What could pain in the breast be?

Mama, go get checked :exclamation:
Please ! I had breast cancer and lody both my breasts. :innocent:

If you wait too long it can spread and then your kids won’t have a chance of life with you. To give yourself and your children the greatest chance you need to go to the doctor today!!!

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Go in through the errands apply for charity care. Or call a breast cancer organization.


Go to the doctor. You won’t know what it is until you get it checked out, and the longer you wait, the worse it could be. GO.

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Go to the Dr better sooner than later after it’s spread if that’s what it is. Many hospitals have discount programs and payment plans.

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I’d get it checked with breast cancer running in your family definitely but it could possibly be an abscess

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Before you start panicking it could be a cyst but you need to go to the doctors ignoring it won’t make it go away and you need to catch it early if it is that


Did you nurse your kids,honestly i nursed my kids and there 18 and 13 and now,mine hurt horrible sometimes,to the point i just wanna scream sometimes ,but its not breast cancer,its nothing medically wrong!

Please Please go get checked. Im 39 and found a lump also behind my nipple. It did turn out to be cancer, and it doesn’t run in my family. I’m now on my last chemo and surgery is next. There are financial assistance. Don’t wait. Please.


Go to planned parenthood in your area or the nearest free health clinic. They will be able to do an exam at little to no cost. If you need more care there may be programs to help and if you don’t have a high income you may qualify for Medicare. There is nothing wrong with asking for help, including for medical bills and certainly no reason to feel ashamed. If you or your parents have worked you have already paid enough in taxes so get a little of that money back which is what happens if you qualify for “welfare”.

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Run, don’t walk, to your doctor immediately. Hospitals will set up payment plans. Think of your children, not the money . Everything works out in the end. Pray!!! Miracles do happen. I know that from experience!!!:pray::pray::pray:


Go to the doctor!!!

It will not go away. Get it checked before it gets wore/costs more. Ask your local health dept & dept of social services about income-based health care/ low or no cost medical care NOW.

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I had stage 3 breast cancer and pain was not a symptom

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Hope it’s not breast cancer

For your children, please get checked. You can go to your OB.

Scared or not you need to go to a Dr. No one here can diagnose it or tell you what it is

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It won’t go away by ignoring it as much as you don’t want to go to a Dr you must go immediately! Catch it sooner than later if it is cancer!

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Go to dr! Especially for those reasons. Catch it early!

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l get paid over $ 130 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 16995 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.


Sounds like a cyst but see a doctor!!

better get it checked could be your hart

Apply for medi-cal online

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You need to see a doctor. It could be nothing, Keep you in my prayers​:pray::pray:

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Go to the doctor. My breast cancer was painless. You won’t know until you see the doctor.

A cyst can be super painful

Two most likely: blocked duct or a cyst. But Planned Parenthood is your friend. They can help.

Look into belks cares

Go to the doc asap… Scared or not. Go get it check.

Cyst but go check out at urgent care

Hey breast cancer is usually a painless lump, could easily be a cyst, best off getting checked asap for your own sanity. My mum had breast cancer now I get checked every year


Go to the doctor and get it checked out.

You should make an appointment with your area’s Planned Parenthood location, unless they have walk-in availability. If you don’t have insurance, your out of pocket cost would be decided based upon your income. There is a lump, they’ll likely attempt to clear it up with antibiotics and if that doesn’t resolve, they’ll likely have you do a mammogram. Based upon the mammograms findings, they may tell you you need a biopsy. At which point, Planned Parenthood will automatically send information to your DHS office, and get you signed up for your state’s Breast and Cervical Cancer program, which is basically your state’s straight medicaid.


Get your ass to the doctor and get this looked at. Your area that you live in probably has Medicade or something similar. Please, please, PLEASE don’t waste any more time. Get to the doctor or ER if that’s where you have to start. But get it taken care of.

You need to get it checked out, but when I was a teenager I had an infection in my right boob that caused a decent size lump inside and it hurt. It went away after I started antibiotics.

Ignoring it won’t make it go away. If you catch it early there’s a good chance you’ll be fine.


No advice but please please get checked xx

Could just be a cyst. Always get checked out.

Are you for real? Go to the doctor. They will except payments. Apply for medicaid. My daughter and I have both had breast cancer. Don’t wait.

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $25642 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE… https://onlinehomejobbiz47.neocities.org/

How will your children survive if you neglect this and it spreads through your whole body and you die?? Get yourself to the doctor immediately.

Sometimes it’s caffeine. Don’t cancer is typically painless.

It could be a cyst. It still needs to come out. Go to a doctor.

See if your state has Medicaid specificly for breast and cervical cancer. I know New Mexico does, if it weren’t for that card I wouldn’t have been able have had my treatments.

There are A LOT of things it might be. Breast cancer rarely presents with pain as the first symptom, but rarely doesn’t mean never. You need to get it checked out. Call your primary doctor or the health department. There are a lot of cost reduced or free options for screening now.

Like you said - your kids need you. Be proactive in making sure you’re healthy. Bills will always be there, but TIME won’t!


Get to a Dr now, ask them to help you sign up for government help


You need to get yourself checked as soon as possible…my mother had it but she survived because of early diagnosis…do not waste time and go see a Dr

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  1. Generally breast cancer does NOT hurt, so relax a little. Could be a benign cyst, blocked duct, infection. All fairly simple fixes.

  2. Ask the hospital for charity case treatment. You may not have to pay or pay very little. As others have said, Planned Parenthood or free clinics could help you at no or low cost also. Check into Obamacare it’s sliding scale so government health insurance should be within reach for you. Go to Healthcare.gov for info & rates. It will also tell you if you’re eligible for Medicaid, which would solve your problem also. Recently passed legislation closed some of the loopholes in Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act), so should be even better for you.

  3. If you do need to incur major expenses, again, ask about charity funds and payment plans, start a Go Fund Me page, use your newly signed up for Obamacare insurance, do whatever you have to to get well. Call the local homeless shelter or a social worker at a local agency to investigate more options for needed medical care. There are probably resources and charities you never thought of.

  4. Once you are better or completely well, look for ways you can increase your income, reduce expenses, and take advantage of county and state resources. There may be subsidized training programs available for better paying jobs in STEM fields, for example. Computer and health care people in certain specialties, and truck drivers are all in high demand and pay good money.

Worry doesn’t help, just keep asking people for ideas and assistance and you will get there. Sending good vibes and positive chi that this turns out to be something minor that is easily and inexpensively fixed. Good luck & keep us posted.


Plz get checked out…just to be safe :pray::heart:

The sooner you go the better your going to be if it is something serious. Life is far more important than debt. There are organizations and other ways to help pay medical expenses.

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You must get checked!!! The sooner the better!! A lot of places have ways of helping with medical bills. Like you said your kids need you!

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Contact “every woman counts” for a referral for a mammogram

By any chance are you breast feeding at all? If so it could be Mastitis which I have experienced and is extremely painful. Still requires a Doctors visit for Rx you will need antibiotics if that is the case . If not please go to the Doctor as you stated breast cancer running in family. You shouldn’t chance not knowing until it’s too late. If you go now you might be able to get treatment .

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I hope you get it figured out because that is scary for sure. Xox

Don’t be stupid ! GO TO THE DOCTOR !! Better to find out if it is or isn’t now !! There are organizations to help with bills if it is. You kids can’t live without you so don’t put it off !!


First off, ask yourself…
Did you breastfeeding your baby.
Did you raise your babies timing the days and moments
Did you give your babies a certain number of square meals a day and put a pin in it to post the day ?
Then you’ve done that part of your job and don’t let the Dr mess with your nipples.

Your kids needs you. Put yourself first, the bills can wait

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l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $29594 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE… https://onlinehomejobbiz51.neocities.org/

Omg women get your behind to the Doctor’s ASAP you have kids that NEED you. Not sure what state you are in, in California you can call 211 information and they can prove you with numbers of free clinics that do screening. Shit if illegals and refugees get everything for free why can’t you just saying. Use the system that’s why we pay taxes for those who really are in need. I wish you luck.

Go to the Dr asap. Think of your kids. The sooner it’s sorted, the less likely it will be serious/untreatable. Fingers crossed for you.


The sooner they catch cancer the better your odds are. Go to the doc. On a side note my aunt used to get caffeine deposits in her breaststroke. Always had them checked. Until one day one was cancer. You can never know without testing

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Go get a mammogram!!! Now please

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They can do so much more for you now

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Get thee to a doctor immediately!


l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $13174 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE… https://onlinehomejobbiz55.neocities.org/

The Susan G Koman Foundation helped my mother in law. They provide free screening and mammograms, helped with the medical bills and even paid for her wig and headwraps


Let’s take just one step at a time.
Book your appointment in with your GYN, this very minute please…We can walk through fire for our children by the Grace of God…positive vibes and prayers are with you. :heart:

Well sis you get punched or fall into something hard that’s causing pain? Go to the doctor. Surely your town has a low income assistance place that has a sliding scale fee. You can’t wait around especially if you have it in your family.

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I’ve been told cancer doesn’t hurt. Its probably a cist. Go to the dr asap


Cancer wouldn’t hurt. I had the same thing happen and it’s an abscess but it will get bigger so you need to go get it looked at and get put on antibiotics.


The pain will get worse most likely and it’s probably like a boil inside your breast. I had this occur and I couldn’t take the pain anymore, felt like electricity and that I was being shocked. Had mammogram and ultrasound but ended up with a prescription of antibiotics. And it went away for a while.

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Not sure where you live but check and see if county has clinics to cover this. Call free clinics to see what they can do. Call health dept. There may be programs out there to help cover you. You can’t afford to ignore this. Good luck and GOD bless you.

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Go to the doctor. It runs in your family and that’s what you should be getting checked for annually


Go get checked NOW - if not for you - for your kids. There are resources in every state- federal, state and county services. You are playing with fire - young one. It may not be cancer it maybe a cysts or a plugged/ impacted gland. We can not tell you definitely- only a Doctor can. Go get checked!!!

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There are hospitals that take low income people. Don’t delay. Your are needed for your children. :pray:

You should always get it checked out. I had pain in my breast once and was told that if it were cancer, it wouldn’t hurt. Turned out to be a blocked milk duct - 3 years after breastfeeding 🤷.

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Speak with the Cancer Society. I am sure they will help you. Don’t wait.

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Could be just a cyst!

I agree. Speak with the Cancer Society. Surely they’ll know of resources to help you. You need to get checked right away.

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This is why American needs free medical


I heard that planned Parenthood gives free mammograms…

I had this also. It is probably a blocked milk duct. Go ASAP to the Doctor. You will need antibiotics. If it is too late for that it will need to be drained of the poison and hot compresses a few times per day. It is not fun but will heal. Go now and get it taken care of. You’ll be OK.


Do you breast feed if you it could be swollen. If not go to the low income clinic they really help if you don’t have money they usually don’t charge

Two words: Charity Care
Ask for this when you go to the hospital to get this check out asap. I am a breast cancer survivor thanks for having detected early

Local health department should do woman checkups. This includes breast exams.

Where is Obama care???

Could also be that your milk duct are clogged

Of course it’s scary! And we always kind of Hope it’ll just go away. However, if you know it’s there, yes the bills might add up but your life is way more important. Jesus Christ in the sooner you go the better of the results!

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Go get checked…. Don’t play with your health


Your kids need you. Get it checked out. Prayers for you


Go see a doctor. All things are possible but you have to know. Might be something easily resolved!,

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As a survivor…take care of it early since you say your kids can’t survive without you! The cancer center I go to has a funds program for people with no insurance…look into it around your area!!! SOON!

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Go to the health department. They have a sliding pay scale.

I have something similar and it’s cysts. I went to a surgeon and he told me to cut back on caffeine and it will help the pain. With that said… you should really go get it checked out. Especially with the family history. Your kids need their mama alive.

Could be a few things. But chances are if its painful its not Cancer. I had a lipoma and it was painful. Was removed and nothing malicious. Could be a blocked milk duct. Even if you are not breast feeding they still function. My kids are 11 and I still get the odd drop. Please get checked nonetheless. :heart:

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calcification could be the culprit. Best to check with a doctor.

I was told that if lump is sore - you can get it checked but more likely nothing to worry about. It’s the sneaky ones that do not cause pain you should worry about.

If you have had any latest v-s, then get your bloods and heart checked as the blood clots are very serious side effect for these new medications.

Go to the damn doctor I understand you don’t have insurance and you can’t afford it etc etc but your health and life are important and you just said your kids need you so go to the damn doctor find out what’s going on with you

You need to get in there…

Get checked, it is probably nothing but it’s good to check anyway.