What could be going on with my blood pressure?

I am on my second pregnancy and am 18 weeks. So far my BP has been 135/90. I know it doesn’t really count til after 20 weeks but I worry that if it’s already a bit elevated that it may keep creeping? Can that be the case?

Ya know the standard is 120/80… you’re not that elevated. And how you take your blood pressure can also give you readings that are not accurate. DONT use wrist cuffs they are garbage, take it sitting at the table sitting for about 10 mins the take it on you’re arm with little wiggle room in the cuff. Give ya a better reading

100% can be. I’m already on baby aspirin daily due to this 14 weeks

What does the doctor say?

Ask your doctor. Don’t take any medication unless it’s ordered by your Doctor. If possible keep legs elevated and rest several times a day