What could cause me to hear a pulse in my ear?

I’m not pregnant but this happens to me randomly along with a high pitched tone. It’s weird for sure.

My mom suffers from something like this. Will ask her and get back to you mama

If I wanted to follow a page for women’s medical advice I would have! WTH. If this is what you are going to post let us know the page has changed. I am personally only interested in NAIL posts. No offense to anyone else but let us know if this is what you are about now!

It’s carotid artery that runs up behind your ear. I have the same thing. Especially when my ears are plugged.

Could it be your blood pressure? I know I can hear my heart when my pressure is too high

I have allergies, and sometimes that happens to me. I’m supposed to take an allergy pill every day.

Check your blood pressure

Yes, mine does this when my blood pressure is high.

Definitely high blood pressure

Definitely high blood pressure

It could be caused by many things and not induced by motherhood. I do not have babies but I have intense ringing in the ears sometimes because I popped my eardrum as a kid. Theres many reasons, you need to go see your general doctor and they will probably refer you to an ears nose and throat doctor (ENT)

I got pulsatile tinnitus after a bad ear infection. I saw a specialist and there was nothing they could do. It’s just something I have to live with. It wasn’t related to high blood pressure, or any kind of cancerous growth, which they initially thought it may be.

I get that before I get an ear infection or upper respiratory infection. Try Advil cold and sinus. It works well for me. Best of luck. If you feel an infection is starting get a clove of garlic and cut it up to small piece’s take 3 times a day for 3 days.

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Tinnitus! I get it and it lasts for weeks to months then goes away. Comes back when I’m highly stressed.

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I have mastoiditis. I hate hearing my pulse. Its so annoying. It could be a number of things with Ear Nose or throat. First thing… Try an allergy med. If it doesn’t stop ID go back and get a referral to see an ENT!

Your Spidy sense is tingling!

I had the same but with headaches and eye pain as well. Primary care blew mw off, eye dr said my optic nerve was elevated. Specialist dx’d pseudo tumor cerebri

my wife had that its blood pressure

I have that ,Im having an angiogram next month,the neurologist is hoping to find the cause.I have a blockage in my right carotid that can’t be stented, but my pulse/heartbeat is in my left ear,so they think I have another blockage possibly in my carotid in the back of my neck.My left carotid has been stented and is doing fine

increased cereal fluid. look up Idiopathic Intercranial Hypertension - that is what causes mine to do that

Hypertension-I get that way too and this is why…

That happens to me unfortunately because I have a heart condition. My BP is fine, but my heart beats too fast which is called sinus tachycardia. I have to take beta blockers daily to control mine. The 4 cardiologists I’ve seen can’t find a cause for it thus far, but it’s easy enough to treat.

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Omgggg this happened to me when I was pregnant too! It was so weird. It did go away and I completely forgot about it till now lol.


Thats your blood pressure either its high if you’re up and moving around or just sitting down contact your doctor if it continuesthis week watch for headaches, headachesfor most mean its extremely elevated). If you’re going from a standing to a laying position in a quick motion, it could just be adjusting.

Pulsatile tinnitus. If your doctors cannot find an underlying cause such as high BP or an ear infection then you shouldnt worry too much yet but definitely lower sodium intake sometimes that is the cause and dont lay down too much. Keep your body moving as much as possible. Been going through it 7 years now on and off since last child was born. Still no cause found but it seems to hapoen the more salt I intake.

Hearing your own heartbeat in your ear is low blood iron.

Ear infection maybe? I get that when I have an ear infection or allergies

It’s your blood pressure.

Could be otoschlerosis. I still spell that wrong. I started to lose hearing in my right ear and could only hear my pulse. An ENT Doctor realized a bone in my ear had calcified. It’s meant to vibrate to detect sound. With surgery he removed it and replaced it with a titanium piece. I still have issues sometimes but its a lot better. It’s a hereditary condition and he told me pregnancies can bring it on.

I have a drumming in my ear everytime I do dishes

This happens to me when my iron is low.