So I need help. My last period was November 10th and I conceived my baby around thanksgiving. According to my last period, I am 8 weeks….I had my first ultrasound today and it is showing I am 6 weeks. So technically I have been pregnant 6 weeks, but according to my last period I am 8 weeks. It’s confusing how you have to go back to your last period. They saw a yolk sac but not a baby yet. They said it’s too early, they said everything looks healthy but it’s too early and I am currently freaking out. (Idk why she put 8 weeks on there, that’s what I told her I was) but the doctor said everything seemed fine. I am just stressing out. Has anyone ever been through this? I haven’t had any spotting, nothing. I just don’t have a good feeling
I missed a cycle and this happened. Based on my last period I should have been 12 weeks at my first appointment, they did the ultrasound and I was only 8 weeks. Everything was fine, dates were just wrong, im just over 38 weeks now.
Going by your period isn’t always accurate especially if you’re ever irregular.
No doctor I know has ever gone off measurements because they fluctuate. Mine has always gone off my last period.
Speaking as a former ob nurse, this is why we wait a while for first ultrasound. This is common and we go by last me atrial period unless patient is unsure. No worries there it is normal
Both my pregnancies they did this. Based off my period I was further along but on the ultrasound I was 2-3 weeks behind what I was based on periods. Both my babies came 2-3 weeks early each time
Me! I’m currently pregnant. Based on my last period I should be about 16 weeks. But im measuring 11 weeks now. My doctor told me that since I don’t have normal cycles that I most likely ovulated later and didn’t have my actual period at that time.
Don’t worry too much - trust your team and if needed get a second opinion. But this is a normal occurrence.
My doctor went off my last period when I was pregnant with my son. Going off the measurements, my due date would’ve change at least 4 times so he just went off my last period
With my daughter my due dates date was 11/16
By the ultrasound it was 11/8
They kept at the 16th saying I might go late cause it’s my first
I gave birth 11/9
I thought I was 6 weeks but was 5. 26 weeks now and he’s perfectly healthy
My ultrasound was off by 2 weeks if we went off my period she was 1 day late lol
They told me my son was measuring two weeks behind too. He’s five months old now.
Awe congratulations. Very early ultrasound.
Late ovulation. That is what happened to me.
I had this happen and it ended up being a blighted ovum with 2 sacs hope everything is good
Happened to me, I was 11 weeks and measured 7 weeks or something like that. He’s now 3 months old.
I had a similar thing happen. They kept telling it it was too early to tell (when I was around 5-6 weeks) but my HCG kept almost tripling and my gestational sac kept getting bigger and keeping up with the weeks but was empty as in no yolk sac or fetal pole. Going off my LMP I should have been 10 weeks but I measured 7 weeks. They told me I might have ovulated late. It ended up being a blighted ovum. I was told something like that will usually only happen once.
This has happened to my relative recently.
This isn’t uncommon. You either ovulated late in your cycle or baby didn’t implant until late. It’s okay, most pregnancies measure off a week or two in either direction from LMP; that just gives an idea on dates since people don’t usually know exactly when they ovulated.
You probably ovulated late.
You are most fertile 11-14 days after your period so usually you conceive then. They just go from date of last period for a estimate date. This is why most women go in labor between 38 and 40 weeks.