What could be causing my stomach pain and irregular period?

I’m confused with my body. I had my son four months ago. This is my second child. I was induced due to my doctor being busy around my due date. Since I had my son, I haven’t had a period, and when my stomach is being pushed on, it’s an excruciating pain throughout my entire stomach. I have no appetite, and I’ve lost more than 30 pounds. I am scheduled for a doctor’s appt soon. I just want to know what people think could cause this—post anonymous.


Take a pregnancy test! More than likely u are pregnant again. First thing I would get as your Dr.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could be causing my stomach pain and irregular period?

Could be any number of things

Pcos or endometriosis

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Did the dr make any incisions anywhere or have to sew anything up? I had a friend this happened to and the dr left a sponge inside her😞


C section or normal delivery? Do you still have your appendix? Lots of variables

Wonder if they didn’t fully deliver the placenta


It could be gallbladder related, appendix, maybe they didn’t deliver all of the placenta. If you had a c-section, maybe they left something inside. There’s so many possibilities. Are you feverish, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea? I might would go to an urgent care…30lbs in 4 months is a lot to lose unless you were severely obese before but even then…that’s a lot.

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It could be your gallbladder. Happened to my ex sister in law after she had her baby. Def go see a doc right away.

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You are only four months postpartum. It takes a long time sometimes for your body to get back to “normal”. Definitely see a doctor about the stomach pain but the irregular period is normal. Also I would never agree to be induced to fit into a doctors schedule. Any doctor can deliver your baby. In my opinion I would rather let my body go into labor naturally than force it by induction which can be very hard on a lot of women.


Go to the doctor ASAP! If you feel unwell and are in pain, and losing weight you don’t think you should be losing, you need a doctor to check you out.


Go to a doctor - excruciating pain , no appetite and weight loss indicate that you need an ultrasound and further examination- this can’t be done via Facebook. Abnormal symptoms require a physical and work up based on symptoms.


I really feel like this is an ER visit. It sounds like gall bladder to me. Also nobody has mentioned it but loss of appetite can be PPD or anxiety. Are you nervous about taking care of 2 babies? Or depressed? It doesn’t explain the stomach pain though.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could be causing my stomach pain and irregular period?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could be causing my stomach pain and irregular period?

I’d go to the ER for the pain like right now. You shouldn’t still be experiencing abdominal pain at this point in postpartum. Something could be seriously wrong in your uterus. As for the period irregularity, I didn’t get a period for 9months with my eldest, my youngest is 17months and I still haven’t gotten one- but my Dr said everything checked out in my blood work and when he checked out my insides… so that’s more than likely completely normal yet, especially if you’re breastfeeding/pumping milk. But please go in for your pain, that’s not normal at all.


If you’ve been uncomfortable for a while, there is always the possibility that not all the placenta was delivered/expelled. That could make you feel ill, easily.

In essence, definitely warrants a professional opinion. Wishing you swift answers and relief.


Gallbladder. There are different types of Gallbladder stones. One being caused by pregnancy.


definitely see a doctor! i had similar stomach/abdominal pain and it was my gallbladder :disappointed:


I would suggest going to Emerg just to make sure you don’t have an infection or something left in you!?!


Go to the hospital!!! This exact thing happened to me and I didn’t get checked until 3-4 months after having my daughter. Turned out, some placenta was still left inside of me and it caused me to have PID and the infection got into my bloodstream and I was becoming septic!!! Please please go get checked! I could’ve died! Your baby needs you to be okay ! Good luck and I hope you feel better !


Okay so there is something called PID which is pelvic inflammatory disease and I had pretty much every single symptom but with you feeling excruciating pain in your stomach you need to go to er like now. Having stomach pains that bad after birth and not being cramps is no good

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I’m sure everyone will give advice on their experiences but please go to emergency, everyone is different and shouldn’t compare disorders or medical issues


I’d be worried about an infection please go in.


I would def go to the ER that sounds like it could be a really dangerous issue, and as far as no period my baby was 7 mos before I got a period

I had something similar happening after my twins were born and ended up having an umbilical hernia that required surgery! It was very painful and they misdiagnosed me at first saying I needed more fiber :roll_eyes:


Id go to the ER instead of waiting
You had a baby your body is still recovering period irregularity isnt uncommon or unheard of.
But you should never even if you aren’t PP be able to push on your stomach and it hurt like that.


Afterward did you massage your stomach to make sure you got all blood clots out. My wife had these pains till she finally passed all clots

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first off switch doctors… him being busy is not a reason for all the risks that come with induction

also periods take a while to come
back if you are breastfeeding even if not they won’t be normal right away

pain is your body saying something is wrong so absolutely get that checked


Ovarian cysts is what I dealt with about 6 month after my first pregnancy.

I would go to the emergency room ASAP ! It could be your appendix, gallbladder, or tons of other issues that need to be addressed right away. Prayers you get the help you need.

Not seeing a Dr ! Is the problem


Being induced is torture in itself. Find a new doctor immediately but before all that GO TO THE HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY. It doesn’t sound good at all whatever you are experiencing

When they check you out have them check your thyroid levels as well. Most drs don’t check it. It may not have anything to do with the pain but drastic weightloss is a symptom of a hyper thyroid. I know from personal experience because I am hyper and on meds for it.


It took me 7 months to get a period after my second baby. I was even on birth control.
If your stomach pain is that bad you should to the ER. Could be gall bladder, appendix or an infection.

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I’d also suggest going to ER or urgent care. At least a walk in… it will ease your mind more than coming on here and you may end up in need of care sooner. Better to be safe


I’d get a new doctor for a start! Induced you because they were busy???


If you have anymore babies please consider finding a doctor worth a damn. I’m busy around your due date is not an acceptable reason for induction and that doctor knows the risks of induction and decided his plans or her plans were worth those risks. Go to the hospital i hurt like that and i had an infection from the doctor leaving part of the placenta behind and a blood clot because of it.

I cannot stand when someone says excruciating but goes about their lives. I’ve experienced severe of severe pain and I’d be in the ED if I ever felt it again. This is obvious. ER as your body is telling you something isn’t right. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different but when described excruciating meaning unbearable meaning unable to take care of your child meaning barely able to breathe meaning ER. :weary:


You could have a tubal pregnancy .

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Seek medical help asap, go to the er if pain is that bad!

Have you been checked to make sure they got all of your placenta ?
It can be really dangerous if there is any left inside.

I had to have an ultrasound at 6 weeks post baby to make sure it was gone.

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After I had my son I delevepoted PCOS. Go to an OB. It will stop your periods, cause pain in the lower stomach/uterus area and can even prolong your periods.


Don’t wait. Demand an appt.

You been around the recently covdnineteen vxd?


This seems like a discussion you should have with your doctor.

We aint doctors wait to see them


Just go to your Dr
Or urgent care
Dont try home care and call your doctor

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It’s possible that the after birth is still in. MY DAUGHTER HAD THAT HAPPEN AFTER HER 2 nd CHILD. It would be worth a check. Could be your Gallbladder as well. Go to the ER and have it checked


You can also Google your symptoms and maybe get a idea of wats going on…get better n good luck!

when your body gives birth you need time to get your body back on track it usually takes up to 2 years for it to get back on track. Periods will be off and irregular . Call your OBGYN and let them know they can either scribe you something or have you go back in get checked. You can have have a internal infection.

It takes a year for your body to get back to normal you Should really ask your doctor these questions it’s easy to just call in and ask

I would go to the er and not wait for a dr appointment


Why oh why do people talk about this shit on Facebook?:flushed:

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Er now. Sounds like retained placenta or galbladder

Please go to the ER!

Hey look over there KAREN, there’s a post that needs Grammer corrected ! Lmfao

I was having this issue and went to my gyno. I’ve been diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis. Go get checked! I’ve been having issues since I was 16, I’m 22 now. Don’t wait!!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could be causing my stomach pain and irregular period?

Endometriosis and pcos are possible I suffered with both for many years…Def make sure you tell your Dr all the side affects. But with the weight loss and just having a baby ill tell you what when I nursed my child never knew how cramping could last so long even after birth…let alone breast feeding still made me cramp


After I had my daughter I couldn’t eat gluten anymore because of severe stomach pain

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You need to see a doctor asap. Especially if you have any fever, body aches or chills. Feeling dizzy or unusually fatigued.

Gallbladder issues? It’s relatively common for the gallbladder to go wonky during pregnancy or post partum.
The period thing could take a long while to regulate. Especially if you’re breastfeeding.

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I had alot of the same problems but with periods. I was diagnosed with endometriosis stage 4 and pcos almost 5 years ago after my son.

After having my second baby 9m ago My IBS-C has been horrible, never had i struggle like this before😢 i have had IBS-C since i can remember but it was never this way,i stopped eating gluten, dairy and cold cuts trying to see if it helps, but doesn’t seem to be helping much, don’t have stomach pain but i do have large intestine pain(colon area) of and on. I would suggest going to a Gastro Dr. if possible. If you are breastfeeding that might be why you are not getting your period.

I have endometriosis and have similar issues

Go to ER if u can’t get appt right away with Dr.

No period is normal if breastfeeding.

Could be deep tissue bruising but definitely get it checked out

I ended up with three hernias (THREE!!!) before I was even discharged after my last csection in August last year. They hurt so bad I would faint when something would even lightly brush against my stomach. I lost crazy amounts of weight. Three days before Christmas I had them operated on and I’ve been good as new ever since. Don’t ignore it. Don’t let the doctors tell you “you can live with hernias for years” like I almost let them convince me. Hell no I couldn’t. I hope this isn’t the case for you but keep it in mind as a possibility to tell your doctor.

Get to Dr asap…losing that much weight is not good…
Pain after 4 months not normal…
Could be numerous things

Weight loss and no period is common if you breastfeed.

I had stomach pains after having my daughter and it turned out to be a hernia right by my belly button… it was awful pain. Surgery and healing from that was almost worse than having a baby. :woman_facepalming:t2: Go get checked!

Please go to the ER. The pain is enough of a reason, let alone all the other stuff you’re experiencing. You’d probably be able to get most, if not all of your diagnostics tests and procedures done in one visit.

I had retained placenta and it was like this, I near bleed to death one day….go to the hospital

Please don’t let your doctor play games; this sounds serious! Prayers raised for you.


I hope you see a doctor, soon. No matter what it is,a bunch of posters on Facebook shouldn’t be treating you.

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OMG!!! That’s something serious!! Please, go to the doctor

Torn muscles or maybe hernia

Hey momma just here to say you may wanna schedule the appointment ASAP I had a lump of a clot left they had to go in and get out and it was similar but luckily I caught mine within the first few weeks. I’d go get checked out.