What could cause a rash all over babies body?

My wee one is 7 months been off food since last Friday and hasn’t been keen on bottles his soft spot is starting to go in and is crying a lot more than usual and way more sleepy I’ve took him to the doctors and they just said to keep an eye but I feel as though he just isn’t right advice please he did also have this rash all over but it has faded


Trip to the ED. If his fontanelle is sunken he is quite likely dehydrated. He needs to be assessed.


Scarlet fever? Strep infection?

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Take bub to the ER. Sounds like an infection and he could well be dehydrated. He definitely needs to be assessed.


Don’t EVER second guess your self.

Take your baby into the ER now, Don’t wait!!


There’s obviously something wrong if he hasn’t eaten food in a week and is not wanting a bottle either. He isn’t sleeping because he is in comfortable. Please take the baby to an ER at the very least he needs fluids, his potassium is probably dangerously low too. Good luck

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Get a second opinion.

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Take your child to the emergency room. Don’t ever second guess yourself even if a doctor says everything is fine. You are mother, you know your child best, you know when something isn’t right. If the baby isn’t eating, and barely having bottles, he/she is probably dehydrated and that could be why the soft spot is sunken. Could be so many different things honestly, which is why it’s best to take the baby for a second opinion elsewhere.


Please do as others have suggested and take baby to the emergency room, when baby is off their food for so long that can mean something is up and baby will be dehydrated. NEVER ignore that mum instinct because it’s never wrong.

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She’s not replying so maybe she took the baby to the ER :innocent:

Heat rash or something his ate…or laundry detergent


Definitely take your baby to your local emergency department as soon as possible because it sounds like an infection. Trust your mother’s instinct.

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Could it be an allergic reaction to a vaccine?

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He is dehydrated for starters !

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Take them to the Dr, but it’s possible it’s a viral rash

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Dehydrated and possibly having an allergic reaction to something. Take to the emergency room and then find yourself a new doctor bc yours you have right now is lazy and ignored some serious things. Especially the soft spot.


That literally just happened to my 8 month old and it was Covid :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:rash is how I found out.

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Get a second opinion, fast! Is it hot where you are? Do you have air conditioning? Have you changed laundry soap? There are a number of things that can cause a rash. But definitely get a second opinion. Go to the ER.

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Allergy to tge kind of formula maybe or even if you are using breast milk my daughter had to stop or change her diet cause her daughter had an allergy towards that, she’s very skin sensitive and had rashes. Changed her sleeping and crying issues. Sometimes refused to drink at times.

Take baby to ER. Dehydration!!! The soft spot is a dead give away!!!


Go to a ER. Or to another doctor. Sounds dehydrated May need some Pedialyte

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take the baby to ER, please. and always take pictures of any rash . this way, the doctors can see it and diagnose better. did the baby have a fever? could be a number of things, but i would still take the baby to the er. he most likely need an iv fluids -dehydrated if not taking in much food/bottles. is he having wet diapers? keep track of that, also. i worked pediatrics most of my medical assistant days (almost 50 yrs), praying for your little one & you.


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Please take him to the hospital


Dehydration can be terrible


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Cuz you know posting on Facebook is your first answer :roll_eyes: god it’s not that difficult to see you need to take him to the hospital


Get him in for a second opinion

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Take him to a hospital immediately. Do not replace bottles with food. Formula or breast milk needs to be the main source of nutrition for the first year. You can slowly introduce solids at this age but don’t cut back on bottles.


Could be an allergy, dehydration, or heat related. Please get to a doctor immediately, just to be safe


Depends what the rash looks like

Second opinion… if it’s hot it could be a heat rash but with babies you have to act quickly cause their condition can deteriorate so quickly…


laundry soap maybe give bendryl

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Sounds like dehydration at the very least, which can be deadly. Go to ER & DEMAND IV FLUIDS IMMEDIATELY!

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Eczema maybe? If anyone in your family has it your little could have that, even if you don’t have it or your partner if it’s in the family it could come from them, possibly heat as well try giving him water as well as the milk , try giving him the milk cold as well. My kids never like warm or room temp milk once I gave it to them cold they never wanted anything else . Also maybe a second opinion if nothing seems to be helping, your babies comfort and health is always #1 so if you think something’s just not right keep seeking answers!