What could be causing my daughters behavior?

We recently moved to a new house so lots of changes but I’m not sure how to help my daughter. For example we were driving home and she got mad because she finished her juice and she wanted more so she peed on the car seat. This has happened more than a handful of times for different reasons. We try talking to her and show her how to control her feeling and we also started asking her to go potty more often but im not sure what else to do. Just give her time?is it just a phase?


Give her time
She is still trying to process the move and her new surroundings
Just keep doing what you are doing

moving is stressful, on everyone. idk the age of daughter, but if in car seat I’m guessing pretty young, so things are probably scary too.
I do think it’s important to know if she’s around new people too, again, scary. try to l9ve on her extra to give reassurance she’s safe, and be patient

You didn’t tell us how old she is.
I see this as anger towards you for taking her away from established friends.
But I don’t know the entire situation. Either talk to her and ask her if she is upset or mad about something. Ask her if she misses her friends or even your previous house.
There could be so many issues playing into this.
Reach out to your pediatrician for a good therapist that has experience with children your daughters age.
Punishment might push whatever this issue is deeper and harder for her to want to tell you about it. She might now turn her anger towards you instead of telling you what hurts. Absolutely don’t accept her behavior but try to find out why it’s happening.