it looked at for peace of mind. They would have the best answer for you.


It could be very normal, but also something else could be happening, Get a Ped Dr now, Your hormones stay in a baby for many months after birth


Im not sure, i would take her as soon as you can, in the mean time, dont panic, its probobly nothing

I would go to the Dr just in case. Always get a Dr opinion with little ones.

Could have a cyst under it. Get it checked out.

Very common, it’s super scary at first it happened with my oldest and I was like wtf. I did not know it was normal LOL


That is normal in my experience.


I’m not sure with a 5 month old but my first newborn both his nipples or really breasts got hard it it freaked me out as a first time mom. Doctor told me it was my left over hormones in baby and its completely normal.


All 3 of mine had it. It’s a swollen breast bud! Are you breastfeeding? It’s from hormones in your breast milk

My son had this compress with a warm wash cloth is your hormones transferring over to her

Could be your hormones are still coming out of her body.

Left over hormones most likely. They might even leak milk! Probably just this and nothing to worry about. Call some pediatricians to get a new dr and apt

Yes my son was like this he also leaked milk from his nipples. If your breast feeding it is from your hormones

hormones, my son had a lump under his that went away not long after :slightly_smiling_face:

My daughter had this. It turned out to be some neonatal milk in her breast. Lasted a few weeks then went away. When we gave her a warm bath, the milk would come out.

Normal my girls had it but take to doctor to be safe.

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My kids all had it too. It’s from hormones. Get check anyways but

Could be a cyst or hormones the dr will most likely take a watch n see approach unless there’s more symptoms

Whoa I’ve never heard of this, wow this was cool to learn about

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I question some of these posts. I wonder if people are just posting these for fun or if they are serious questions… Stop asking the internet

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Get it checked out asap, my son needed surgery at 14 days old because of swollen breast bud, it was horrible for both of us, fyi I was breastfeeding & also got mastitis, praying things will go smoothly for you since she’s older