What could abnormal cells mean?

Same thing happened to me last year while pregnant. After I gave birth, at my 6 week check up we took a couple biopsies and came back low enough not to worry about them. I stressed about it at the beginning but everything turned out okay for me. I hope the same for you hun

There are lots of reasons you could have abnormal cells… pregnancy, having sex before your pap, masturbation, unsterile supplies used… I have had one, and had a different test done to confirm cancerous or not. My second test was normal, so I had another Pap in six months then once a year for five years even after they changed the recommendation to every three years to make sure everything was ok.

4 weeks after my daughter was born i went for a pap and it came back with abnormal cells, It ended up being stage 3, which I thought must have came on fast after all the paps, tests etc when pregnant, I got a biopsy which wasn’t bad and a leep procedure done and I have been good ever since :blush:

Had that. Did a leap biopsy. Took some of the uterus wall off. Only thing they told me for after the fact was if I got pregnant that it’s a higher chance of early birth because the walls aren’t as strong. Got pregnant years later
No issues. Havent had abnormal pap since!

I had two PAP tests with abnormal cells a year apart. Then I had a LEEP procedure done. Had to have a PAP done 6 months apart for the next 3 tests. I can still remember the test done after the LEEP procedure, they use dye and a camera to see if they see any more abnormal cells. The doctor actually start to sing ‘you are so beautiful’ to the screen of my cervix because all abnormal cells were gone. The nurse and I were laughing so much.

This happened to me but my dr. Said pregnancy can cause it too and it ended up being nothing

Not me but my sister ever since she was 17. They told her they are precancerous and she goes in every six months and has them scrapped off. She’s 33 now… Doing great.

My second pregnancy I had abnormal cells, they checked again after I had him and they were gone, had abnormal cells when I was pregnant with my 3rd, gone after birth again(they are 3 yrs apart) 3 yrs later I had abnormal cells again(not pregnant) so they did a punch biopsy. Came back high grade legion 3 cells(I guess the step before cancer) and I had to get the leep procedure(where they cut off part of your cervix) and then it was normal. I ended up pregnant again and because I only had half my cervix, my water started leaking at 34 wks(it didn’t break at all with my other kids, docs had to break it) and the hospital kept saying I was peeing myself for a whole week. Finally my ob checked me and I was leaking so I had to be induced and have my baby 5 weeks early.

Would you like to have details about the procedure they do for this? I work in the OR and we do quite a bit of these. Most are done under local anesthetic though. It’s a quick and minor procedure

The same thing happened to me. After pregnancy they did another pap and everything was normal. Don’t worry about it , pray about it and give it to God :two_hearts:

Talk to your doctor and stop stressing as much as you can. To much stress isn’t good for your pregnancy. It’s nothing you did wrong it just happens sometimes. Hope everything goes well with your pregnancy.

I had this happen after my first kid. I had a couple abnormal paps and got referred to my gyno. They monitored it and did extra paps and biopsies to keep an eye on it. It was stage 1 precancerous cells at this point. About 2.5 years later it was stage 2 precancerous cells. My Gyno recommended getting a LEAP to remove the cells in my cervix. When it was done and they tested it they found that some cells were stage 3 as well (after stage 3 it becomes cancerous) … I had that done about 4.5 years ago and all have been well with my yearly paps.
I’m not a doctor, but from my experience and understanding, it shouldn’t affect your pregnancy and you will likely be given options later. Just speak to your doctor and get their input and go from there! I’m sure all will be fine. No need to stress about something when you don’t know what can happen yet :heart:

Abnormal cells are very common and please don’t worry they may never have turned cancerous, but because of the chance they might turn nasty they laser them off for you.

Right after my first was born . I cried a lot even though my doctor said it’s super normal and goes away on its own a lot had another in six months no problems. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Wishing you the best :heart:

I had abnormal cells had to go back for another one and that one was just fine.

How old are you? I ask because I had “abnormal” cells from 16 to 23 and it is absolutely normal now.
But back in the day I had to have 3 biopsies done in that time for no reason. And recently data showed that young women dont need to be concerned with this.
Maybe get a second opinion

mine was nothing. i still get them every so often. but nothing ever comes from them

I’ve had this happen to me twice but not when I was pregnant all the dues do another pap smear and check and see if it comes back normal and it did for me

It can probably be HPV, try not to worry

I had abnormal cells and got an appointment in 5 or 6 months after birth and everything was normal again

Have the docs compare your cells from previous exams because mine were not abnormal just the way they were!

I have them, they aren’t cancer or anything.

I had abnormal cells with my last pregnancy only which was my 5th pregnancy and I was puzzled cause I have NEVER had an abnormal pap. I went in my next appt and he took a camera in there to check it out a bit better… Everything looked normal :blush:
(I got to see my cervix for the 1st time…that was pretty cool)
Praying for comfort ur way. Like almost all the comments…try to stay calm. Good luck sweetie

Happens to me periodically. Turns out to be nothing.

Yes. Had this in all three of my pregnancies. Your doctor should have also told you that it’s not uncommon for pregnant women to have these cells. Some do. Some don’t. For those that do, sometimes it means something and sometimes it just means they’re pregnant.

Every time I have a pap they find abnormal cells. And every time it ends up being nothing to worry about. I am not saying that is the case but what I am saying is try not to worry too badly right now. Have them retest and go from there. :heart:

Had abnormal cells during pregnancy, after birth had another pap and everything went back to normal

I had this happen and it fixed itself

Ask your OB/GYN. ASAP.

I had that when I was pregnant. They went in and removed it when I was 5 months along. I carried my son to full term and after he was born I had a partial hysterectomy because I had 3 healthy children and the cancer I had could have come back. My son is 37 years old now. I had great doctors. I am sending good wishes for you and your baby.

They found abnormal cells when I was pregnant too. After daughter was born had a biopsy, conning and l.e.e.p procedure done. I had pre canerous cells. Had to every 3mths for pap. Then every 6mths. After 3yrs I finally went back pap once a year. Yes it’s scary not knowing but try not to panic to much with technology today very high chance of survival.
Remember think happy, positive thoughts that’s baby feels everything you do :slight_smile: good luck ((((hugs))))

They potentially can be cancerous and they potentially might not be. I has abnormal.cells and I had a biopsy done when i was pregnant and cells came back non cancerous. Then I’ve had to have a pap.smear the last two years in a row and both these two recent pap smears I have had negative results. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best and go get your extra test!

Happened to me with my current pregnancy and I honestly elected to wait until after I have the baby to figure out what could be causing it because I don’t want to spend my pregnancy stressed out. They wanted to do a colposcopy but like I said, I just didn’t wanna worry. I also found out I was positive for hpv which can cause the abnormal cells

I had abnormal cells when I was pregnant with my twins few months after having them I had a loop extraction all been fine since then x

Everyones experience is different but, I had abnormal cells, cervical dysplasia, in my twenties. They were pre-cancerous cell. I had a colposcopy to take a biopsy and I had a laser procedure done to the areas of the cervix that had the abnormal cells. Some discomfort after the colposcopy, none after the laser. I had normal paps until I was pregnant with my first child years later. My OB told me that they would wait until after delivery, that sometimes vaginal birthing will actually correct/rid the cervix of the cells and in my case it was 100% true. I have not had an abnormal pap since and it’s been 19 yrs. Try not to stress and good luck!


I had abnormal cell during pregnancy but then it was normal after i gave birth. They never really explained other than sometimes that happen :woman_facepalming:t2:

Mine were abnormal when I was pregnant and I was told the same as you. So after I had my baby they checked again and everything was normal. She told me it was very common to see abnormal cells sometimes they are there but it doesn’t always mean they will turn into cancer.

I had abnormal cells when I was pregnant. They wouldn’t do anything about it (not even another smear) as I was pregnant, plus pregnancy hormones change your body so much. I had another check 3 months after I had the twins and everything was fine

i was also told this when i was pregnant. all they can do is recheck it after you have the baby and then do further testing! i went back during my 6w check up and was totally fine!

Didn’t think you were allowed a smear whilst pregnant as its not an accurate result? My Drs surgery won’t do a smear whilst pregnant I had to wait until 3 months after having baby until everything was normal and settled

This has been me for years. Just had a lletz procedure done to remove the cells. Apparently very common and causes by HPV.

Had it also after my daughter was born . Had cryo to freeze the cells. Been fine since . Good luck with your pregnancy :heart:

I had abnormal cells once, in my 30’s. I called my doctor’s office for answers!! Cuz it could literally be a million things causing abnormalities!!!

Yes i did. I had to wait a month a after delivery then i had the option to burn or freeze my cells off. I went with the freezing, but in turn i think that wasnt much different than burning them off. Cryo surgery is what is called u can look that up for more info. I was awake the whole time. Went well. I did feel sore a couple weeks after since it was only a month after i had my baby

I had them when i was pregnant also. After having the baby they were gone

I don’t mean to dismiss this in any way but it is not unusual and often, like really often, its nothing.

This can be something as simple as having sex a day or two prior to getting the pap smear. You should definitely get it checked though.

I. Wasn’t. Pregnant. At. The. Time. But. I. Went. For. Appt. The. Doctor. Said. I. Had. Abnormal. Cells. That. We’re. Precancer. He. Did. A. D&C. I. Was. Fine. No. Problems. Don’t. Worry. You. Will. Stress. Yourself. Out. It. Is. Scary.

Happened to me… had LEEP surgery… I’ve been fine since

I had years of abnormal cell and multiple procedures. Never turned to cancer. However I did find out if you are sexual active 2 to 3 days before a pap it could cause those results


I have had a few abnormal pap results they just get me too go back in for another swab and everything so far has been all good. I have endometriosis which could be a factor :woman_shrugging:

Abnormal smears can be caused by absolutely anything, a uti, thrush, sex, hormonal changes. It’s scary but try not to worry too much!

I had severe abnormal cells on my first smear I had to go hospital to have park lazor of but they came back fine it hasent turned cancerous you will be fine xx

I had my first cervical screening early by chance, they found abnormal cells on me too, they burnt them off then rescreened me a few months later and they were gone x

I had one when not pregnant but my next was perfectly fine. My doctor says it can happen time to time

It’s happened to me and I haven’t been pregnant yet. It was a few years ago and it turned out to be just ‘chronic inflammation’ and I had that HPV. It was a scare as I had to be referred to hospital for a biopsy. Don’t worry it may be nothing it may just be what I had, on the other hand it could be possibly the start of something so it’s important you accept further investigation either before or after pregnancy x

Ive had it happen. They biopsy a little bit of it and it came back normal. They said I had hpv. That was 12 years ago. Went to get an exam 2 years ago and it was completely normal.

Probably hpv and most likely will go away on its own

Very common, I used to work in a GYN and we see this all the time, in pregnant women too. Usually when you’re pregnant they’ll wait to take biopsies of your cervix if needed. I wouldn’t worry, you’re body will clear it on its own. I’ve personally had abnormal cells in the past and cleared in with no issues.


I had that. They have to biopsy ( doesn’t really hurt) the cells. Basically it’s a type of cell that can become cancer. Mine came back fine but I had to get a kryo done to kill them . They haven’t been back in 20 years. My sister had them 2 and while they weren’t cancer she had an actual leap done( bigger procedure)

I had that when I was about 20. Dr. Removed it/them (whatever term) Anyhow, I’m 50 now and still fine. So 30 years and I’m ok.

I had the same thing only the cells found were high grade cancerous lesions. I’m currently 18 weeks pregnant. My doc did a culposcopy and said it didn’t look as bad as the pap implied so we’re keeping an eye on it. The way he explained, pregnancy is a state of suppressed immunity in which any abnormal cells are more likely to be found. It’s more than likely something that will resolve on its own, yet something to also keep an eye on.

I did. Was 8-10 weeks along. Found out. They said it was carcinoma in situ. They took a small biopsy. Monitored me 3x by OB throughout to make sure it wasn’t getting too serious. Made me deliver on time. Then removed affected area 6 weeks post delivery leap procedure . Never had a abnormal pap prior. Don’t stress. They will monitor and all should be fine.

It mean hpv … it’s common and go away after few days

Take it to the Lord in prayer. And make sure your doctor know you are very concerned.

I had growths around cervix. Doctor operated. Woke up and doctor burst into recovery room with big happy smile and yelled “benign, benign,benign.”.